strong>ArgoCon [clear filter]
Tuesday, November 12

9:45am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: How I've Become a Certified Argo Project Associate and How You Can Too! - Al-Hussein Hameed Jasim, Tetra Pak
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am MST
The Argo Project, an open-source, container-native workflow engine tailored for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes, is a highly sought-after skill as organizations increasingly adopt cloud native computing. In response to the growing demand, the CNCF has recently introduced the all-new certification, Certified Argo Project Associate (CAPA), specifically designed to validate a candidate's knowledge in the Argo Project ecosystem. In this talk, Al-Hussein shares his firsthand experience of successfully preparing for and passing the CAPA certification exam. You will get an insider's look at his preparation strategy, practical tips, and a curated selection of resources that helped him most, including official thought out documentation.
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Al-Hussein Hameed Jasim

DevOps Engineer, Tetra Pak
Al-Hussein is a DevOps engineer who loves all things cloud native. Al-Hussein holds three M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, majoring in Pervasive Computing and Communications for Sustainable Development from the University of Lorraine, Lappeenranta University of Technology... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

10:40am MST

Building a Cutting-Edge Kubernetes Internal Developer Platform at NVIDIA - Carlos Santana, AWS & Feng Zhou, Nvidia Corp
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
NVIDIA has embarked on an innovative journey to streamline their Kubernetes operations by leveraging the power of Python CDK, GitOps, and various cutting-edge tools. In this session, we will explore why NVIDIA chose Python CDK as their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool for creating EKS clusters We will examine the implementation of a GitOps mechanism for EKS Fleet Management using ArgoCD ApplicationSets, known as the GitOps-Bridge for Addons. Learn how NVIDIA is onboarding application teams through GitOps, managing Tenant/Namespace ArgoCD Projects, and utilizing Helm Charts for application delivery and centralizing application Helm Charts. The talk will cover the integration of External Secret Operator (ESO) with Vault for secrets management, and how teams are onboarded with GitOps for secure secret management. Additionally, we'll discuss NVIDIA's ongoing experiments with GitOps for AWS Infrastructure using Crossplane, and their future plans to implement Backstage.
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Carlos Santana

Sr. Kubernetes Specialist SA, AWS
Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS leading Container solutions in the Worldwide Application Modernization GTM team. He is experienced in distributed application architecture, emerging technologies, open source, serverless, gitops, devops. He is a contributor to CNCF projects... Read More →
avatar for Feng Zhou

Feng Zhou

Sr Staff Engineer, Nvidia Corp
Dr Feng Zhou has over 25 years experience in IT industry working with a broad range of technologies in infrastructure and cloud computing. His latest journey is helping Nvidia to manage network and AI application deployment in cloud environments including AWS/Azure and other clouds... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

10:40am MST

Dog Food Delight: How Argo Workflows Eats Its Own CI - Denise Schannon, Loft Labs & Tim Collins, Pipekit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Upstream, Argo Workflow’s CI uses Github Actions. In a true "eating our own dog food" moment, we embarked on a journey to migrate Argo Workflows CI to Argo Workflows itself on our local fork.

Our goals were:
- Boost Efficiency & Reliability: Streamline CI processes for faster development cycles.
- Fork Power: Enable quicker patch releases on our Argo Workflows fork.
- Real-World Inspiration: Provide a practical CI example for Argo Workflows users.

Dive deeper with us:
- Uncover the journey involved in migrating from GitHub Actions to Argo Workflows.
- Explore the challenges and solutions of running Kubernetes inside Kubernetes.
- Learn how we tackled various technical hurdles encountered during the migration.
- Discover the performance, cost, and reliability gains achieved through this self-hosted CI solution.
avatar for Tim Collins

Tim Collins

Staff Infrastructure Engineer, Pipekit
Tim is a Staff Infrastructure Engineer at Pipekit, a control plane for Argo Workflows that enables massive data pipelines in minutes, saving engineering time and cloud spend. He has a keen interest in open source technologies and is an active member of the Argo community, often found... Read More →
avatar for Denise Schannon

Denise Schannon

VP of Engineering, Loft Labs
Denise Schannon, VP of Engineering at Loft Labs, is a seasoned engineering and product management leader, specializing in developing open-source software for start-up environments. She excels in scaling engineering teams, delivering superior products, and making Kubernetes more accessible... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

11:15am MST

Enhancing Compliance and Safety with Argo CD Ephemeral Access - Leonardo Luz Almeida & Vijay Agrawal, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
The Argo CD UI is renowned for its powerful capabilities, but granting users full-time control over applications in production environments can present significant risks. Direct mutations from the UI can disrupt GitOps practices and induce state drift, making issues difficult to debug. In this talk, we will delve into the challenges posed by Argo CD UI's powerful features and how we are addressing them to ensure safer and more compliant operations at scale. We will introduce a new Argo CD extension that enables ephemeral UI access, aimed at reducing risk, improving change management tracking, and minimizing Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR). This extension also enables integration with various compliance requirements, such as change request creation. Join us to learn how to effectively manage Argo CD UI capabilities while enhancing safety and compliance.
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Vijay Agrawal

Group Engineering Manager, Intuit
Vijay Agrawal is a Group Engineering Manager responsible for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) across all of Intuit's flagship products, including QuickBooks, TurboTax, and Mint. Vijay has been an engineering leader in several successful startups and enterprises... Read More →
avatar for Leonardo Luz Almeida

Leonardo Luz Almeida

Staff Software Developer, Intuit
Leo is a staff member of the core Argo team at Intuit responsible for improving and operating Argo CD and Argo Rollouts in the company. He is an active Argo maintainer sharing his time between open-source and internal development. Leo is passionate about native cloud applications... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

12:40pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Enabling Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Argo Workflows - Ashlyn Chapman, Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
IT departments adopt hybrid cloud strategies to leverage the strengths of multiple public clouds like AWS, GCP, and Azure, while also maintaining private on-prem solutions to meet stringent security and regulatory compliance requirements. The challenge, however, lies in managing these diverse infrastructures consistently and efficiently. Complex hybrid environments leads to increased operational costs, security vulnerabilities, and a tangled web of provider-specific management tools that can overwhelm even the most seasoned IT teams. Support becomes fragmented, and the promise of a seamless, agile infrastructure seems out of reach. This session will explore how Argo Workflows can serve as the linchpin in a cloud-agnostic infrastructure strategy, enabling teams to manage resources across platforms and providers with unparalleled ease.
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Ashlyn Chapman

Software Engineer, Cisco
Ashlyn Chapman is a software engineer with a strong background in cloud infrastructure and DevOps. She is committed to reducing resource utilization, improving security, and enhancing deployment efficiency. Adept at collaborating across teams to drive impactful solutions, resulting... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

12:40pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Faster Deployments at PepsiCo with Self-Service Continuous Delivery Using the App of Apps Pattern - Chaitanya G & Prasanti Kadiyala, PepsiCo
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
At PepsiCo, we are committed to enhancing efficiency and developer experience by continuously reviewing our processes and systems. As part of streamlining our deployment workflows, we transitioned to the GitOps methodology and adopted ArgoCD, a powerful GitOps tool with a feature-rich web UI that facilitates intuitive management of deployments, rollbacks, and application health. By leveraging ArgoCD's App of Apps pattern, we could define a bootstrapper Application, enabling the automation of application deployment. This approach allowed us to achieve self-service Continuous Delivery, empowering teams to independently manage their deployments while maintaining centralized control and visibility. Join us, as we share some of the challenges, including managing dependencies, configuring environments and ensuring consistency across deployments. Additionally, we will highlight the strategies and best practices, including the implementation of App of Apps pattern and the integration of Helm.
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Chaitanya G

Manager, PepsiCo
With 15 years of extensive experience in the IT industry, I serve as the DevSecOps lead at PepsiCo, spearheading the holistic development and implementation of DevOps, GitOps, and Agile strategies within the organization.
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Prasanti Kadiyala

Sr Analyst, PepsiCo
A seasoned DevOps engineer with over 10 years of experience in the IT industry, with deep understanding of cloud computing, containerization, and infrastructure as code, with a particular focus on Kubernetes and GitOps. Started my career as a .NET developer, where I gained a solid... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

1:40pm MST

GitOps Safety: Rendering Accurate ArgoCD Diffs Directly on Pull Requests - Dag Bjerre Andersen, Doubble & Regina Voloshin, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:40pm - 2:05pm MST
As organizations increasingly adopt GitOps and infrastructure-as-code, accurately visualizing manifest changes before they merge has become crucial. Mentally parsing Helm templates and Kustomize patches is too unreliable for catching configuration errors. Join us as we review the current landscape of tools and methods used for visualizing code changes in Argo CD, highlight their limitations, and introduce a new method that leverages ephemeral clusters and Argo CD to render accurate diffs of Helm Charts and Kustomize overlays directly on pull requests. The presentation showcases a tool illustrating this new approach and discusses its overall design. We will demonstrate how the approach can be seamlessly integrated into CI/CD pipelines to prevent deployment errors and streamline code reviews, all without access to live infrastructure. Finally, we'll conclude with an honest assessment of the method's capabilities and limitations and discuss potential areas for future development.
avatar for Regina Voloshin

Regina Voloshin

OSS Tech Lead, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Regina is a GitOps fan. She is also an ArgoCD contributor and a CNCF Ambassador.
avatar for Dag Bjerre Andersen

Dag Bjerre Andersen

Infrastructure Engineer, Doubble
Dag is an Infrastructure Engineer at Doubble. He is passionate about nearly everything related to Kubernetes and has worked extensively with Argo CD, Flux, and Kubernetes over the past few years
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:40pm - 2:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

2:45pm MST

Secure ArgoCD Multi-Cluster Management Across Clouds Without Static Tokens - Marc Boorshtein, Tremolo Security, Inc.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
ArgoCD has the capability to manage more then one cluster, the question is how to securely connect to those remote clusters? This session will explore how to securely connect your remote clusters, regardless of if they're cloud managed or on-prem, using ArgoCD's own native Kubernetes identity through a token exchange to get an identity for that remote cluster. We'll start with the challenge of connecting to remote clusters securely, detail how token exchange works, then walk through updating the ArgoCD container with custom tools, creating Secrets to represent remote clusters, and ApplicationSets to generate the Application without any static tokens. The session will demo management of cloud hosted clusters, on-prem clusters, and clusters that support Kubernetes' beta of AuthenticationConfiguration in 1.30. By the end of this session you'll see where the configuration points are in ArgoCD to secure your GitOps infrastructure without relying on a single cloud provider's IAM.
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Marc Boorshtein

CTO, Tremolo Security, Inc.
Marc is the CTO of Tremolo Security, building open source identity and DevOps solutions in use by US civilian federal agencies, large financial services institutions, and local governments. Prior to starting Tremolo Security, Marc spent over a decade building identity infrastructure... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

2:45pm MST

Taming the Chaos: Fine-Grained RBAC in Argo CD for Incident Avoidance - Katie Lamkin-Fulsher & Alexandre Gaudreault, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
Incidents caused by accidental actions can have far-reaching consequences. At Intuit, developers encountered a series of such incidents due to unintended actions performed through the Argo CD UI, including deletion of Replica Sets and Argo Rollouts. To prevent these types of unintended actions, we extended the current RBAC system to implement fine-grained policies. With this policy model, developers can now make changes with confidence, free from the fear of inadvertently impacting production systems. In this talk, we will delve into the intricacies of our journey, the strategies we employed to accomplish our goals, the future of Argo CD RBAC and what is yet to come. Join us as we explore the transformative power of fine-grained permissioning in preventing incidents and cultivating a culture of secure development.
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Alexandre Gaudreault

Software Developer & Argo CD Maintainer, Intuit
Alexandre is a Senior Software Developer at Intuit working on the core Argo team. He is a maintainer of the CNCF-graduated project Argo CD. He thrives on building internal developer platforms using open-source technologies to increase development velocity. Outside of work, you may... Read More →
avatar for Katie Lamkin

Katie Lamkin

Sr Product Manager of Platform and Open Source, Intuit
Katie Lamkin is a Sr Product Manager of Platform and Open Source at Intuit, who works with application development teams to achieve operational excellence through CICD platforms and progressive delivery strategies. Katie has been a Cloud Architect and held Engineering Management positions... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

3:20pm MST

Whoops! How Not to Accidentally Delete Everything. - Dan Garfield, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
With the right setup, you can bootstrap everything using Argo CD and good GitOps practices. With that power comes the ability to delete everything at once too! In this talk we’ll do a deep dive into how app deletion works in Argo CD and real scenarios on how teams have accidentally deleted a lot more than they planned. In the worst cases, items permanently stuck in deletion can prevent recovery. We’ll set finalizers, change deletion propagation and break the application set controller to create cascading failures and, better yet, show you how to avoid accidents. Every admin and Argo CD user should attend this talk.
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Dan Garfield

Chief Open Source Officer, Codefresh
Dan Garfield is the Co-founder and Chief Open Source Officer of Codefresh, a CI/CD platform powered by GitOps and Argo. As an Argo Maintainer, he works parmiarily on Argo CD and Argo Rollouts. He helped create the GitOps Working Group and Open GitOps Principles. He helped create the... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

3:55pm MST

Bridge the Gap Between Terraform and GitOps - Junze Bao & Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
In modern cloud-native environments, GitOps practitioners face a significant challenge: managing dynamically generated resource values across Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform and Kubernetes manifests. This disconnect often leads to manual interventions, hard-coded values, and cumbersome update processes that compromise the efficiency and security of GitOps workflows. This talk introduces the Terraform Bridge, an innovative solution to seamlessly integrate dynamically generated cloud resource attributes with Kubernetes resources. We present a novel controller that leverages Terraform's output feature to automatically update Kubernetes objects such as ConfigMaps and Deployments. This approach eliminates the need for manual updates and hard-coding of sensitive or randomly generated values, thereby enhancing both security and automation in GitOps pipelines.
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Junze Bao

Site Reliability Engineer, Akuity
Junze is a site reliability engineer at akuity.io.
avatar for Alexander Matyushentsev

Alexander Matyushentsev

Co-founder and Chief Architect, Akuity
Argo Co-Creator, Argo CD Lead, and maintainer. Energetic and passionate software engineer with over a decade of software development experience. I'm an enthusiast of continuous integration, agile environments, and a huge open-source believer. Core contributor and maintainer of http://argoproj.io... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

3:55pm MST

Ephemeral Environment Practices - the Good, Bad, and Ugly - Luke Philips & David Grizzanti, The New York Times
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-native technologies, ephemeral environments have become critical for testing, development, and continuous integration. These temporary environments provide advantages like increased developer productivity, isolation, and scalability, but they also present challenges.

In this session, we’ll explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of ephemeral environment practices:
  • The Good: Enhancing CI/CD pipelines, improving productivity, and providing robust testing environments. 
  • The Bad: Managing state, ensuring consistency, and handling resource constraints.
  • The Ugly: Real-world failures and lessons learned, including using the Argo Pull Request generator and implementing ephemeral environments at scale.
We’ll demonstrate best practices for leveraging Argo CD to manage ephemeral environments, automate creation and teardown, use ApplicationSets and GitOps workflows for consistency, and integrate ephemeral environments into your deployment strategy.
avatar for David Grizzanti

David Grizzanti

Principal Engineer, The New York Times
David Grizzanti is a Principal Engineer at The New York Times focused on improving developer productivity by enabling engineering teams to more effectively build, test, and deploy software. Previously he was a Distinguished Engineer at Comcast, where he oversaw the development of... Read More →
avatar for Luke Philips

Luke Philips

Staff Software Engineer, The New York Times Company
Luke Philips is a Staff Engineer and Software A̶r̶c̶h̶i̶t̶e̶c̶t̶ Custodian with The New York Times Company. Trying to sweep together the best ideas from all sources. Previously a long career in Telecom, at Charter, CenturyLink, and Level 3 Communications. With a mixed focus... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Global Tenant Management Using Argo - Alex Van Boxel, Collibra
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
For the Collibra data intelligence platform, a tenant is a combination of applications provisioned on a mixture of virtual machines and single—and multi-tenant Kubernetes services. This combination makes tenant lifecycle management non-trivial. In this session, we’ll explore using Argo Events, Workflows, and CD to build a global tenant management system. The system supports tenant lifecycle events like create, update, suspend, backup, and restore across various application types and infrastructure without exposing Argo-specific constructs to the application teams. This abstraction, called bridged workflows, allows teams to hook into the lifecycles in a simple Kubernetes native way, providing operations and developers the same simple participation in the global tenant management lifecycle. The case study will give you ideas for building a global tenant management system using the Argo suite.
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Alex Van Boxel

Principal Systems Architect, Collibra
Alex Van Boxel is a Principal System Architect at Collibra. With an engineering background in R&D at Alcatel-Lucent, Progress Software, and Veepee, he loves to focus on the fundamental building blocks of the software industry. That means reading, understanding, and contributing to... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Ranking Argo CD Settings in a Tier List - Gerald Nunn, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Argo CD has a lot of settings and this has only proliferated in each new release of Argo CD. Some settings and values are universally useful and should always be enabled while others are only needed for very specific niche use cases. In this talk we will review many of these settings and values using the always fun and informative concept of the Tier List. Tiers for the settings/values include “Make this the default”, “Almost always useful”, “Good in places”, “Meh?” and finally “Nobody needs this”. Audience participation will be encouraged in this session with audience members helping to rank settings and values by show of hands.
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Gerald Nunn

GitOps Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat
Gerald Nunn is the GitOps Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat, in this role he evangilizes GitOps and assists Red Hat customers with their GitOps journey. Gerald lives in Victoria, BC with his wife, son and three slightly annoying cats.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: How GitOps Changes Identity and RBAC Management - Alice Jones, Liatrio
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
ArgoCD pulls and applies resources from Git repositories, CI/CD pipelines act based on events emitted by repositories, and developers interact with and debug the resources managed by both. Unfortunately, GitOps controllers, CI/CD pipelines, and developers all have different identities and different RBAC models. How can we find harmony in these approaches and effectively manage permissions across them? We’ll show how we’re using OAuth2-Token Exchange (RFC 8693) with Dex and GitHub Teams with ArgoCD AppProjects to provide consistent permissions to repositories, people, and CI pipelines with just OIDC. We also show how we designed a just-in-time RBAC approach by programmatically managing the ArgoCD AppProjects based on the repository manifests.
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Alice Jones

Lead DevOps Engineer, Liatrio
Alice Jones is a Lead DevOps Engineer at Liatrio, where she leads the company's internal Kubernetes platform team.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

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