eBay's cloud consists of thousands of microservices running on millions of containers across hundreds of Kubernetes clusters. In this dynamic & complex cloud environment, mapping dependencies between microservices is crucial. This session delves into how eBay innovatively and scalably uses Cilium, powered by eBPF, to monitor traffic flows, generate real-time traffic events and construct a comprehensive dependency graph of microservice interactions across hundreds of K8s clusters.
The presentation will cover:
- The innovative use of eBPF and Cilium to monitor traffic events in near real-time
- How traffic events are mapped to different microservices
- The architecture and design of the scalable solution to handle the large volume data
- The integration of OpenTelemetry for efficient traffic event stream processing
- Key challenges and solutions in building and maintaining the dependency graph
- Insights and lessons learned from integrating eBPF and Cilium into eBay’s infrastructure