Monday, November 11

9:00am MST

WasmCon Day 1
Monday November 11, 2024 9:00am - 5:30pm MST
WasmCon schedule is LIVE!

WasmCon is the premier conference for technical developers and users interested in exploring the potential of WebAssembly. This two-day event will bring together leading experts, developers, and users from across the Wasm community.  To learn more please visit the event's website.

For questions regarding this event, please contact events@linuxfoundation.org.
Monday November 11, 2024 9:00am - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355
Tuesday, November 12

9:00am MST

AppDeveloperCon | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

9:00am MST

ArgoCon | Welcome + Opening Remarks - Pratik Wadher, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
avatar for Pratik Wadher

Pratik Wadher

SVP, Development Services & Experiences (DevX), Intuit
Pratik Wadher is Senior Vice President of Product Development at Intuit with responsibility for Development Services and Experiences, including the cloud-native Modern SaaS AIR platform that powers the company's financial products and services, which serve more than 100 million customers... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F

9:00am MST

BackstageCon | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

9:00am MST

Cilium + eBPF Day | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day

9:00am MST

9:00am MST

Cloud Native University | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B
  Cloud Native University

9:00am MST

Data on Kubernetes Day | Welcome + Opening Remarks: Kubernetes and DoK: The Next 10 Years - Melissa Logan, Constantia & Adam Durr, Starbucks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
avatar for Melissa Logan

Melissa Logan

CEO, Constantia
Melissa Logan has worked in tech for 24 years and is currently director of the Data on Kubernetes and Data Mesh Learning communities, and founder of Constantia.io - a tech community and communications company. Constantia works with data and open source companies to provide marketing... Read More →
avatar for Adam Durr

Adam Durr

Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B
  Data on Kubernetes Day

9:00am MST

EnvoyCon | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

9:00am MST

Observability Day | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF
  Observability Day

9:00am MST

OpenFeature Summit | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenFeature Summit

9:00am MST

Platform Engineering Day | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 9:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI
  Platform Engineering Day

9:00am MST

WasmCon Day 2
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 5:30pm MST
WasmCon schedule is LIVE!

WasmCon is the premier conference for technical developers and users interested in exploring the potential of WebAssembly. This two-day event will bring together leading experts, developers, and users from across the Wasm community.  To learn more please visit the event's website.

For questions regarding this event, please contact events@linuxfoundation.org.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:00am - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355

9:10am MST

Platform Working Group Update
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:20am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:20am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI
  Platform Engineering Day

9:10am MST

The Power of Apache Pulsar. Harnessing Dapr to Build High Scale Messaging at FICO® - Hugo Smitter, FICO
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Learn about FICO’s experience migrating from Apache Kafka to Apache Pulsar with the help of Dapr to build high scale messaging services into our platform. We cover how we harnessed Dapr for seamless, efficient, and scalable Pulsar integration.

We’ll explore:
  • An overview of the FICO® Platform and strategic business objectives. 
  • Key contributions to the Dapr community, enhancing its support for Apache Pulsar.
  • How Dapr abstracts the Pulsar client API, making it easier to build, deploy, and manage event-driven applications.
  • FICO’s experience, including benchmarks, performance metrics, and practical migration tips.

Join us to unlock the potential of Apache Pulsar with Dapr and transform your event management and processing capabilities. This session provides practical knowledge, real-world examples, and technical details on building high scale event driven services.
avatar for Hugo Smitter

Hugo Smitter

Platform Architect at FICO, FICO
Senior Enterprise and Solutions Architect with international experience in multiple industries. Track record performing leadership roles as: chief architect, solution architect, platform architect, systems integrator, information architect, delivery excellence auditor, consultant... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

9:10am MST

Argo Project Update
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

9:10am MST

How to Grow Your Internal Backstage Community with Some Open-Sauce (Source) 🍝 - Djamaile Rahamat & Mitchell Hentges, Spotify
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
You have your Backstage instance set up, the latest plugins installed, and Backstage is the hottest thing in your company. It's so popular that other teams are now eager to contribute and even develop their own plugins. Before you know it, you have a Backstage instance being worked on by multiple teams. While this is great, it also brings its own set of challenges. How do you define ownership? How do you review every pull request that comes in? How do you clean up unused dependencies, and more? Don’t worry! There are many tools in the Backstage open-source ecosystem that can help you address these issues. In this talk, we will cover additional tools from the open-source community that you can use to improve the developer experience for Backstage itself. We’ll discuss how to integrate these tools and also share how we are utilizing them at Spotify.
avatar for Mitchell Hentges

Mitchell Hentges

Senior Engineer, Spotify
As the previous Build Team Lead of of Mozilla Firefox, I have a history of focusing on developer experience and system performance. This applies smoothly to the recent improvements my team has been applying to Backstage! I'm always happy to talk about software tools, system design... Read More →
avatar for Djamaile Rahamat

Djamaile Rahamat

Software engineer, Spotify
Djamaile is a Software Engineer at Spotify, focussed on Backstage.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

9:10am MST

Confluent's Multi-Cloud Journey to Cilium: Pitfalls and Lessons Learned - Nimisha Mehta & Alvaro Aleman, Confluent
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Confluent Cloud is a data streaming platform built on thousands of Kubernetes clusters across AWS, Azure & GCP. Confluent migrated clusters to use Cilium for its advanced security features like transparent encryption and DNS name-based network policies, along with performance, scalability & observability improvements. The main challenge was executing a live migration without disrupting stateful workloads, complicated by the risks of replacing a low-level component like the CNI. The process required meticulous planning to ensure intra-cluster connectivity during migration, while accommodating each cloud provider's unique network config. This talk shares the journey of migrating to Cilium, highlighting obstacles and lessons learned. We will explore uninstalling pre-existing CNIs, setting up Cilium & addressing cloud-specific issues to maintain connectivity. Benefits like transparent encryption, policies, and Hubble observability, along with the challenges faced, will also be discussed.
avatar for Alvaro Aleman

Alvaro Aleman

Software Engineer, Confluent
Alvaro is a software engineer with a deep passion for infrastructure and open source. He has been working with Kubernetes since 2017 and is a maintainer of the popular controller-runtime library.
avatar for Nimisha Mehta

Nimisha Mehta

Software Engineer, Confluent
Nimisha is a Software Engineer working on Confluent's Kubernetes Platform team. Previously, she helped build Oracle Cloud’s managed Kubernetes service. Apart from learning about distributed systems and infrastructure, she enjoys volunteering, cycling & cooking.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Use Cases

9:10am MST

SkyRay: Seamlessly Extending KubeRay to Multi-Cluster Multi-Cloud Operation - Anne Holler, Elotl
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI applications from a laptop to a cluster. KubeRay supports the creation, deletion, and scaling of Ray clusters on K8s, along with managing Ray jobs and services on the Ray clusters. This talk introduces SkyRay, in which KubeRay is extended towards the Sky computing model via interoperation with a multi-cluster fleet manager. With SkyRay, each Ray cluster is seamlessly scheduled onto a cloud K8s cluster suited to the Ray cluster's resource needs and policy requirements. The policies can capture a variety of cluster characteristics, e.g., desired cloud provider, region, K8s version, service quality, and GPU type availability. Fleet manager policy updates can be used to trigger automatic migration of Ray clusters between K8s workload clusters. The talk presents several example use cases for SkyRay, including cluster selection for resource needs, service availability, development vs production cluster configuration, and K8s version upgrade.
avatar for Anne Holler

Anne Holler

Chief Scientist, Elotl
Anne is Chief Scientist at Elotl. She is interested in resource efficiency. She worked on Uber's Michelangelo Machine Learning platform, on Velocloud's SD-WAN management, on VMware's Distributed Resource Schedulers for servers and storage, on performance analysis for VMware, on Transmeta's... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

9:10am MST

Cloud-Native Curriculum for Diverse Student Cohorts - Zara Ahmad-Post, University of Arizona
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Much of academia is new to cloud-native computing and tooling, and many professors of cloud-native computing are building curriculum from scratch. Additionally, our diverse students have greatly varying levels of technological and academic experiences. In this talk, we’ll explore how educators can create curricula that serve diverse student cohorts while building the deep, technical skill sets required to thrive in a cloud-native world. You’ll hear from an instructor who revamped a graduate-level course on cloud computing at UArizona. We’ll discuss how the class is structured, how we've advocated in industry to make this course financially feasible, and how cloud-native computing coursework can be a differentiator for students, Universities, and the larger community. Talk attendees will leave with sample course assignments, suggestions for supplemental learning materials, and ideas for supporting students from many backgrounds while they engage in the vast world of cloud computing.
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Zara Ahmad-Post

Adjunct Professor, University of Arizona
Zara is a bridge between academia, industry, and government, having collaborated through research and development across several universities, countless companies, and representatives from U.S. federal and state departments. She is a senior security data scientist at DigitalOcean... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

9:10am MST

Bridging the DevOps to Data Divide with a Common Cloud Native Stack - Elad Hirsch, Terasky & Mey Beisaron, Forter
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Despite DevOps being the norm and best practice for software development today, many organizations still treat their data differently from code, neglecting these well-established best practices over many years. This session will challenge this outdated approach and advocate for defining better “Data as Code” strategies, emphasizing the importance of applying the same rigor and methodologies used in software development to data operations. This session will teach how to run database services as part of Kubernetes infrastructure, just like current microservices, and apply the same SDLC methodologies to data operations as we do to code management with a common cloud native stack. In this session attendees will learn how to bridge the gap with a set of powerful CNCF Tools, including managing databases in K8s, how to embrace data as code, good GitOps practices and more.
avatar for Mey Beisaron

Mey Beisaron

Senior Platform Engineer, Forter
Mey is a Senior Platform Engineer and a public speaker who brings Star Wars geekery to everything she does. As a Backend Developer, Mey has developed in multiple programming languages, including Nodejs, Python, Groovy, and her favorite, Clojure. Today Mey is a Senior Platform Engineer... Read More →
avatar for Elad Hirsch

Elad Hirsch

Tech Lead, Terasky
Elad is a Tech Lead at TeraSky CTO Office, a global provider of multi-cloud, cloud-native, and innovative IT solutions. With an experience in principal engineering positions at Agmatix, Jfrog, IDI, and Finjan Security, his primary areas of expertise revolve around software architecture... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

9:10am MST

Making Envoy Resilient to Sudden Increases in Load - Boteng Yao & Yan Avlasov, Google
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
In this session, attendees will receive an in-depth analysis of effects and ways to make Envoy resilient to sudden increases in load. An analysis of last year's industry-wide CVE HTTP/2 'Rapid Reset' DDoS attack will illustrate practical implementation of mitigation measures. The session will further describe features developed in Envoy to defend against resource starvation. This includes system-level configuration practices and recent advancements in Envoy's overload manager designed to make Envoy resilient to spiky traffic.
avatar for Yan Avlasov

Yan Avlasov

Software Engineer, Google, Inc.
Yan Avlasov is a senior maintainer of Envoy proxy with the focus on the dataplane and security. Yan works at Google, helping teams deploy Envoy based products and ensuring that Envoy and Envoy based products meet Google’s standards for safety and security.
avatar for Boteng Yao

Boteng Yao

Software Engineer, Google
Boteng is a Software Engineer at Google, working on Envoy for various products.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A
  EnvoyCon, Envoy in production case studies

9:10am MST

Observability Day Project Updates
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF
  Observability Day

9:10am MST

How to Rollout an Update for a CNI Without Breaking the World Wide Web - Reza Ramezanpour & Jen Luther Thomas, Tigera
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Project Calico is a widely adopted open-source solution known for its flexible architecture, providing robust networking and security across most cloud providers. Feature flagging is a critical step in every release for Project Calico, allowing Tigera engineers to deploy our solution without breaking the Internet. This talk will explore the importance of feature flagging within Project Calico, highlighted by the real-world case study of the Reddit Pi Day incident. We will discuss how this incident underscored the necessity of feature flagging and led to its extensive adoption in our project. Attendees will gain insights into the underlying problems that feature flagging solves on a big scale and the relevance of these practices in maintaining seamless, secure operations in diverse cloud environments. Join us to learn how Project Calico leverages feature flagging, which allows you to scroll through your favourite social services, such as Reddit!
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Reza Ramezanpour

Developer Advocate, Tigera
Reza Ramezanpour is a Developer Advocate at Project Calico where he eagerly tries to demystify the less known capabilities of open source. Throughout his professional career years in IT he has been a developer, system administrator and reverse engineer.
avatar for Jen Luther Thomas

Jen Luther Thomas

Technical Marketing Engineer, Tigera
Jen Luther Thomas is a Technical Marketing Engineer at Tigera. She has 10 years of experience in the geospatial industry and in more recent years was responsible for customer success of cloud and container deployments of enterprise ETL software. At Tigera, she is a subject matter... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:10am - 9:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

9:25am MST

Navigating the No-Code to Full-Code Spectrum - a Platform Engineering Journey - Jared Watts, Upbound & Maximilian Blatt, Accenture
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:25am - 9:50am MST
YAML is prolific in the Kubernetes ecosystem as it is the language of choice to express intent in a declarative manner. As more companies build internal developer platforms (IDPs) on Kubernetes, many have found that building for enterprise needs can reach a level of complexity of hundreds of thousands of “declarative” lines, resulting in a platform that is challenging to maintain. But we don’t have to rely solely on a no-code approach to build our platforms - there is an entire spectrum from no-code to full-code available to us. In this talk, we will explore this spectrum in depth through the lens of a platform team’s journey to build an enterprise grade infrastructure control plane on Kubernetes with Crossplane. We will share all the lessons learned starting from declarative no-code and then evolving over time to a full-code approach using Golang, as well as how this journey had a major impact on their developer experience, testing, operations, stability, and more.
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Maximilian Blatt

Crossplane Expert, Accenture
Maximilian Blatt is a Crossplane expert, platform engineer and consultant at Accenture Germany. He has mutliple years of experience working with Crossplane, Kubernetes and is maintainer of several Crossplane-related open-source projects.
avatar for Jared Watts

Jared Watts

Founding Engineer, Upbound
Jared Watts is a Founding Engineer at Upbound, where he is working on advancing cloud-native computing by enabling anyone to build their own cloud platform. He is also a co-creator of the open source Crossplane (https://crossplane.io) and Rook (https://rook.io) projects. Prior to... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:25am - 9:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

9:40am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Keeping the Show Running: Backstage Maintenance from a Platform Engineer's Lens - Paul Schultz, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:40am - 9:50am MST
For developers, Backstage is a one-stop shop for all their software development needs. But what goes on behind the scenes to keep this platform humming? This talk delves into the intricacies of maintaining Backstage as a downstream product from the eyes of a platform engineer. Explore challenges like navigating dependency minefields and battling npm issues. Discover strategies for stability, including version pinning and automated updates with Renovate. Learn the art of monitoring and fortifying against security vulnerabilities. Gain insights and tools to conquer backstage maintenance, whether you're a seasoned engineer or a curious bystander. This presentation offers a glimpse into the backstage of Backstage, equipping you with invaluable insights for smooth operations.
avatar for Paul Schultz

Paul Schultz

Software Engineer, Red Hat
Hi! I'm Paul Schultz, a Software Engineer at Red Hat. I started as an intern in 2021 and now work on open-source projects like Devfile and Backstage. As engineer for Red Hat Developer Hub (based on Backstage), I tackle maintenance challenges – dependencies, version control, automated... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:40am - 9:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

9:45am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: How I've Become a Certified Argo Project Associate and How You Can Too! - Al-Hussein Hameed Jasim, Tetra Pak
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am MST
The Argo Project, an open-source, container-native workflow engine tailored for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes, is a highly sought-after skill as organizations increasingly adopt cloud native computing. In response to the growing demand, the CNCF has recently introduced the all-new certification, Certified Argo Project Associate (CAPA), specifically designed to validate a candidate's knowledge in the Argo Project ecosystem. In this talk, Al-Hussein shares his firsthand experience of successfully preparing for and passing the CAPA certification exam. You will get an insider's look at his preparation strategy, practical tips, and a curated selection of resources that helped him most, including official thought out documentation.
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Al-Hussein Hameed Jasim

DevOps Engineer, Tetra Pak
Al-Hussein is a DevOps engineer who loves all things cloud native. Al-Hussein holds three M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, majoring in Pervasive Computing and Communications for Sustainable Development from the University of Lorraine, Lappeenranta University of Technology... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

9:45am MST

Tales from the Crypt: Application Packaging and Delivery Nightmares - Scott Rigby, Helm Maintainer & Sarah Christoff, Defense Unicorns
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Join Sarah Christoff and Scott Rigby, maintainers of widely used CNCF tools Porter and Helm, for a cringe-worthy yet enlightening journey through the dark alleys of application packaging and delivery anti-patterns. In this session, we'll delve into the spooky stories of real-world application and configuration delivery nightmares that left teams haunted by unnecessary complexity, perplexing custom code, and security skeletons in the closet. With a blend of humor and hard-learned lessons, we'll expose the ghosts of past mistakes and share the exorcism techniques that could have saved us all some sleepless nights. Whether you're a seasoned Kubernetes operator or new to the cloud-native realm, come prepared to shiver, laugh, and learn how to avoid the traps that have ensnared so many before.
avatar for Sarah Christoff

Sarah Christoff

Software Engineer, Defense Unicorns
Sarah is a software engineer at Defense Unicorns who loves making complex code more digestible. She is the self-proclaimed founder of the Leslie Lamport fan club. When she's not bugbusting, she is running her animal rescue and competing in triathlons. She believes code should be like... Read More →
avatar for Scott Rigby

Scott Rigby

Senior Cloud Solutions Architect, NASA / Navteca
Scott is an artist, engineer & dad, collaborating on a different kind of world. Into collective art, activism, therapy & open source nerdy stuff. Scott is a Cloud Native Ambassador, speaker, organizer of CNCF community events including the New York Kubernetes Meetup, and international... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

9:45am MST

Insightful Traffic Monitoring: Harnessing Cilium for Comprehensive Network Observability - Sudheendra Murthy & Adithya Yavanamanda, eBay
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
eBay's cloud consists of thousands of microservices running on millions of containers across hundreds of Kubernetes clusters. In this dynamic & complex cloud environment, mapping dependencies between microservices is crucial. This session delves into how eBay innovatively and scalably uses Cilium, powered by eBPF, to monitor traffic flows, generate real-time traffic events and construct a comprehensive dependency graph of microservice interactions across hundreds of K8s clusters.

The presentation will cover:
  • The innovative use of eBPF and Cilium to monitor traffic events in near real-time 
  • How traffic events are mapped to different microservices
  • The architecture and design of the scalable solution to handle the large volume data
  • The integration of OpenTelemetry for efficient traffic event stream processing
  • Key challenges and solutions in building and maintaining the dependency graph
  • Insights and lessons learned from integrating eBPF and Cilium into eBay’s infrastructure
avatar for Adithya Yavanamanda

Adithya Yavanamanda

Software Engineer, eBay
Software engineer interested in distributed systems, currently working on securing large scale kubernetes infrastructure at eBay Inc meandering between all layers from linux kernel to distributed control planes.
avatar for Sudheendra Murthy

Sudheendra Murthy

Principal Engineer & Cloud Architect, eBay
Sudheendra is a Principal Engineer and Cloud Architect in the Cloud Infrastructure group at eBay. He has more than 14 years of experience in cloud technologies including Kubernetes, Micro-segmentation, SDN, OpenStack and designing highly scalable and performant systems.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Use Cases

9:45am MST

Attack, Defense & Danger in the Age of AI - Shane Lawrence, Shopify
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
The transformers revolution has spurred a race between hackers looking for an edge and security teams looking for leverage, while organizations of all kinds rush to make use of this new technology with little awareness of how it works and how it could be used against them. In this talk, Shane will describe some of the ways that AI is being used by attackers, countermeasures for AI attacks, opportunities for AI to mitigate conventional attacks, and how AI-powered services might be used against their owners. He’ll show a live demo combining these concepts. Attendees will learn about the AI-related risks they face and techniques for managing those risks.
avatar for Shane Lawrence

Shane Lawrence

Senior Staff Infrastructure Security Engineer, Shopify
Shane is a Senior Staff Infrastructure Security Engineer at Shopify, where he's working on a multi-tenant platform that allows developers to securely build scalable apps and services for crafters, entrepreneurs, and businesses of all sizes.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

9:45am MST

AI Assisted Hands-on Learning - the Future of Education - Mumshad Mannambeth & Michael Forrester, Kodekloud
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
In an era where Cloud Native skills are in high demand, traditional learning methods often fall short. This session explores the transformative power of AI-assisted hands-on learning in revolutionizing Cloud Native education. We'll delve into how interactive labs have enabled us at KodeKloud to effectively teach millions of students, equipping them with practical skills in Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, and more. Discover how AI-driven interactive platforms are shaping the future of education by providing personalized, immersive, and scalable learning experiences. Join us to uncover best practices and innovative techniques that can elevate your approach to Cloud Native training, ensuring your learners are prepared for tomorrow's challenges.
avatar for Michael Forrester

Michael Forrester

Principal Trainer, Kodekloud
Michael Rishi Forrester is a principal trainer and engineer at KodeKloud with over 25 years of experience in Operations (before everyone called it DevOps) and DevOps. He specializes in designing and implementing cloud-native solutions using Kubernetes and the Cloud. With his expertise... Read More →
avatar for Mumshad Mannambeth

Mumshad Mannambeth

Founder and CEO, KodeKloud
Mumshad Mannambeth is the founder of KodeKloud, a pioneering EdTech platform dedicated to teaching Cloud Native and DevOps technologies. His approach has empowered millions of students worldwide to master essential skills in cloud native. Mumshad is committed to advancing Cloud Native... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

9:45am MST

Simplify Stream Data Processing with Declarative, Scalable K8s Native Technologies - Derek Wang & Vigith Maurice, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Stream processing and data analytics are crucial for various roles, including data engineers, platform engineers, DevOps, and many more. Simplifying real-time stream data processing while ensuring it's cost-efficient and resilient to K8s pod restarts or node upgrades remains a significant challenge. While existing stream processing solutions exist, they are often hard to manage, operationally demanding, and expensive. This presentation will share our journey in developing a generic open-source Kubernetes-native stream processing framework, it allows developers to effortlessly and quickly execute large-scale stream processing tasks without the burden of heavy and costly data processing platforms.
avatar for Vigith Maurice

Vigith Maurice

Principal Engineer, Intuit
Vigith is a co-creator of Numaproj and Principal Software Engineer for the Intuit Core Platform team in Mountain View, California. One of Vigith's current day-to-day focus areas is the various challenges in building scalable data and AIOps solutions for both batch and high-throughput... Read More →
avatar for Derek Wang

Derek Wang

Principan Software Engineer, Intuit
Derek Wang is a Principal Software Engineer working for Intuit, his main focus is on the architecture of event-driven systems, as well as streaming data processing. He is the project lead of a couple of open source projects: CNCF graduated project Argo Events, and Numaflow (a Kubernetes... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

9:45am MST

Building Zero Trust with Envoy - Florin Coras & Pradheep Shrinivasan, Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
In this talk, we will guide you through our journey of developing an enterprise-grade, multi-tenant Clientless Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) proxy using Envoy. Our proxy operates across more than 30 data centers and can handle up to 4.5 Gbps per client connection. Join us as we reflect on various topics, including the decision to choose Envoy, the advantages of running Envoy on top of VPP, the challenges of supporting over 10k upstream destinations, and the decision to move away from WASM. Finally, we will conclude the talk by discussing new use cases we are planning to implement using Envoy.
avatar for Florin Coras

Florin Coras

Sr. Technical Lead, Cisco
Florin Coras is a Senior Technical Lead at Cisco where he focuses on user space host stacks, network virtualization and programmable overlays. He has contributed to a number of open source projects including FD.io, EnvoyProxy and OpenDaylight. He is a VPP maintainer, co-developer... Read More →
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Technical Lead, Cisco
Pradheep Shrinivasan is a technical lead in Cisco currently leading the development of Zero trust network. Current interests are Zero Trust networks, Security and distributed systems.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A
  EnvoyCon, Envoy in production case studies

9:45am MST

Profiling Mastery: Decode Your Data and Elevate Observability - Frederic Branczyk, Polar Signals
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Profiling offers powerful insights, but many developers and engineers find them intimidating. This session aims to demystify profiling data, turning novices into experts.

In this talk, Frederic will cover:
  • Fundamentals of Profiling: What is profiling, and what can you gain from it? 
  • Decoding Flamegraphs: Learn how to read flamegraphs, turning raw data into actionable insights.
  • Real-World Applications: Discover how continuous profiling is revolutionizing observability within the Observability ecosystem. 
  • Hands-On Examples: Practical demonstrations of open-source profiling tools and techniques, helping you apply what you learn immediately. 
By the end of this talk, you will have the skills to make full use of profiling data, ensuring your applications run efficiently. Whether you're new to profiling or looking to refine your skills, this session will provide you with the knowledge to elevate your observability practices and become a cloud-native performance expert.
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Frederic Branczyk

Founder, Polar Signals
Frederic is the founder of Polar Signals. Before founding Polar Signals he was a senior principal engineer and main architect for all things Observability at Red Hat, joining through the CoreOS acquisition. Frederic is a Prometheus & Thanos maintainer and tenured as a tech lead for... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

9:45am MST

Test Smarter, Not Harder: QA Enhancements with OpenFeature - Meha Bhalodiya, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
In the dynamic world of software development, how do you ensure quality without compromising speed? And how OpenFeature empower QA teams to elevate their testing game? "Test Smarter, Not Harder: QA Enhancements with OpenFeature" delves into the revolutionary ways OpenFeature enhances your QA processes, allowing teams to achieve robust, bug-free releases exploring how feature flags when integrated with OpenFeature, reduce the complexity of environment management, and enable more granular control over feature deployments. Attendees will gain insights into setting up effective feature flagging strategies and leveraging OpenFeature's capabilities to minimize risk and maximize quality. Whether you're a QA engineer, developer, or project manager, this talk will equip you with the tools and knowledge to enhance your QA processes, delivering high-quality software faster and with greater confidence. Embrace the future of QA with OpenFeature and start testing smarter, not harder.
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Meha Bhalodiya

Software Quality Engineer, Red Hat
A Software Quality Engineer at Red Hat, where I work with the OpenShift Container Platform team. Apart from the full-time job, I also participate in upstream community initiatives, such as being a Branch Manager in v1.31, a CI Signal Lead in Kubernetes Release v1.28 (been a shadow... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:45am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

9:55am MST

Sponsored Keynote: The Future is Backstage: Building a Better Platform from the Framework Up - Pia Nilsson, Spotify
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:55am - 10:00am MST
Every business is now a software business…and every company is now a technology company. The world of technology has become more fragmented than ever before — with workflows distributed across tons of tools, systems, and services. Additionally, teams are now distributed, and asynchronous collaboration has become the norm.

At Spotify, we believe that teams are most effective, and happiest, when the chaos is controlled so they can focus on innovating. That’s why we open sourced Backstage in 2020, and continue to invest in its future today. With Backstage, teams can spend more time innovating and delivering value to your organization — and a lot less on the noise.

Backstage’s success in open source — and its evolution as a mission-critical tool for Spotify’s R&D teams — has shown us that there’s opportunity to make that true not only for engineering teams, but for all the folks involved in developing software across your organization. In this keynote, we’ll dive into how Spotify is investing in the future of Backstage, and leading the way toward development best practices at-large.
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Pia Nilsson

Senior Director of Engineering & Head of Platform Developer Experience, Spotify
Pia is Spotify’s Senior Director of Engineering and Head of Platform Developer Experience, working tirelessly to provide the best experience for Spotify’s developers. She started her career as a backend engineer for 14 years working across telecom, pharma, retail, banking, and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:55am - 10:00am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

9:55am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Promoting Common Standards Without Sacrificing Tenant Autonomy - Lukas Gentele, Loft Labs
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:55am - 10:00am MST
Platform engineering aims for creating golden paths and common standards across the organization but in many cases, an organization needs pioneers who push the boundaries of today's practices and investigate the unbeaten paths in order to drive innovation. With this in mind, it's important for platform builders to think about how they can create common standards without sacrificing the autonomy engineers need in order to innovate.
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Lukas Gentele

CEO, Loft Labs
Lukas Gentele is the CEO of Loft Labs, a venture-backed startup known for its open-source project vCluster, a technology for virtualizing Kubernetes. Companies such as CoreWeave, GoFundMe, Aussie Broadband, Atlan, and many others use vCluster to increase developer velocity and to... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 9:55am - 10:00am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI
  Platform Engineering Day

10:00am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Where User Experience and Open Source Thrives - Christian Hernandez, Akuity & Jacob Feldman, CoreWeave
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:00am - 10:05am MST
Akuity, founded by the co-creators of the Argo Project, is dedicated to advancing cloud-native application delivery and driving Kubernetes adoption inside organizations. Our mission is to enhance the end-to-end user experience for Platform Engineers, Application Developers, and DevOps teams alike. In the session, we wish to share our innovations and challenges we have faced during our open source journey.
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Jacob Feldman

Jacob Feldman as a long time member of the CoreWeave team works closely with customers across use cases to design and engineer solutions. Whether it's achieving incredible scale or collaborating on brand new uses for GPU compute, Jacob has been witness to customers achieving incredible... Read More →
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Christian Hernandez

Head of Community, Akuity, Inc
Christian is a well rounded technologist with experience in infrastructure engineering, systems administration, enterprise architecture, tech support, advocacy, and product management. Passionate about OpenSource and containerizing the world one application at a time. He is currently... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:00am - 10:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

10:05am MST

Sponsored Keynote: TBA, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:05am - 10:10am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:05am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

10:05am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Make Workloads, Not Infrastructure - Will Stewart, Northflank
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:05am - 10:10am MST
Developers often find themselves bogged down by configuring infrastructure and deploying clusters rather than focusing on their primary goal—delivering valuable workloads. This talk explores shifting the focus to configuring and deploying workloads rather than infrastructure.

By redirecting focus to workloads, developers can abstract away the complexities of the underlying infrastructure, allowing them to concentrate on writing code and building features. It also improves consistency and reliability, as workloads are deployed using standardized processes and best practices encoded within the platform.

This shift not only enhances productivity but also accelerates time-to-market by streamlining the development process. In a self-service way, developers can specify their requirements and let the platform handle the intricacies of resource provisioning, scaling, and maintenance. The talk will contrast a workload platform with Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) and explore how it enables “golden paths” to production for applications, databases, and jobs.

Additionally, focusing on workloads aligns better with business objectives, as it emphasizes delivering functional value rather than managing technical details. This talk will explore practical strategies for implementing this shift with Kubernetes, provide examples for facilitating workload-centric operations, and demonstrate how this abstraction enables consistency and portability across clouds.

Ultimately, adopting a workload-centric approach helps developers deliver better applications more efficiently and minimizes infrastructure toil within engineering teams.
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Will Stewart

Co-Founder and CEO, Northflank
Will is Co-founder & CEO of Northflank.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:05am - 10:10am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI
  Platform Engineering Day

10:10am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Argo is Winning Everywhere - Paul Stovell, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:10am - 10:15am MST
Just like Kubernetes, Argo is deploying and winning everywhere, in the datacenter, behind the firewall, and at the edge. In our experience, we’ve seen every kind of deployment imaginable (and some that would truly surprise you) and we’ll share patterns for success along with what we’re doing to keep Argo working securely in all these diverse use cases.
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Paul Stovell

Founder & CEO, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Paul started Octopus with his wife Sonia in 2012. In his spare time, he loves working on carpentry and DIY projects.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:10am - 10:15am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

10:10am MST

AM Break 1
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:10am - 10:30am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:10am - 10:30am MST

10:15am MST

Sponsored Keynote: eBPF: Now Turing Complete! - Liz Rice, Isovalent, now part of Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
Conway’s Game of Life is well known in computer science as a Turing complete zero-player game. In this keynote you’ll see Game of Life implemented in eBPF, and explore what this means for the evolution of eBPF as a powerful platform for infrastructure tools.
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Liz Rice

Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent, now a part of Cisco
Liz Rice is Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent, the creators of the Cilium project, and now part of Cisco. Currently on the boards of the CNCF and OpenUK, she was chair of the CNCF's Technical Oversight Committee 2019-2022, and Co-Chair of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in 2018. She... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day

10:15am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Advancing Cloud Native AI Innovation Through Open Collaboration - Yuan Tang, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
In the rapidly evolving field of AI, innovation flourishes through the open exchange of ideas, resources, and knowledge. In this keynote, we will delve into Red Hat’s journey in cloud native and AI, showcasing our community-driven efforts and initiatives that promote a culture of open collaboration within the cloud native AI ecosystem. We invite you to join us in this collaborative effort and explore opportunities to contribute to and benefit from a vibrant community.
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Yuan Tang

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Yuan is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, working on OpenShift AI. Previously, he has led AI infrastructure and platform teams at various companies. He holds leadership positions in open source projects, including Argo, Kubeflow, and Kubernetes. He's also a maintainer and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

10:15am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Collecting and Processing OTEL Data at Scale - Rob Skillington, Chronosphere
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
With the move to microservices and distributed systems, the amount of telemetry data that organizations need to collect and analyze has skyrocketed. This session will include different methods and best practices for collecting telemetry data with OpenTelemetry and Fluent Bit. In particular, we will talk about how to leverage Fluent Bit for custom processing of OpenTelemetry data at scale and a real-world use case from LinkedIn. 
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Rob Skillington

CTO & Co-Founder, Chronosphere
Rob is co-founder and CTO of Chronosphere, an observability platform built for Cloud Native. He is a distinguished engineer and open source advocate who led the metrics and monitoring team at Uber. In that role, he built M3DB, an open source time series database. Rob is a frequent... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF
  Observability Day

10:15am MST

Sponsored Keynote: Containerization – It’s Not Just for CPUs Anymore: Introducing a Kubernetes-based Serverless Platform for AI Data Applications - Nathan Goulding, Vultr
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
In the world of cloud compute multi-cloud architectures are dependent on leveraging Kubernetes as an abstraction layer for running containers across cloud compute providers.

What happens however in the world of AI native applications? Just as in the world of cloud compute we need Kubernetes as an abstraction layer to run containerized AI models across GPU providers in conjunction with running containerized application logic across CPU providers.

A new serverless cloud compute platform is needed for building and running AI native applications on Kubernetes to support portability of code and models, freedom, flexibility and choice across.
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Nathan Goulding

SVP, Engineering, Vultr
Nathan Goulding is an entrepreneurial-minded, product-focused technical leader with over 20 years of infrastructure, platform, and software as-a-service experience. As SVP, Engineering at Vultr, Nathan leads the engineering and technical product management teams. Prior to Vultr, Nathan... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:20am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI
  Platform Engineering Day

10:15am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Intro to the CNCF App Development WG - Daniel Oh & Mauricio Salatino, WG Co-Chairs
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:25am MST
We are excited to introduce the newly formed Application Development Working Group (WG) under the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for App Delivery within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Co-chaired by Mauricio Salatino, Daniel Oh, and Thomas Vitale, this WG aims to foster the growth of developers in the cloud native space. The Application Development WG was established to address the increasing need for specialized focus on cloud native application development. Our mission is to engage and support developers transitioning to or enhancing their practices within the cloud native ecosystem. This initiative is integral to the CNCF’s broader strategy of promoting cloud native technologies and fostering a vibrant, collaborative community.
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Daniel Oh

Senior Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Daniel Oh is a Java Champion and Senior Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat to evangelize developers for building cloud-native apps and serverless ob Kubernetes ecosystems. He's also contributing to various cloud open-source projects and ecosystems as a CNCF ambassador for accelerating... Read More →
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Mauricio Salatino

OSS Software Engineer, Diagrid
Mauricio works as an Open Source Software Engineer at @Diagrid, contributing to and driving initiatives for the Dapr OSS project. Mauricio also serves as a Steering Committee member for the Knative Project and Co-Leading the Knative Functions initiative. He published a book titled... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:25am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

10:15am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Mastering Myself Before Mastering Kyverno - Lessons Learned from Authoring My First Course - Atulpriya Sharma, InfraCloud Technologies
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:25am MST
They say the best way to learn is by teaching. Back in college, I was the go-to guy for my friends, breaking down complex concepts that helped them ace their exams. Little did I know that those late-night dorm sessions were preparing me for a future course author. Fast-forward to 2024, I co-authored the Mastering Kubernetes Security with Kyverno course for The Linux Foundation. It was my first time creating a cloud native course for students and professionals. In this talk, I’ll share my experience of grappling with my knowledge gaps and shed light on the process of building a course. I’ll also focus on things that I missed and learned along the way—spending countless hours building real-world hands-on examples and refining the text so that everyone can understand it. Join me in this talk to learn how to build a course, strategies for content creation, how to manage imposter syndrome, and how to deliver a great learning experience from a first-time course creator.
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Atulpriya Sharma

Senior Developer Advocate, InfraCloud Technologies
Manual tester turned developer advocate. I talk about Cloud Native, Kubernetes & DevOps to help others adopt cloud native. I also create content – blog posts, webinars – & host Twitter spaces and strongly believe in collaborative learning and growth. In addition, I'm also a CNCF... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:15am - 10:25am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

10:20am MST

Sponsored Keynote: How Intuit Uses Argo, GitOps, and AI to Boost Developer Velocity - Edward Lee, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:20am - 10:25am MST
Explore how Intuit accelerates innovation by integrating Argo, GitOps, and AI to enhance developer productivity. Our platform engineering team leverages these tools and technologies to analyze complex build and deployment logs, distilling them into concise, human-readable insights. Join us to discover how Intuit has reduced troubleshooting time by 60% and minimized build and deployment failures, empowering our developers to iterate more rapidly on code changes and pipeline modifications.
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Edward Lee

Fellow and Chief Architect of Development Platforms, Intuit
Ed is a Fellow and Chief Architect of Development Platforms at Intuit. Over the past three years, Intuit has increased its development velocity by six fold by platformizing kubernetes, observability and operational excellence, and has plans to increase it by another six fold in the... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:20am - 10:25am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

10:20am MST

AM Break 2
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:20am - 10:40am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:20am - 10:40am MST

10:25am MST

Sponsored Keynote: TBA, IBM
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:25am - 10:30am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:25am - 10:30am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF
  Observability Day

10:25am MST

AM Break 3
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:25am - 10:40am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:25am - 10:40am MST

10:30am MST

Sponsored Keynote: TBA, Heroku
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:30am - 10:35am MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:30am - 10:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

10:30am MST

Panel: Dynamic Configuration and Scaling of VPN Concentrator and Envoy SASE Proxy in Multi-Tenant Edge - Srinivasa Addepalli & Ritu Sood, Aryaka; Mrittika Ganguli, Edwin Verplanke & Jeff Shaw, Intel Corporation
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:30am - 11:05am MST
This discussion shows a framework that integrates a VPN Concentrator with Envoy-based Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) proxy, leveraging APIs for configuration and management of network functions within containers. This is designed to dynamically scale. The VPN Concentrator (VPNC) establishes secure IPSec tunnels that encapsulate data traffic, providing privacy and protection against threats. As no. of tenants or volume of traffic increases, the need for additional VPNCs, IPSec tunnels and proxies arise. The SASE proxy is a network filter at the edge, enforcing security policies, optimizing traffic flow, providing a zero-trust network access to cloud based services. Number of proxies is changed as a ratio-based scaling approach to IPSec tunnels or tenants based on metrics like : • Throughput • Latency • Error rates • Active, denied connections • Security breaches • No. of active user sessions. • No. of route changes for loadbalancing • Envoy utilization with/without optimizations

Edwin Verplanke

Network Architect, Intel
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Mrittika Ganguli

Architect, Principal Engineer, Intel Corporation
Mrittika Ganguli is a Principal Engineer and Director, Cloud Native Pathfinding in Intel’s Network and Edge Architecture (NEX OCTO) team. She has 25+ years of experience in cloud hardware and software management, network processing control and data plane, cloud orchestration, telemetry... Read More →
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Srinivasa Addepalli

CTO, Aryaka
Srini Addepalli is Aryaka's CTO with a strong background in edge computing, network security. He was instrumental in driving open-source initiatives at Intel, leading projects such as Service Mesh, cloud-native SASE framework, and Distributed HSM. With experience as a Fellow at Freescale... Read More →
avatar for Ritu Sood

Ritu Sood

Distinguished Engineer, Aryaka
Ritu Sood is a Distinguished Engineer working at Aryaka. She has over 10 years of experience in cloud-related technologies. During this time she worked and contributed on open source projects like Openstack, ODL, ONAP, Nodus and EMCO.

Jeff Shaw

Cloud Software Architect, Intel
Jeff Shaw works on packet processing at Intel.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:30am - 11:05am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

10:40am MST

Applying CloudEvents to Level up Application Communications - Vyom Yadav, Canonical & Evan Anderson, Stacklok, Inc
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Minder is an open-source project to secure software supply chains, starting with repository security. While Minder provides a gRPC API for user interactions, it also operates continuously in the background, detecting and reacting to supply chain events. In this talk, we’ll describe how this background operation evolved from ad-hoc webhooks into an asynchronous event-driven platform with multiple services. Our journey began with asynchronous flows, starting with Go channels and then using Watermill with a SQL database for events. This worked great for a single binary but had issues when sharing the database between two applications – each attempted to enforce its own schema on the shared database. The problem gets worse when trying to interoperate between languages – the Watermill library we used doesn’t support Python or NodeJS. The next step we’re undertaking is to migrate to using CloudEvents – a common schema which can be evolved independently of the specific components.
avatar for Evan Anderson

Evan Anderson

Software Engineer, Stacklok, Inc
Founder of Knative serverless project. Currently at Stacklok, previously at VMware and Google, recovering SRE.
avatar for Vyom Yadav

Vyom Yadav

CNCF Ambassador, Canonical
Vyom is a recent graduate and CNCF Ambassador working on Canonical's Security Team. His focus areas include vulnerability management, patching, and software supply chain security. Vyom has been involved in open source since his freshman year, participating in programs like Google... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

10:40am MST

Building a Cutting-Edge Kubernetes Internal Developer Platform at NVIDIA - Carlos Santana, AWS & Feng Zhou, Nvidia Corp
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
NVIDIA has embarked on an innovative journey to streamline their Kubernetes operations by leveraging the power of Python CDK, GitOps, and various cutting-edge tools. In this session, we will explore why NVIDIA chose Python CDK as their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool for creating EKS clusters We will examine the implementation of a GitOps mechanism for EKS Fleet Management using ArgoCD ApplicationSets, known as the GitOps-Bridge for Addons. Learn how NVIDIA is onboarding application teams through GitOps, managing Tenant/Namespace ArgoCD Projects, and utilizing Helm Charts for application delivery and centralizing application Helm Charts. The talk will cover the integration of External Secret Operator (ESO) with Vault for secrets management, and how teams are onboarded with GitOps for secure secret management. Additionally, we'll discuss NVIDIA's ongoing experiments with GitOps for AWS Infrastructure using Crossplane, and their future plans to implement Backstage.
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Carlos Santana

Sr. Kubernetes Specialist SA, AWS
Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS leading Container solutions in the Worldwide Application Modernization GTM team. He is experienced in distributed application architecture, emerging technologies, open source, serverless, gitops, devops. He is a contributor to CNCF projects... Read More →
avatar for Feng Zhou

Feng Zhou

Sr Staff Engineer, Nvidia Corp
Dr Feng Zhou has over 25 years experience in IT industry working with a broad range of technologies in infrastructure and cloud computing. His latest journey is helping Nvidia to manage network and AI application deployment in cloud environments including AWS/Azure and other clouds... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

10:40am MST

Dog Food Delight: How Argo Workflows Eats Its Own CI - Denise Schannon, Loft Labs & Tim Collins, Pipekit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Upstream, Argo Workflow’s CI uses Github Actions. In a true "eating our own dog food" moment, we embarked on a journey to migrate Argo Workflows CI to Argo Workflows itself on our local fork.

Our goals were:
- Boost Efficiency & Reliability: Streamline CI processes for faster development cycles.
- Fork Power: Enable quicker patch releases on our Argo Workflows fork.
- Real-World Inspiration: Provide a practical CI example for Argo Workflows users.

Dive deeper with us:
- Uncover the journey involved in migrating from GitHub Actions to Argo Workflows.
- Explore the challenges and solutions of running Kubernetes inside Kubernetes.
- Learn how we tackled various technical hurdles encountered during the migration.
- Discover the performance, cost, and reliability gains achieved through this self-hosted CI solution.
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Tim Collins

Staff Infrastructure Engineer, Pipekit
Tim is a Staff Infrastructure Engineer at Pipekit, a control plane for Argo Workflows that enables massive data pipelines in minutes, saving engineering time and cloud spend. He has a keen interest in open source technologies and is an active member of the Argo community, often found... Read More →
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Denise Schannon

VP of Engineering, Loft Labs
Denise Schannon, VP of Engineering at Loft Labs, is a seasoned engineering and product management leader, specializing in developing open-source software for start-up environments. She excels in scaling engineering teams, delivering superior products, and making Kubernetes more accessible... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

10:40am MST

Backstage in the Board Room: What Makes a Digital Portal Helpful for C-Level Executives? - Olivier Liechti, Avalia Systems
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Backstage is typically adopted by platform teams to solve engineering problems. Securing extended funding can be challenging if its broader business value is not clearly articulated. We present 2 case studies from the energy and insurance sectors where we have used Backstage to address questions from business stakeholders: Is our tech organization aligned with strategic objectives? Is our information system enabling key initiatives? Can we explain and measure how our tech teams deliver value? By driving the initiative with executive-level sponsors and extending Backstage with "business-oriented" features, we have demonstrated its value beyond an IDP platform. We share learnings from two projects, and demonstrate a set of new features: 1) the augmentation of the (static) System Model with (dynamic) concepts such as initiatives, 2) the design of a flexible measurement framework (for KPIs), and 3) the integration of Enterprise Architecture concepts and their visual representation.
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Olivier Liechti

CTO, Avalia Systems
Olivier is CTO at Avalia Systems, which he co-founded in 2016. His background is in applied research in software engineering, with a particular interest in human factors. Previously, Olivier was full professor at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland. Olivier holds... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

10:40am MST

eBPF for Creating Least Privileged Policies; What Do I Need to Know to Prepare for the Next CVEs? - Natalia Reka Ivanko & John Fastabend, Isovalent, now part of Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Least privilege is a very old concept that is well understood and already implemented in the cloud native landscape by Security Teams. It is often encountered when they deploy an application and will be asked: what privileges does this workload require? Join John and Natalia to learn how eBPF allows to implement least privileged policies by injecting code inline into the kernel and keeping the application overhead minimal! This will be a fun talk which evaluates eBPF-based least privileged policies against a list of known CVEs by showing a live demo. We will show how eBPF can be used to implement the least privileged principle by monitoring every process and system call execution, networking and file access, or even stack traces combining this data to create a known ordering and making the attacker's job immensely harder. We will finish by explaining where this technology shines and where we are continuing to improve to block the next generation of security attacks.
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Natalia Reka Ivanko

Sr. Product Manager, Isovalent, now part of Cisco
Natalia Ivanko is a Sr. Product Manager at Isovalent, and now part of Cisco, leading an eBPF-based Runtime Security Product, Tetragon. She has been  previously a Security Engineer with a strong background in Linux, Container and Cloud Security. Passionate about building things that... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Benefits of eBPF

10:40am MST

Multitenancy and Fairness at Scale with Kueue: A Case Study - Aldo Culquicondor, Google & Rajat Phull, Apple
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Developed by the Kubernetes community in collaboration with the ecosystem, Kueue augments k8s and ClusterAutoscaler to provide an E2E batch system. Kueue implements job queueing, deciding when jobs should wait and when they should start or be preempted, based on quotas and a hierarchy for sharing resources among teams. An exciting addition in the v0.7 release is fair sharing, designed to support large ML platforms serving multiple teams. Kueue allows platforms to model their teams and achieve a high utilization of resources, while sharing cost and providing equitative access to unused resources. Teams can always reclaim their guaranteed quotas via preemption. The Kueue v0.7 and the Kubernetes v1.31 releases also include performance optimizations to achieve high throughput. In this talk, you will learn about the challenges faced during design and implementation of fair sharing and preemption, about this system running in production, and the plans to support complex hierarchies.
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Aldo Culquicondor

Sr. Software Engineer, Google
Aldo is a Senior Software Engineer at Google. He works on Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine, where he contributes to kube-scheduler, the Job API and other features to support batch, AI/ML and HPC workloads. He is currently a TL at SIG Scheduling and an active member of WG Batch... Read More →
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Rajat Phull

Engineering Manager, Apple
Rajat Phull is an Engineering Manager at Apple. He works in Machine Learning Platform team with a focus on GPU resource management, and ML training orchestration at scale using Kubernetes.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

10:40am MST

Making Students Industry Ready with CNCF Ecosystem as a Catalyst - Rohit Ghumare & Nancy Chauhan, CNCF Ambassadors
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Everywhere we go, we hear layoffs, layoffs, and layoffs! Companies are looking to hire, but many students and professionals are struggling to find new jobs. So, where is the gap? The problem lies in a lack of industrial-demanded skills in the industry. We have been actively involved in the CNCF ecosystem for some years now, and it has helped us get connected worldwide and build a strong network. Sharing our knowledge with study groups, cloud-native, and AI community groups, we have also conducted webinars and online meetups to help people develop their skills. Join us in discovering the strategies for integrating CNCF projects into academic curricula, providing students with real-world experience and bridging the gap between academia and industry with us. This talk will explore the significant potential of engaging university students in open-source projects within the CNCF, offering fresh perspectives on collaboration and skill development outside of traditional Internship programs.
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Nancy Chauhan

Nancy Chauhan, Student, Independent, CNCF Ambassador
Nancy, an Engineer and CNCF Ambassador, is currently pursuing a Masters in Engineering from Cornell University. She founded the "Women in Cloud Native Community" to promote diversity and participation. Nancy organized the first cloud-native sustainability mini-conference in India... Read More →
avatar for Rohit Ghumare

Rohit Ghumare

Student, University of Leicester
I am Docker Captain and CNCF Ambassador. As a Google Developer Expert specializing in Google Cloud, I am a passionate DevOps Advocate and a dedicated Community Evangelist. I lead and nurture multiple communities across diverse platforms, fostering awareness of DevOps and Developer... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

10:40am MST

Building a Multi-Cloud Multi-Region DBaaS - George Hantzaras, MongoDB
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
As businesses increasingly operate in multi-cloud and multi-region environments, managing databases across these distributed landscapes presents unique challenges and opportunities. This presentation will provide a comprehensive guide to building a multi-cloud, multi-region Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) on Kubernetes. We will discuss strategies for deploying and managing distributed databases across multi-cluster setups that ensure high availability, data redundancy, and seamless disaster recovery. Key topics include setting up multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters, leveraging cloud-native database solutions, and automating database operations using Kubernetes Operators.
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George Peter Hantzaras

Director of Engineering, MongoDB
George is a hands-on engineering leader with a focus on delivering Enterprise cloud services at scale. He is a Director of Engineering at MongoDB, focusing on implementing cloud native technologies at enterprise scale. He is also and angel investor and has worked as a Venture Partner... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

10:40am MST

But Wait! There's...Still More‽ - Observability Data Volumes and Strategies for Managing Them - Éamon Ryan, Grafana Labs
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
As we add more observability signals and points of insight into the software we design, we create more and more data. Data that has to be processed. Data that has to be stored. Data that has to be iterated over and retrieved. All of this increases stress on the system that stores it which naturally increases costs to run the system both in infrastructure, people power and more. This talk takes people through the history of how these volumes have grown over time, then moves into the current strategies and tradeoffs for managing them. It also offers a glimpse into what might come into this space in the future.
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Éamon Ryan

Senior Principal Field Engineer, Grafana Labs
Éamon is a Senior Principal Field Engineer at Grafana Labs, where he builds and maintains internal and external environments, builds out advanced workshops, provides input on product use-cases and acts as a subject matter expert in some specific areas. He has held many customer-facing... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

10:40am MST

When Things Go Sideways: Troubleshooting the OTel Operator - Adriana Villela, ServiceNow Cloud Observability & Reese Lee, New Relic
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
The OpenTelemetry (OTel) Operator is a great tool that helps make your life a little easier by managing OTel for you in your Kubernetes cluster, by: Managing the deployment of the OpenTelemetry Collector Managing the configuration of a fleet of OpenTelemetry Collectors via OpAMP integration Injecting and configuring auto-instrumentation into your pods But what happens when THINGS. DON’T. WORK??

In this talk, Adriana and Reese will cover:
  • An overview of the OTel Operator 
  • Common installation issues
  • Common auto-instrumentation issues
  • Common OTel Collector deployment issues
  • * …and how to tackle them all
Attendees will walk away from this session with a better understanding of how they can leverage the Operator, and be empowered to use it with confidence.
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Reese Lee

Senior Developer Relations Engineer, New Relic
Reese Lee is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer at New Relic, where she is focused on enabling customers and colleagues on OSS via workshops, blog posts, and documentation. She enjoys figuring out solutions to technical problems, learning about interesting user stories and use... Read More →
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Adriana Villela

Sr. Staff Developer Advocate, ServiceNow Cloud Observability
Adriana Villela is a Sr. Developer Advocate, helping companies achieve reliability greatness through Observability, SRE, & DevOps practices. Before her current role, she managed a Platform Engineering team & an Observability Practices team at Tucows. Adriana has worked at various... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

10:40am MST

Migrating to Open Feature at Scale: 0 to Billions - Chetan Kapoor & Justin Abrahms, eBay
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
eBay, a seasoned 20+ year big-tech with ~4000 engineers adopted OpenFeature on its large scale decision making platform. This success story is more than simply a feature flag enablement, it's about simplifying a complex onboarding process, enabling flags and offering a 5-star developer experience! This 2023 highlight took two partners with complimenting skill-sets, a lot of trust and continuous iterations. We'll walk through the state of the world before the introduction of Open Feature, how we built an internal community around the mission and practical techniques that were used to establish leadership buy-in and accelerate momentum in such a large complex organization.
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Chetan Kapoor

Product Leader @ eBay, eBay
Chetan is a change-maker, OpenFeature evangelist and technical product leader at eBay, responsible for establishing a culture of data-informed decision making and building platform for experimentation and feature flags. Previous to eBay, he grew a B2C Chicago FinTech from 100M to... Read More →
avatar for Justin Abrahms

Justin Abrahms

Principal Engineer, Thrive Market
In recent years, I’ve spent the bulk of my work-related time helping large enterprises deliver software more successfully. I care a lot about open source, software delivery and solarpunk ethos.In my spare time, You’ll find me motorcycling, working in the wood & metal shops or... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

10:40am MST

Portals and Platforms, Two Ps in a Pod? How Good Interfaces Make for Good Operability - Jorge Lainfiesta, Rootly & Abby Bangser, Syntasso
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Platforms aren’t new, but intentional platform engineering is getting more widespread adoption. One area where organisations are investing heavily is the relationship between the “frontend” user interfaces that developers get value from (CLIs, portals, APIs) and the "backend" platform orchestration components that ops manage. What should you, as a platform engineer, expect from your investments on each side? Over time, maintaining a portal and your platform orchestration becomes an important cost. But don't fret! Your platform can (and should) manage this ongoing maintenance for you, allowing you to focus on what you care about: improving developer experience and extending platform capabilities. In this talk, Abby and Jorge will provide an overview of the challenges and solutions, and map this topic to the CNCF Platform Engineering Maturity Model. You will learn what you, as a platform engineer, should be demanding of your platform orchestration tooling and your portal.
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Abby Bangser

Principal Engineer, Syntasso
Abby is a Principal Engineer at Syntasso delivering Kratix, an open-source cloud-native framework for building internal platforms on Kubernetes. Her keen interest in supporting internal development comes from over a decade of experience in consulting and product delivery roles across... Read More →
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Jorge Lainfiesta

Reliability Advocate, Rootly
Jorge is the author of the Linux Foundation Introduction to Backstage (LFS142) course and reliability advocate. He has a background in software engineering (ex-PayPal) and digital communication (UCLA). He's also a certified sommelier (CETT Barcelona).
Tuesday November 12, 2024 10:40am - 11:05am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

11:15am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Are You Really Ready to Adopt a Platform? - Atulpriya Sharma, InfraCloud Technologies
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:25am MST
Everyone is talking about platforms and why not, they bring in a lot of benefits when it comes to agility and flexibility to your software development process. But are you really ready to adopt a platform? Implementing a platform isn't just about the tools, tech and integrations. There are people, processes and culture involved too. This talk will focus on organization readiness and present you with a checklist that'll help you check your preparedness to adopt a platform. Throughout the checklist, we'll focus on all the critical aspects right from identifying key stakeholders, investments, implementation and other critical processes that are linked to the successful adoption of your platform. The checklist will lead you to the Platform maturity model that will further help you evolve and mature your platform over time. So, are you really ready to adopt a platform? Join in to find the answer.
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Atulpriya Sharma

Senior Developer Advocate, InfraCloud Technologies
Manual tester turned developer advocate. I talk about Cloud Native, Kubernetes & DevOps to help others adopt cloud native. I also create content – blog posts, webinars – & host Twitter spaces and strongly believe in collaborative learning and growth. In addition, I'm also a CNCF... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:25am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

11:15am MST

Event Discovery for Kubernetes Applications - Pierangelo Di Pilato & Christoph Stäbler, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Struggling to manage event discovery in your organization? Are your developers wasting valuable time searching for and understanding event types through manual methods or outdated documentation? In this session, we'll explore the inefficiencies associated with relying on manual or documentation-based methods. Through practical examples, we'll demonstrate how Knative Eventing's dynamic and automated event discovery features streamline this process, saving developers time and ensuring a clear understanding of available events, allowing your applications and developers to effortlessly find and react to relevant event types.
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Pierangelo Di Pilato

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Pierangelo is a principal software engineer at Red Hat. He leads the Knative Eventing Working Group and has a passion for data, event-driven and streaming systems.
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Christoph Stäbler

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Christoph is a Software Developer at Red Hat and an active contributor to the Knative project. He specializes in serverless technologies with a focus on event-based architectures and the further development of Knative Eventing.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

11:15am MST

Breaking the 1.5MB Barrier: Running Large Metaflow Flows with Argo for AI/ML Workloads - Saurabh Garg, Outerbounds
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Managing large-scale batch workflows efficiently is critical for AI/ML workloads. Data preparation for training or fine tuning models can involve a large number of steps. These make for excellent Argo workflows. But Argo faces the etcd limitation of the 1.5MB object size. This limitation restricts the ability of Argo to run truly large-scale workflows. This talk will delve into the intricacies of this limitation and its impact on AI/ML workflows. We will illustrate with examples how this has been a non-deterministic and frustrating bottleneck for users. To address this challenge, Argo introduced a feature that circumvents the etcd object size restriction. By offloading the bulk of the workflow status to an RDBMS and only storing the reference in etcd, Argo maintains its scaling capabilities still adhering to Kubernetes' limitations. This talk will provide a comprehensive guide on configuring and utilizing the Argo offloading feature in AWS using Aurora Postgres RDS and EKS.
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Saurabh Garg

Senior Software Engineer, Outerbounds, Inc.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Data Processing

11:15am MST

Enhancing Compliance and Safety with Argo CD Ephemeral Access - Leonardo Luz Almeida & Vijay Agrawal, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
The Argo CD UI is renowned for its powerful capabilities, but granting users full-time control over applications in production environments can present significant risks. Direct mutations from the UI can disrupt GitOps practices and induce state drift, making issues difficult to debug. In this talk, we will delve into the challenges posed by Argo CD UI's powerful features and how we are addressing them to ensure safer and more compliant operations at scale. We will introduce a new Argo CD extension that enables ephemeral UI access, aimed at reducing risk, improving change management tracking, and minimizing Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR). This extension also enables integration with various compliance requirements, such as change request creation. Join us to learn how to effectively manage Argo CD UI capabilities while enhancing safety and compliance.
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Vijay Agrawal

Group Engineering Manager, Intuit
Vijay Agrawal is a Group Engineering Manager responsible for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) across all of Intuit's flagship products, including QuickBooks, TurboTax, and Mint. Vijay has been an engineering leader in several successful startups and enterprises... Read More →
avatar for Leonardo Luz Almeida

Leonardo Luz Almeida

Staff Software Developer, Intuit
Leo is a staff member of the core Argo team at Intuit responsible for improving and operating Argo CD and Argo Rollouts in the company. He is an active Argo maintainer sharing his time between open-source and internal development. Leo is passionate about native cloud applications... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

11:15am MST

Empowering LLMs with Backstage: Broader Insights Driven by the Developer Portal - Niall Thomson, Amazon Web Service
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Unlocking the potential of Generative AI for software development and operations requires access to diverse systems across an organization. In this session, we'll explore how Backstage, with its extensive ecosystem of plugins, can serve as a central hub for powering generative AI initiatives. We'll dive into how Backstage's ability to connect with aspects such as cloud cost management, security posture analysis, and incident management tools can provide valuable data to generative AI models. We'll present an architecture designed to leverage these existing community integrations to enrich AI models with contextual data and enable them to perform actions on behalf of the user in their existing single pane of glass.
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Niall Thomson

Principal Container Specialist Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Service
Niall is an Amazon Web Services solution architect specializing in container technology and Kubernetes. With a passion for building developer platforms that enhance efficiency and security he helps guide AWS customers on platform strategy and implementation, sharing his expertise... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

11:15am MST

Reinventing Seccomp for Fun and Profiles - Amit Schendel, ARMO & Dor Serero, Microsoft
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Seccomp has long been a critical security feature in the Linux kernel, as a powerful tool for access control. With the emergence of eBPF, the landscape of kernel security has started evolving rapidly. It offers opportunities for improving and extending security policies. In this talk we will show how to achieve some of seccomp's capabilities and extend them using eBPF and KRSI in security use cases. The talk will give an overview of Seccomp in general and in Kubernetes, focus on its importance in securing containerized workloads. We will review applicable eBPF capabilities, showing how it changes the way we can inspect and filter syscalls at runtime. We will introduce KRSI and LSM, showing how they can enhance kernel security. The session will end with a demo of our PoC that leverages eBPF and KRSI to create a modern alternative to seccomp. Illustrating a real-world option, will provide attendees with practical knowledge on how to reinvent Seccomp for enhanced security.
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Amit Schendel

Sr. Security Researcher, ARMO
Passionate about security research and low-level programming with a focus on kernel drivers (Windows & Linux). Proficient in C++, Python, and Go. Excited about tackling complex challenges at the intersection of cybersecurity, system-level development and cloud technologies.
avatar for Dor Serero

Dor Serero

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Dor Serero is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft. Dor is passionate about distributed systems and security. Outside of work, you can find Dor spending time with his wife and two daughters or holding a video game controller.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Use Cases

11:15am MST

LLM Powered Agents with Kubernetes - Hema Veeradhi & Shrey Anand, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
How would you build an LLM system to modify a Kubernetes deployment based on its live telemetry data stream? A vanilla LLM is not enough to solve this problem as it is limited to outdated training data and is prone to hallucinations. In this talk, we will explore the concept of Agents—a powerful framework for solving complex multi-level tasks using a LLM as its reasoning engine, supported by a suite of tools. These tools can be advanced calculators, real time web scrapers, domain knowledge extractors, etc. They include executable functions, RAG pipelines, APIs or other services that allow the agents to complete their tasks effectively. We will walk-through a demo that leverages Kubernetes services and Podman containerization techniques that enable the agent workflow. Attendees will learn how a Kubernetes based agent framework enhances the performance capabilities of LLMs, offering a scalable and autonomous solution for next-generation intelligent systems.
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Shrey Anand

Mr., Red Hat
Shrey Anand is a data scientist with over five years of experience in the field of AI / ML. He collaborates with the emerging technologies at Red Hat where he develops cutting-edge data science solutions to solve open source and business problems. As a strong advocate of open source... Read More →
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Hema Veeradhi

Principal Data Scientist, Red Hat
Hema Veeradhi is a Principal Data Scientist working in the Emerging Technologies team part of the office of the CTO at Red Hat. Her work primarily focuses on implementing innovative open AI and machine learning solutions to help solve business and engineering problems. Hema is a staunch... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

11:15am MST

Top 5 Success Factors for Cloud-Native Enablement and Common Pitfalls to Avoid - Kunal Kushwaha & Chad M. Crowell, Civo
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Training is increasingly important to tech workers (as shown in the 2023 State of Tech Talent Report). Still, many employees, especially those starting, struggle due to a lack of necessary resources and difficulty finding a mentor. In addition to the time dedicated to their continued education, tech workers need community. They can find immense value in looking outside of their organization and joining a professional learning community. We aim to provide that evidence in this talk and stories from the community. In this talk, we will identify the top five elements of success for those who have joined a professional learning community and provide anecdotal evidence of successful outcomes. These topics include support and mentorship, interactivity of learning resources, learning relative to the job market, focusing on real-world projects and current industry challenges rather than outdated skills, and validating through certification.
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Chad M. Crowell

Platform Engineer at Civo, Civo
Chad is a CNCF Ambassador and Platform Engineer at Civo. Chad is the author of the book "Acing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam." Chad also enjoys teaching Kubernetes in the small community-led group KubeSkills.
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Kunal Kushwaha

Developer Relations Manager, Civo
Kunal Kushwaha is a Developer Relations Manager at Civo, where he fosters a deep connection between developers and innovative cloud-native technologies. With a passion for empowering others, Kunal has taught thousands online and consulted numerous companies on their DevOps journey... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

11:15am MST

Extending Envoy: A Guide to Custom Extensions with Envoy Gateway - Huabing Zhao, Tetrate & Guy Daich, SAP
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
As cloud-native applications evolve, the need for flexible and customizable service proxies grows. Envoy Proxy, known for its robust features and extensibility, is a key player. However, integrating custom extensions into Envoy can be complex. In this session, we will show how Envoy Gateway simplifies adding custom extensions to Envoy. Presented by the maintainer of Envoy Gateway and the author of “EnvoyExtensionPolicy,” attendees will gain insights into the data-plane extension mechanism of Envoy Gateway, with practical examples and use cases.

Key takeaways include:
  • Understanding the core concepts and architecture of Envoy Gateway. 
  • Step-by-step guidance on developing and integrating custom Envoy extensions.
  • Best practices for deploying and managing Envoy with custom extensions in a production environment.
  • Real-world use cases demonstrating the benefits of custom extensions in various scenarios.
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Guy Daich

Architect, SAP
Guy is a development architect at SAP with over 10 years of experience in software engineering. His expertise lies in Kubernetes and Envoy, and he serves as a maintainer of the CNCF Envoy Gateway project.
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Huabing Zhao

Engineer, Tetrate
Huabing Zhao is a software engineer at Tetrate and a CNCF ambassador. He has developed a managed service mesh product on the cloud and assisted a lot of users in deploying Istio service mesh in production. He also founded Aeraki Mesh, a CNCF sandbox project that facilitates non-HTTP... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

11:15am MST

Perfect Match: Correlating Continuous Profiling with Distributed Tracing for Stronger Observability - Jonas Kunz & Christos Kalkanis, Elastic
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Continuous profiling is a technique to collect stack trace granularity insight into production resource usage. It is something SREs and other engineers can enable without changes to the app, or knowing how it was compiled. This year, this powerful signal and a polyglot eBPF profiling agent were added to OpenTelemetry. Our talk explores how an existing OpenTelemetry system is better with profiling, specifically how distributed tracing fits into the picture. You'll see both tools in action on Kubernetes, including cross-service requests and how correlation of distributed traces and profiles let you answer more questions, specifically code level causality. We'll show how to leverage this data for resource utilization and even monitoring your carbon footprint. You'll leave with a concrete understanding of continuous profiling, how it relates to OpenTelemetry and how these tools combine to reduce time while adding more understanding of your Kubernetes workloads, from kernel to code.
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Jonas Kunz

Jonas Kunz, Elastic
I work as (primarily) Java Developer at Elastic, focusing on the Elastic APM Java-agent and our Java OpenTelemetry Distribution. While I love the safety of managed languages, I also enjoy occasionally visiting the native side of things. I'm an active contributor to the OpenTelemetry... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

11:15am MST

Simplifying OpenTelemetry with Configuration - Alex Boten, Honeycomb & Jack Berg, New Relic
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Learning how to use a new tool, and using it well enough to get value out of it quickly is really important. Configuring OpenTelemetry SDKs and instrumentation is essential, but programmatic configuration is cumbersome and environment variables are limited. OpenTelemetry file configuration is the community’s next generation config tool. Building on the original flattened environment variable based scheme, file configuration introduces tooling for configuring SDKs and instrumentation which accommodates the complexities of how people use OpenTelemetry in practice.

Come learn about:
  • What the OpenTelemetry Configuration Schema is and why it exists. 
  • How language agnostic file configuration provides OpenTelemetry adopters the tools needed to support complex scenarios.
  • How various components in OpenTelemetry have adopted the configuration schema.
  • Using a single configuration to configure OpenTelemetry SDKs in multiple languages and the Collector.
avatar for Jack Berg

Jack Berg

Software Engineer, New Relic
I'm a member of OpenTelemetry Technical Committee and maintainer of OpenTelemetry Java. I've worked on a lot of components in OpenTelemetry, with an emphasis in metrics, logging, and configuration.
avatar for Alex Boten

Alex Boten

Staff Software Engineer, Honeycomb
Alex Boten is a staff software engineer that has spent the last ten years helping organizations adapt to a cloud-native landscape by mashing keyboards. From building core network infrastructure to mobile client applications and everything in between, Alex has first-hand knowledge... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

11:15am MST

Experimentation Programs at Scale: Lessons Learned from Top Companies - Graham McNicoll, GrowthBook
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Running a few experiments is easy, especially when using feature flags. However, scaling up experimentation and adopting an experimentation-driven approach across an entire organization is much more challenging. How can the frequency of experiments be increased while maintaining quality and trustworthy results? This talk will address this question by exploring the methods top companies use to run their experimentation programs at massive scales. It will start with an introduction to experimentation-driven product development and discuss the advantages of these techniques. Then, the discussion will cover how experimentation programs can go wrong and, finally, how top companies structure their programs to solve these issues and unlock experimentation at a large scale.
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Graham McNicoll

Co-founder, GrowthBook
Graham is the co-founder and CEO of GrowthBook, an open-source feature flagging and AB testing platform that is part of the open feature project and used by thousands of companies. Before starting GrowthBook, Graham was the CTO of Education.com for six years. Graham is a three-time... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

11:15am MST

Panel: Kubernetes and GPU Trends for AI in Financial Services - Olyvia Rakshit, Avesha; Prasad Dorbala, The Hartford; Toshal Khawale, JP Morgan Chase; Bijit Ghosh, Deutsche Bank; Manoj Agrawal, Royal Bank of Canada
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
In this panel discussion with leaders in banking, insurance, and technology, we will explore the convergence of Kubernetes, GPUs and AI in data operations focusing on emerging trends in the financial services industry.

  • Emerging trends in cloud-native data operations for financial services 
  • How Kubernetes enables use of AI workloads 
  • Future innovations at the intersection of Kubernetes, GPUs, and AI
  • Challenges and solutions in adopting such technologies in highly regulated environments and what is needed to overcome them
avatar for Manoj Agrawal

Manoj Agrawal

Managing Director, Cloud, Royal Bank of Canada
With over two decades experience in financial services, I have specialized in building trading systems, low latency platforms, DevOps, containerization, Data science platforms and Data fabric. My passion lies in leveraging innovation, data and cloud technologies to drive business... Read More →
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Prasad Dorbala

Head of Reliability Engineering Property & Casualty, The Hartford
Prasad Dorbala is an experienced technology executive and entrepreneur with a strong background in product engineering and leadership. Prasad has a passion to drive innovation and technology adoption with operational excellence
avatar for Bijit Ghosh

Bijit Ghosh

CTO - Head of Engineering, Deutsche Bank
As the CTO and Head of Engineering for Cloud & AI/ML, Bijit leads innovative initiatives that drive the intersection of cloud technology and Generative AI. With a passion for solving complex engineering problems, Bijit spearheads transformative projects that enhance operational efficiency... Read More →
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VP Product and Marketing, Avesha
Olyvia Rakshit, VP of Product Marketing and Product(UX) in Avesha has a track record in building innovative products as an entrepreneur and a product lead in large organizations. (EMC/RSA, ComicFlix). Currently Olyvia is passionate about go-to-market and building simplified user journeys... Read More →
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Kubernetes and GPU Trends for AI in Financial Services, JP Morgan Chase
Seasoned Tech Leader with 21+ years in Engineering leadership with expertise on AWS, Azure, Devops ecosystem. My expertise lies in Solution Consulting and design, with a particular focus on crafting and deploying solutions on industry-leading Cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

11:30am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: The Hidden Discipline: Marketing Secrets for Engineering Platforms - Erica Hughberg, Tetrate
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:30am - 11:40am MST
The success of an internal engineering platform requires more than technical excellence and good product management. You also have to be a marketer. Yes, I know, it is yet another discipline to master, but a little bit of knowledge can take you a long way. You, the platform leaders, are operating in a challenging market. Your buyers—your fellow engineers—have limited currency and too many things to spend it on. Their currency is their time. In this lightning talk, I'll share three crucial marketing lessons I learned the hard way to drive internal adoption: building a movement, leveraging the loyalty loop, and being aware of value-based pricing. Through these lessons, you'll learn how to market your platform internally, driving adoption and maintaining usage to unlock its full potential for your organization. Join me to explore these strategies and become not just a platform leader but a platform marketer.
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Erica Hughberg

Community Advocate & Educator, Tetrate
Erica is passionate about the arrow between the two boxes in the architecture diagram. How do we make that arrow easy to establish securely? And how can we observe and operate it? After over ten years in FinTech, primarily leading API Platform strategy and engineering teams, Erica... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:30am - 11:40am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

11:40am MST

Lunch Break 1
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:40am - 12:40pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:40am - 12:40pm MST

11:45am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Adding MxN Streaming Support for Envoy External Processing Filter - Yanjun Xiang, Google
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am MST
The Envoy external processing only supports 1x1 body streaming, which is, Envoy sends one chunk of body to the side stream server. The side stream server mutates the received body, then sends the mutated body back to Envoy as the response. This 1x1 requirement becomes a bottleneck for certain use cases like compression, in which the side stream server has to buffer M chunks of data before processing them. After processing, it needs to split the response data into N chunks and send them back one-by-one. Such MxN streaming is not supported in the 1x1 state machine, which greatly limits Envoy's external processing capability. Proposed MxN Algorithm: An API change is added to notify Envoy that there are more response chunks coming back corresponding to a request chunk. Envoy utilizes this API to process the received response and prepare its state machine to receive next chunks. Continue the MxN data streaming as data arrives. Config knob is added for security considerations.

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Yanjun Xiang

Software Engineer, Google
Yanjun Xiang is a software engineer working for Google cloud products using Envoy. He is making contributions in Envoy external processing filter.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

11:45am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: The Hidden Costs of Feature Flags: Understanding and Managing Adoption Challenges - Shreya Shivratriwar, Software Engineer
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am MST
Feature flags offer powerful control over software releases, but they introduce hidden complexities in version management and user adoption that can catch development teams off guard. As application states multiply and the definition of a "version" blurs, teams struggle with maintaining compatibility and ensuring smooth updates across diverse platforms and user segments. To address these challenges, we propose a strategy of treating feature flag rollouts as code changes, favoring smaller, more frequent updates over large-scale alterations. This talk will unveil the often-overlooked costs of feature flags, explore their impact on versioning and user experience, and provide attendees with practical strategies for mitigating these issues. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of how to navigate the complex landscape of feature flag implementation, balancing the benefits of flexibility with the need for manageable, user-friendly software evolution.
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Shreya Shivratriwar

Software Engineer, N/A
Shreya is an engineering student and AI researcher from India, deeply involved in AI and its applications. Passionate about technology, she enjoys coding, exploring new AI advancements, and contributing to open-source projects. Shreya is also focused on AI ethics and aims to create... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

11:50am MST

Building Real-World Applications with Dapr: A Startup Developer's Journey - Whit Waldo, Innovian
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:15pm MST
In today’s developer ecosystem, numerous tools and frameworks exist, but often, only a few core capabilities are needed. This is where Dapr excels. As a polyglot framework and CNCF incubating project since 2021, Dapr provides essential building blocks to abstract dependencies, enabling rapid design and iteration of complex full-stack applications. As the founder and sole developer at Innovian, I’ll present a detailed architectural study of my product, showcasing how I leverage Dapr's building blocks - cryptography, state management, pub/sub messaging, service discovery/invocation, actors, workflows, job scheduling, and more. My goal is to demonstrate why Dapr is the foundation of my platform and why it could be valuable for others.
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Whit Waldo

CEO, Innovian
Whit Waldo is the founder and CEO of Innovian where he single-handedly manages the development of innovative technical solutions for diverse businesses. With over 14 years of experience, Whit has excelled in roles such as CTO for various startups and most recently as Director of Product... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:15pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

11:50am MST

From Supercomputing to Serving: A Case Study Delivering Cloud Native Foundation Models - Autumn Moulder, Cohere
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:15pm MST
Cloud native takes on new meaning in the AI and HPC domains. What does cloud native mean when your software is tightly coupled to hardware? When capacity is fixed, which assumptions start to break down? How can you flex GPUs batch training workloads and inference? Join us for a case study, demonstrating how a small team scaled ML infrastructure from a single cloud to multiple clusters across 4 cloud providers - in under 6 months. We’ll share unique multi-cloud challenges we uncovered around supercomputing infrastructure, cross cloud networking, capacity & quota management, batch workloads, FinOps, and observability. We will particularly highlight our experience using Kueue to manage fixed capacity across clouds & where Kubernetes still falls short for HPC workloads. Leave with a solid understanding of what it takes for an infrastructure team to support the lifecycle of a cloud native foundation model.
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Autumn Moulder

Director of Infrastructure & Security, Cohere
Autumn is the Director of Infrastructure & Security at Cohere. She’s been with the company since September 2022 scaling teams & tools. Prior to buying into the startup life, she spent 3 years in financial services and 14 years at a large non-profit. Her passion is helping innovative... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:15pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

11:50am MST

Panel: Insights from Internal Developer Portal Rollouts in Large Enterprises - Balaji Sivasubramanian, Red Hat; Srinivas Peri, Adobe; Serena Chechile, JPMC; Jay Cox, American Airlines; Lilit Yenokyan, Roku
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:25pm MST
This panel features practitioners from industry leaders like Adobe, American Airlines, Roku, and JPMC discussing their experiences in boosting developer productivity through internal developer portals (IDPs). The session dives into how large enterprises with thousands of developers evaluate, onboard, and scale IDPs. Hear from experts about their strategies for optimizing the developer experience and effectively deploying IDPs at scale. Gain insights into challenges encountered during Backstage IDP rollouts and best practices that drive successful adoption. The panelists will share practical examples and approaches that can be adapted by your organization to implement IDPs for your developer community.
avatar for Jay Cox

Jay Cox

Principal Engineer, American Airlines
Platform Engineer at American Airlines
avatar for Serena Chechile Nichols

Serena Chechile Nichols

Developer Experience, Head of Design & Research, JPMC
Serena has 35+ years of experience in PM, UX and development, as an individual contributor and leader. She is an Executive Director of Global Experience @ JPMC, focused on their developer portal. She's worked with ~100 companies and organizations identifying and collaborating on best... Read More →
avatar for srinivas peri

srinivas peri

Director of Engineering, Adobe
For the past 7 of my 20 years at Adobe I've been part of Ethos, where I lead the Developer Experience engineering group. My teams deliver capabilities for service frameworks, provisioning, CI/CD, observability, diagnostics, developer support, and the Adobe Developer Portal (based... Read More →
avatar for Balaji Sivasubramanian

Balaji Sivasubramanian

Head of Product, Developer Tools, Red Hat
Balaji is the Head of Product, Developer Tools at Red Hat, where he leads the development of products to address the needs of developers, including Red Hat Developer Hub (based on Backstage.io) and Podman Desktop. Before joining Red Hat, Balaji served as the Executive VP of Product... Read More →
avatar for Lilit Yenokyan

Lilit Yenokyan

Director of Engineering, Developer Experience, Roku
Lilit Yenokyan, the current Director of Engineering at Roku, is pivotal in identifying and enhancing productivity for engineers throughout the company. Before her tenure at Roku, Lilit worked with leading tech companies including Microsoft, Meta, and Netflix, as well as multiple startups... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

11:50am MST

Panel: Exploring eBPF Use Cases in Cloud-Native Security - Oshrat Nir, ARMO; Anna Kapuścińska, Isovalent, now part of Cisco; Whitney Lee, CNCF Ambassador; Maya Singh, Microsoft; Cortney Nickerson, Kubeshop
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:25pm MST
Cloud-native security requires a shift in mindset. Workloads are ephemeral, the attack surface has grown and with it, the complexities. eBPF has emerged as a powerful technology, enabling deep visibility and dynamic security capabilities within the Linux kernel. This panel will explore use cases in which eBPF enhances cloud-native security. We will explore how eBPF can be leveraged to perform real-time monitoring, threat detection, and mitigation across containerized applications and microservices. Our expert panelists will share insights on using eBPF for network security, application profiling, anomaly detection, and enforcing security policies at the kernel level. Additionally, we will discuss the integration of eBPF with popular cloud-native tools and platforms, showcasing practical implementations.
avatar for Whitney Lee

Whitney Lee

CNCF Ambassador
Whitney is a lovable goofball and a CNCF Ambassador who enjoys understanding and using tools in the cloud native landscape. Creative and driven, Whitney recently pivoted from an art-related career to one in tech. You can catch her lightboard streaming show ⚡️ Enlightning on her... Read More →
avatar for Anna Kapuścińska

Anna Kapuścińska

Software Engineer, Isovalent, now part of Cisco
Anna is a software engineer at Isovalent, focusing on eBPF-based observability and security. Her previous roles span the industry: she wore both developer and SRE hats, and worked in AdTech, FinTech, public healthcare, end-user SaaS company and a hosting provider. On good weather... Read More →
avatar for Oshrat Nir

Oshrat Nir

Developer Advocate, ARMO
Oshrat Nir is the Developer Advocate at ARMO, where she helps customers adopt Kubernetes security. She has over 20 years of IT experience, including roles at Amdocs and Giant Swarm. She is a big believer in transparency and community, and she loves telling stories. She excels at bridging... Read More →
avatar for Maya Singh

Maya Singh

Product Manager, Microsoft
Maya is a Product Manager at Microsoft who is passionate about data driven product development. With experience in financial services and Ed-tech she is excited to now delve into all things open source. Maya holds a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering and an MBA, both from... Read More →
avatar for Cortney Nickerson

Cortney Nickerson

Developer Advocate at Kubeshop, Kubeshop
Cortney is a Developer Advocate at Kubeshop and a co-organizer of the CNCF Bilbao Community. Initially, a non-techie turned tech lover, she began her career as employee number 7 at a DevSecOps startup (acquired by DataDog) and wrote the newsletter and other content for the Data on... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Benefits of eBPF

11:50am MST

Panel: Building the Future of Your Project: How to Engage Students Into Open Source - Zainab Husain, OCAD University; Calum Murray & Leo Li, University of Toronto; Corey Leong, Valencia College; Ali Ok, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:25pm MST
One of the keys to a healthy open source project is a thriving contributor base. Many students are interested in contributing and are motivated to learn about cloud technologies. However, the initial learning curve can be steep, especially for individuals with limited work experience. So how can we help students become long-term, high impact contributors? In this panel, educators and mentors from Valencia College, OCAD University, University of Toronto and Red Hat will share their student engagement strategies. These include: having open source contributions built-in to course projects, pairing students with mentors, creating an open source student club and holding weekly beginner-friendly meetings where students can work on tasks. Through sharing our experiences, we hope to inspire more mutually beneficial partnerships between CNCF projects looking to grow their contributor base and learning institutions looking to provide more hands-on training opportunities for students!
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Zainab Husain

Knative UX Design Lead, OCAD University
Zainab Husain is a UX Design Researcher working at OCAD University. She completed her Masters in Engineering at the University of Toronto, focusing on Human Computer Interactions. Zainab is passionate about tools that improve collaboration between Engineers and Designers and is also... Read More →
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Corey Leong

Professor Cloud Computing, Valencia College
Prior to teaching, I worked in the IT industry for 25 years. I currently teach cloud computing courses, oversee open source mentorships and cloud internships.
avatar for Leo Li

Leo Li

Knative UX WG lead + Knative Eventing maintainer, University of Toronto
I'm Leo Li, the Knative UX WG Lead and a Knative Eventing Maintainer, currently in my final year of Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. My passion lies in coding to create tools that help people and positively impact the community. I am deeply involved with Knative... Read More →
avatar for Calum Murray

Calum Murray

Engineering Science Student, University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
I'm a software engineer, and I love building cool things in open source. I like to seek out the most interesting and challenging problems which I think will have a large impact, and build creative solutions to them. I also like to share my passion for open source with others, and... Read More →
avatar for Ali Ok

Ali Ok

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Ali Ok works for Red Hat as a principal software engineer. He is a Knative steering committee member and works with working groups within Knative. Besides the technical contributions to Knative and many CNCF projects, Ali is a CNCF Ambassador and a regular contributor to the CNCF... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:50am - 12:25pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

11:55am MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: GPU Distributed Caching for PyTorch Leveraging NVMe, GDS, and RDMA - Jianjian Xie, Alluxio
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:55am - 12:05pm MST
As GPUs become increasingly powerful, the separation between compute and storage often results in underutilized GPUs waiting for data. Meanwhile, high-performance components on GPU machines, such as NVMe storage and fast networks leveraging InfiniBand or special NICs, remain idle. Effectively leveraging these hardware resources to address GPU underutilization is a critical challenge. In this talk, we introduce a Kubernetes-native distributed caching layer that leverages NVMe disks and fast networks to optimize PyTorch training data access. Utilizing stateless workers for scalability and ETCD for membership services, this caching layer efficiently manages and serves data. Cached data is rapidly and efficiently fed into GPU memory using NVIDIA's DALI data loader, GPUDirect Storage (GDS), and Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), significantly reducing data transfer bottlenecks and improving overall training performance.
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Jianjian Xie

Alluxio PMC Maintainer, Staff software engineer at Alluxio, Alluxio
staff software engineer at Alluxio
Tuesday November 12, 2024 11:55am - 12:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

12:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Mocking Feature Flags in Unit Tests - Aman Gadadare, Jio
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:00pm - 12:10pm MST
A company released a major update without using feature flags, causing widespread issues and user frustration. Without feature flags, they couldn't roll back quickly, leading to extended downtime. Feature flags would have enabled gradual rollout, quick rollbacks, and better testing, preventing the deployment failure. What is Mocking Feature Flags in Unit Tests? Mocking feature flags means creating simulated versions of these flags for testing purposes. These mocks act like real feature flags and can be set to different states How to use it Integrating OpenFeature with testing practices ensures that new features undergo thorough testing in controlled conditions before wider deployment. This method enhances the reliability and quality of your software, enabling iterative improvements based on real-time feedback and data. Benefit of it Using feature flags like OpenFeature enables controlled deployments, risk mitigation, and iterative improvements based on real-time user feedba
avatar for Aman Gadadare

Aman Gadadare

Mr Aman Gadadare, Jio
Highly skilled software developer with a distinction in Computer Engineering. Contributed significantly to the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission open source project (Indian gov) and led projects in web and mobile app development. Proficient in OOP, Java, Python, and databases. Published... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:00pm - 12:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

12:10pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Cloud Native PostgreSQL - Running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes - Peter Zaitsev, Coroot, FerretDB, Percona
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:10pm - 12:20pm MST
Running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes is becoming increasingly popular, offering various methods for implementation. This talk will examine different operators that facilitate running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes. We'll also take a look at Neon PostgreSQL, specifically designed for cloud-native environments, and cover the most important best practices for effectively running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.
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Peter Zaitsev

Founder, Coroot, FerretDB, Percona
Peter Zaitsev is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Coroot, Percona, FerretDB, and other tech companies. As one of the leading experts in Open Source strategy and database optimization, Peter has applied his technical knowledge and entrepreneurial drive to contribute as a board member... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:10pm - 12:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

12:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Deep Dive Into Envoy Metrics - Mark Campbell-Vincent, HashiCorp
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:15pm - 12:25pm MST
Last year, I explored troubleshooting Envoy and Kubernetes issues using Ksniff, highlighting its benefits. Building on that, this session will provide a deep dive into Envoy metrics, crucial for understanding network behaviors when Envoy is involved. We’ll examine how these metrics can be instrumental in diagnosing issues within the service mesh, offering multiple approaches to enhance your operational insights.
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Mark Campbell-Vincent

Sr Support Engineer, HashiCorp
Mark Campbell-Vincent Mark Campbell-Vincent is a Senior Support Engineer at HashiCorp, where he assists customers implement Consul in their infrastructure and microservices. Mark acquired a strong knowledge of distributed systems including Kubernetes, Envoy, and Consul to effectively... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:15pm - 12:25pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A
  EnvoyCon, Monitoring in practice (logging+tracing+stats)

12:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Would a Gradual Rollout by Any Other Hashing Algorithm Still Smell as Sweet? - Chris Griffing, GitKraken
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:15pm - 12:25pm MST
Gradual rollouts are an important use-case for feature flags. But not all hashing algorithms have the same goals. In this analysis, we will compare/contrast hashing algorithms and why your standard password hashing algorithm might not be ideal compared to some others. Some are also more readily available in various languages which can influence your decisions when building SDKs. We will outline which metrics we care about and why while graphing the results.
avatar for Chris Griffing

Chris Griffing

Developer Advocate, GitKraken
I like to make things and share them with people.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:15pm - 12:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

12:20pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Charm++ on Kubernetes Cloud - Kavitha Chandrasekar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:20pm - 12:30pm MST
In this talk, we will detail the use of Kubernetes operators to run HPC applications using Charm++ runtime system on Kubernetes cluster on cloud. Charm++ is an adaptive intelligent runtime system that provides capabilities such as dynamic load balancing, energy optimizations, and communication optimizations, in addition to support for resource elasticity. It is a well-established system in the HPC world, and supports highly scalable applications such as NAMD for biomolecular simulations. We will talk about capabilities added to the setup like job malleability utilizing the shrink and expand feature in Charm++ jobs and by changing the number of pods assigned to a job at run-time. We will demonstrate effectiveness of shrink/expand operations for different scheduling policies and quantify the associated overhead. Charm++ has recently added support for python-based framework, Charm4py, for python codes for HPC. We will also talk about running Charm4Py applications on Kubernetes.
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Kavitha Chandrasekar

Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kavitha Chandrasekar is a PhD student with the Parallel Programming Lab in the CS department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests are in implementing adaptive mechanisms within the HPC runtime system, Charm++, with a focus on performance on modern... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:20pm - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

12:25pm MST

Cloud Native University | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B
  Cloud Native University

12:25pm MST

EnvoyCon | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

12:25pm MST

OpenFeature Summit | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenFeature Summit

12:25pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Data Science Environments in Seconds: Scaling Jupyter Notebooks in Kubernetes - Jialin Zhang, Apple
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:35pm MST
The interactive nature of Jupyter notebooks has made them indispensable tools for data scientists and AI researchers, facilitating exploratory data analysis, prototyping, and model development. Setting up remote computational environments with multiple data or model sources on cloud is slow, repetitive and complex. However, warm pools of preconfigured environments with adjustable runtime configurations can alleviate these concerns enabling data scientists to focus more on actual data science and less on infrastructure. In this presentation, speakers will present a need for a system to manage integrated environments to meet the challenges of running remote Jupyter kernels at scale. With emphasis on productivity and experience, a solution for maintaining warm pools of such environments is presented while highlighting its key prediction algorithms. The session will showcase a brief and simplified collaboration experience on JupyterLab with the warm-pool system of kernels.
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Jialin Zhang

Jialin Zhang, Software Engineer, Apple, Apple
Jialin Zhang is a software engineer with Notebooks team offering Jupyterlab as a service to data scientists engineers at Apple. Her previous experience includes stint at Microsoft and Expedia.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

12:25pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Kubernetes as Your DBA - Karen Jex, Crunchy Data
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:35pm MST
Are you a systems admin or “infrastructure person” who suddenly had “looking after databases” added to your remit? This seems to happen a lot when everything’s running on Kubernetes and the databases are seen as just another part of the landscape. If so, what do you do? Quickly learn to be a database administrator? Hope the databases look after themselves? Or maybe implement a Kubernetes Operator, that has been created by database experts, to act as your virtual DBA? There are lots of moving parts to an enterprise scale database deployment, whether it’s on Kubernetes or not. You need high availability, disaster recovery, monitoring, upgrades… An Operator can do all of this for you, automating the initial deployment of a highly available database architecture, day to day management and monitoring of your databases, and even upgrades. We’ll look at what you want from an Operator, what you need to think about when choosing an Operator, and how easy it can be to get up and running.
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Karen Jex

Senior Solutions Architect, Crunchy Data
Karen was a database administrator for over 20 years and was once described as "quite personable for a DBA", which she decided to take as a compliment! She's now a Senior Solutions Architect at Crunchy Data. She gives talks about databases at PostgreSQL and developer conferences because... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 12:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Data on Kubernetes Day, DoK Day 2

12:25pm MST

Cloud Native StartupFest | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 1:10pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 1:10pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B
  Cloud Native StartupFest

12:25pm MST

Lunch Break 2
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:25pm - 1:30pm MST

12:35pm MST

Data on Kubernetes Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:35pm - 12:40pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:35pm - 12:40pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Data on Kubernetes Day

12:35pm MST

Lunch Break 3
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:35pm - 1:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:35pm - 1:30pm MST

12:40pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Enabling Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Argo Workflows - Ashlyn Chapman, Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
IT departments adopt hybrid cloud strategies to leverage the strengths of multiple public clouds like AWS, GCP, and Azure, while also maintaining private on-prem solutions to meet stringent security and regulatory compliance requirements. The challenge, however, lies in managing these diverse infrastructures consistently and efficiently. Complex hybrid environments leads to increased operational costs, security vulnerabilities, and a tangled web of provider-specific management tools that can overwhelm even the most seasoned IT teams. Support becomes fragmented, and the promise of a seamless, agile infrastructure seems out of reach. This session will explore how Argo Workflows can serve as the linchpin in a cloud-agnostic infrastructure strategy, enabling teams to manage resources across platforms and providers with unparalleled ease.
avatar for Ashlyn Chapman

Ashlyn Chapman

Software Engineer, Cisco
Ashlyn Chapman is a software engineer with a strong background in cloud infrastructure and DevOps. She is committed to reducing resource utilization, improving security, and enhancing deployment efficiency. Adept at collaborating across teams to drive impactful solutions, resulting... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

12:40pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Faster Deployments at PepsiCo with Self-Service Continuous Delivery Using the App of Apps Pattern - Chaitanya G & Prasanti Kadiyala, PepsiCo
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
At PepsiCo, we are committed to enhancing efficiency and developer experience by continuously reviewing our processes and systems. As part of streamlining our deployment workflows, we transitioned to the GitOps methodology and adopted ArgoCD, a powerful GitOps tool with a feature-rich web UI that facilitates intuitive management of deployments, rollbacks, and application health. By leveraging ArgoCD's App of Apps pattern, we could define a bootstrapper Application, enabling the automation of application deployment. This approach allowed us to achieve self-service Continuous Delivery, empowering teams to independently manage their deployments while maintaining centralized control and visibility. Join us, as we share some of the challenges, including managing dependencies, configuring environments and ensuring consistency across deployments. Additionally, we will highlight the strategies and best practices, including the implementation of App of Apps pattern and the integration of Helm.
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Chaitanya G

Manager, PepsiCo
With 15 years of extensive experience in the IT industry, I serve as the DevSecOps lead at PepsiCo, spearheading the holistic development and implementation of DevOps, GitOps, and Agile strategies within the organization.
avatar for Prasanti Kadiyala

Prasanti Kadiyala

Sr Analyst, PepsiCo
A seasoned DevOps engineer with over 10 years of experience in the IT industry, with deep understanding of cloud computing, containerization, and infrastructure as code, with a particular focus on Kubernetes and GitOps. Started my career as a .NET developer, where I gained a solid... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:40pm - 12:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

12:45pm MST

Panel: OpenTelemetry: Bridging Platform and Enablement - Daniel Gomez Blanco, Skyscanner; Ariel Valentin, GitHub; Hazel Weakly, Hachyderm; Suman Karumuri, Airbnb; Vijay Samuel, eBay
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:45pm - 1:20pm MST
OpenTelemetry is everywhere, used by engineers in all roles. For telemetry data to provide effective observability it must permeate all areas of a software system, all the way up the domain-specific aspects that matter the most to end users. As a cross-cutting concern, it should be used within business logic to describe application internals. However, engineers in charge of developing new features are not always empowered with the modern observability practices supported by OpenTelemetry and, in a distributed environment, this may damage the overall observability of the system. In this panel, leaders from organizations at the forefront of this field take us through their experiences building platforms, tooling, enablement materials, and team topologies that allow them to scale adoption of OpenTelemetry best practices with minimal friction, and ensure that the telemetry data produced by their systems is of the highest quality, provides value, and maximizes return-on-investment.
avatar for Daniel Gomez Blanco

Daniel Gomez Blanco

Principal Software Engineer at Skyscanner, OpenTelemetry Governance Committee Member, Skyscanner
Observability lead at Skyscanner, member of the OpenTelemetry Governance Committee, and author of "Practical OpenTelemetry: Adopting Open Observability Standards Across Your Organization". Throughout my career, my main focus has been reducing the cognitive load required to operate... Read More →
avatar for Suman Karumuri

Suman Karumuri

Principal Engineer, Airbnb
Suman Karumuri is a Sr. Staff Software Engineer and the tech lead for Observability at Slack. Suman Karumuri is an expert in distributed tracing and was a tech lead of Zipkin and a co-author of OpenTracing standard, a Linux Foundation project via the CNCF. Previously, Suman Karumuri... Read More →
avatar for Vijay Samuel

Vijay Samuel

Principal MTS, Architect, eBay
Vijay Samuel works with eBay's observability platform as its architect. During his time at eBay Vijay has transformed eBay's observability platform into a cloud native offering that is primarily built on top of open source technologies. He loves to code in Go and play video games... Read More →
avatar for Ariel Valentin

Ariel Valentin

Staff Software Engineer, GitHub
Staff Software Engineer on the Observability Infrastructure Team at GitHub and OpenTelemetry Ruby Contrib maintainer. Ariel has been a champion for Open Standards his entire career and is leading the effort to adopt OpenTelemetry at GitHub since 2020.
avatar for Hazel Weakly

Hazel Weakly

Infrastructure Witch, hachyderm.io
Hazel spends her days working on building out teams of humans as well as the infrastructure, systems, and tooling to make life better for others. She’s worked at a variety of companies and knows that the hardest problems to solve are the social ones. One of her favorite things is... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:45pm - 1:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

12:45pm MST

Panel: Measuring the Impact of Platform Engineering - Mallory Haigh, Humanitec; Nathen Harvey, Google Cloud; Kirk Hoganson, BambooHR; Heather Joslyn, The New Stack; Guillaume Caya Letourneau, Workleap
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:45pm - 1:20pm MST
In times of limited budgets and tech organizations aiming to gain efficiency and cut costs, showing the positive impact of platform engineering from the start is crucial. However, as platform engineering is still in the early stages, there is a lack of clarity on what to measure, how to measure, and how to present results to other stakeholders and budget holders. In this panel, thought leaders and practitioners will discuss the goals organizations aim to achieve with platform engineering, how to define success criteria and transform them into measurable metrics, and the relationships between different kinds of indicators, such as leading vs. lagging indicators, depending on the context. Join this discussion with Nathen Harvey (DORA, Google), Mallory Haigh (Humanitec), Kirk Hoganson (BambooHR) and Guillaume Caya-Letourneau (Workleap) moderated by Heather Joslyn (The Newstack - TNS).
avatar for Mallory Haigh

Mallory Haigh

Director of Customer Success, Humanitec
Mallory is Humanitec's Director of Customer Success with a background in customer support and success, full-stack software engineering, engineering management, and the intersection of humans and technology. She brings a passion for education, the anthropological approach to human-computer... Read More →
avatar for Nathen Harvey

Nathen Harvey

DORA Lead, Google Cloud
Nathen Harvey, Developer Relations Engineer, leads the DORA team at Google Cloud. DORA's work enables teams and organizations to thrive by delivering industry-shaping, accessible, and actionable research. Nathen has learned and shared lessons from some incredible organizations, teams... Read More →
avatar for Kirk Hoganson

Kirk Hoganson

Cloud Architect, BambooHR
Kirk is the Cloud Architect for BambooHR focused on container based infrastructure for SAAS. He hacked his first dial-up BBS when he was a child and has been finding ways to bend technology to his will since then. He can be found cooking, eating, or traveling to eat until he misses... Read More →
avatar for Heather Joslyn

Heather Joslyn

Editor-in-chief, The New Stack
Since November 2023, Heather has been the editor-in-chief of The New Stack, an online technology publication that explains and analyzes at-scale software development and management. She’s been at TNS since 2021. A lifelong journalist, she has held roles previously at Container Solutions... Read More →
avatar for Guillaume Caya Letourneau

Guillaume Caya Letourneau

Developer, Workleap
Guillaume is one of the founding developers of the platform team at Workleap. He has a background in software engineering, mostly with .NET technologies. In his free time, Guillaume likes to cook and fiddle with some woodworking projects.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:45pm - 1:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

12:55pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: On-Premise and SaaS CI/CD Large-Scale Production Automation with Argo Services - Edgar Magana, Splunk
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:55pm - 1:05pm MST
In this presentation we will share our Continuous Integrations (CI) pipeline extensions via Argo Workflows in a pure cloud-native way seamlessly integrated with our code versioning system. We will also describe a large-scale asynchronous event-based bus communication that has accelerated our CI pipelines but also increased their resiliency. Finally, we will cover some Continuous Delivery enhancements via ArgoCD and Argo Rollouts. Actually, even our own infrastructure is operated via GitOps model. This collection of open-source projects and internal tools provides a full cloud-native orchestration and gitops experience for Dev, QA and Performance teams. Our solution extends the existing GitLab CI/CD capabilities by providing the ability to orchestrate, build and manage service interdependencies and integrations with other systems and enhanced metrics-based service rollouts in a multi-region cloud architecture.
avatar for Edgar Magana

Edgar Magana

Sr. Principal Engineer, Splunk
Edgar has specialized in SaaS Architectures, Micro-services, Software-defined Networking (SDN) and CI/CD processes. Edgar has strong experience in fully automated systems with hands-on experience in technologies such as Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, Argo, OpenStack and Spinnaker... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:55pm - 1:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Progressive Delivery

12:55pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Progressive Infrastructure Delivery Using Kargo and Argo CD - Engin Diri, Pulumi
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:55pm - 1:05pm MST
Since the day Kargo was released, I have been exploring the idea of using it not only to deliver and promote applications but also to deliver infrastructure through its progressive delivery capabilities. Using Kubernetes-based tools like Crossplane or Pulumi, we can define infrastructure as code and deliver it progressively to our management clusters and then promote this infrastructure through different stages without the need for extra CD script magic. Let me show you how Kargo helps platform engineering streamline and automate the progressive rollout of infrastructure changes to all stages. This talk will cover the basics of Kargo and how to use it with Infrastructure as Code tools.
avatar for Engin Diri

Engin Diri

Senior Solutions Architect, Pulumi
Engin is a Senior Solutions Architect at Pulumi and has been in the IT industry for over 15 years. He started as a Java backend developer and later migrated to the fronted development. This is where he found his passion for CI/CD, Cloud technologies and in particular Kubernetes. Engin... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:55pm - 1:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Progressive Delivery

12:55pm MST

Optimizing LLM Efficiency One Trace at a Time on Kubernetes - Aditya Soni, Forrester & Seema Saharan, Autodesk
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:55pm - 1:20pm MST
LLMs are huge to deploy and manage. Have you ever wondered if there's a way to pinpoint exactly which parts of your code are draining resources, causing latency, and hurting performance? In a world where efficiency is crucial, dynamically inspecting application behavior and performance at runtime can be transformative. Join this session to explore how to leverage OpenTelemetry’s profiling feature to optimize LLM code at a much deeper level.

We'll cover how to:
1. Identify specific pieces of code that consume excessive CPU and memory, or cause memory leaks and OOM errors.
2. Improve LLM performance by understanding model behavior, reducing latency, and meeting SLAs and SLOs.
3. Achieve efficient deployments on Kubernetes, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost savings.
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Seema Saharan

Site Reliability Engineer, CNCF Ambassador, Autodesk
Meet Seema, the tech whiz at Autodesk. She's not just about fixing things – she loves sharing what she knows! Whether speaking at cool events like GitLab Commit, and GitHub Universe or breaking down tech on her YouTube channel, Seema makes the complicated stuff easy and fun. Join... Read More →
avatar for Aditya Soni

Aditya Soni

DevOps Engineer ll, CNCF Ambassador, Forrester
Aditya Soni is a DevOps/SRE tech professional He worked with Product and Service based companies including Red Hat, Searce, and is currently positioned at Forrester Research as a DevOps Engineer II. He holds AWS, GCP, Azure, RedHat, and Kubernetes Certifications.He is a CNCF Ambassador... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 12:55pm - 1:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

1:10pm MST

Data Science Workflows Made Easy: Python-Powered Argo for Your Organization - Elliot Gunton, Pipekit Inc. & Flaviu Vadan, Xaira Therapeutics
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:10pm - 1:35pm MST
Get ready to supercharge your data science workflow development using the power of Hera, the versatile Python SDK for Argo Workflows.
  • Python for Everything: Learn how Hera lets you focus on your business logic and seamlessly integrate it into Argo Workflows – all within your favorite Python environment.
  • Effortless Argo with Hera: Use Hera to craft Argo Workflows with ease using simple Python code that handles common tasks such as template parameters, passing data, and fan-out.
  • Beyond the Basics: We'll explore how Hera provides a base for your organization to build on, using its advanced capabilities, including pre-build hooks, that empower you to configure Hera for your organization's specific needs.
  • Boost your CICD: Learn best practices to build Python workflows efficiently with Hera. Automate developer setups and recurring CICD tasks. 
By the end of this talk, you'll be equipped to supercharge your Argo Workflows with Hera to unlock a new level of automation and efficiency!
avatar for Elliot Gunton

Elliot Gunton

Senior Software Engineer, Pipekit Inc
Elliot is a passionate maintainer of Hera, the Python SDK for Argo Workflows. At Pipekit, he is helping to bring scalable data pipelines to the Python world, unlocking the full potential of Argo Workflows for data scientists. Previously, at Bloomberg, Elliot supported Machine Learning... Read More →
avatar for Flaviu Vadan

Flaviu Vadan

Senior Software Engineer, Xaira Therapeutics
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:10pm - 1:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Data Processing

1:10pm MST

Space Age GitOps: Lifting off with Argo Promotions (Live Demo!) - Michael Crenshaw & Zach Aller, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:10pm - 1:35pm MST
GitOps is an industry standard best practice in the Kubernetes space. But there are still gaps in the developer experience. Change previews and environment promotion have been two of the main pain points. Upcoming Argo CD features fill this gap by providing automated change previews as PR comments and by managing environment promotion by automatically opening and merging pull requests. This talk presents a live demo of these new Argo CD features. We’ll show you how change previews will help your developers merge changes faster and with more confidence; we’ll show how you can design a change promotion strategy tailored to your organization’s needs; and we’ll show how your developers can monitor change promotions via the Argo CD UI. Promotion-by-PR is one of several options for managing GitOps promotions. Besides showing a demo, we’ll compare and contrast this strategy with other open source and vendor-based solutions so that the audience can select the system that matches their needs.
avatar for Zach Aller

Zach Aller

Staff Software Engineer, Intuit
Zach Aller is a software engineer at Intuit and a lead maintainer of Argo Rollouts. He has 15+ years of software development experience with a strong focus on SRE/Platform tooling. He has a strong background in Kubernetes and has managed large scale Kubernetes clusters for multiple... Read More →
avatar for Michael Crenshaw

Michael Crenshaw

Staff Software Engineer, Intuit
Michael Crenshaw is a Staff Software Engineer on the Argo CD team at Intuit. He is the most active contributor to the Argo project, focusing on security and performance improvements in Argo CD. He helps maintain Intuit’s ~50 Argo CD instances and ~20k Argo CD applications.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:10pm - 1:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Progressive Delivery

1:25pm MST

Istio Day | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A
  Istio Day

1:25pm MST

Kubernetes on Edge Day | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day

1:25pm MST

OpenTofu | Welcome + Opening Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:25pm - 1:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenTofu Day

1:30pm MST

Your Cheat Code for API Authorization - Omri Gazitt, Aserto
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Congrats, your org is all-in on microservices! But now you have hundreds (or thousands!) of APIs. Some power your customer-facing apps. Others are platform services that your front-end services consume. Still others are back-end services used by internal tools. And ALL of them need to be authorized. Not to mention, you need to be able to answer questions like “which users are authorized to invoke this endpoint?” and “which endpoints can this user invoke?” Having each API “do its own thing” makes it all but impossible to wrangle this complexity. You need a cross-cutting solution to apply authorization rules consistently - either in the API code or at the API Gateway. Enter Topaz: an open source cloud-native authorization service that is plug-compatible with Open Policy Agent, and provides full support for the Google Zanzibar ReBAC model. This talk provides hands-on learning for how to go from an OpenAPI spec to a fine-grained authorization model, ready to authorize your users.
avatar for Omri Gazitt

Omri Gazitt

Co-founder & CEO, Aserto
Omri is the co-founder/CEO of Aserto.com, an authorization startup, and his 3rd entrepreneurial venture. He spent the majority of his 30-year career working on developer & infrastructure tech, most recently as the CPO of Puppet. Previously he was the VP & GM of HP's Cloud Native Platform... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

1:30pm MST

The Lego Approach: Leveraging Reusability for a Seamless User Experience - Ashna Malhotra & Mesut Yilmazyildirim, Booking.com
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Tired of a disjointed Backstage with inconsistent plugins? We'll share best practices for a unified, user-friendly experience! Learn how to create reusable components for streamlined development and a cohesive look. Discover how to integrate your company branding for user familiarity. We'll delve into using Storybook for clear documentation and explore strategies for accepting contributions to your components, fostering collaboration. Leave this session with a plan to build a seamless, visually appealing, and collaboratively developed Backstage for your engineering teams!
avatar for Ashna Malhotra

Ashna Malhotra

Technology Innovation Advocate, Booking.com
As a Frontend Engineer at Booking.com, I have a keen eye for resolving complex problems through innovative solutions. I don't just develop features; I ensure they address real pain points using best practices. My experience spans from internal tools to customer-facing products. I... Read More →
avatar for Mesut Yilmazyildirim

Mesut Yilmazyildirim

Technical Product Manager, Booking.com
Product Manager
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

1:30pm MST

Scaling Network Policy Enforcement Beyond the Cluster Boundary with Cilium - Hemanth Malla & Maxime Visonneau, Datadog
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
To keep up with infrastructure growth, companies around the world are managing an increasing number of kubernetes clusters. Enforcing kubernetes native network policy at scale is already hard enough within a single cluster. Extending this to multiple clusters is even more challenging. Depending on the shape of your infrastructure, your cross-cluster policy requirements may be unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all configuration. In this talk, we’ll dive deep into how different solutions work in cilium to understand sources of potential bottlenecks. We’ll discuss Clustermesh, KVstoremesh, DNS-based FQDN policy and a custom variant of KVstoremesh Datadog leverages while meshing at scale. Specifically, we’ll discuss how factors like the number of pods, identities and pod churn will impact scalability and time to policy enforcement. Join us if you’re curious about understanding the latest in cross-cluster policy and leave with actionable insights you can apply to your infrastructure.
avatar for Hemanth Malla

Hemanth Malla

Senior Software Engineer, Datadog
Hemanth Malla is a Senior Software Engineer working on Kubernetes and container networking at Datadog. He is also a Cilium CNCF maintainer. Previously he worked on various distributed systems in industries like e-commerce, fintech and high frequency trading. Apart from computers... Read More →
avatar for Maxime Visonneau

Maxime Visonneau

Engineering Manager, Datadog
Maxime is an experienced systems and software engineer known for his passion in building robust infrastructures for small to large businesses. Having successfully led his startup to acquisition by Twitter in 2021. He is currently leading teams at Datadog where he brings a wealth of... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Cilium Architecture

1:30pm MST

Dressing-up Your Cluster for AI in Minutes with a Portable Network CR - Sunyanan Choochotkaew & Tatsuhiro Chiba, IBM Research
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Kubernetes network overhead and complexity is one of the impediments of Cloud adoption for AI, especially when considering using multiple networks to boost bandwidth for distributed tasks. Defining a network configuration for secondary interfaces in a static way is not a trivial task for platform engineers to meet the distinctive demands of heterogeneity and scale within a virtual-private-cloud cluster. In this talk, we show how deploying a single portable custom resource can play a significant role in transforming a VPC cluster into a supercomputer tailored for AI workloads. We share our journey of the Multi-NIC CNI project and demonstrate the benefit of seamlessly enabling dynamicity in network attachment definitions via practical use cases, along with outlining future directions towards the related open source projects like Multus, Node Resource Interface (NRI), Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA), and Kubernetes Networking Interface (KNI).
avatar for Tatsuhiro Chiba

Tatsuhiro Chiba

Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research
Tatsuhiro Chiba is a STSM and Manager at IBM Research, specialized in performance optimization and acceleration of large scale AI and HPC workloads on Hybrid Cloud. He is leading a project to enhance OpenShift performance and sustainability for AI and HPC by exploiting various cloud... Read More →
avatar for Sunyanan Choochotkaew

Sunyanan Choochotkaew

Staff Research Scientist, IBM Research
Sunyanan Choochotkaew is working at IBM Research - Tokyo, specializing in cloud platform optimization. She actively contributes to various open-source projects, including Kepler, Multi-NIC CNI, and CPE operator, where she holds the role of maintainer. She has also made contributions... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

1:30pm MST

Observing the Future: Embracing OTEL in WebAssembly - Victor Adossi, Cosmonic
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
WebAssembly is the next platform for computing, and this time, we can have observability from day one. In building distributed WebAssembly on top of wasmCloud, we built in the full OpenTelemetry ("OTEL") trifecta: traces, metrics and logs.

**Along the way we found a new way to achieve the holy grail of observability — free application & backing service instrumentation.**

This talk will cover how we implemented OTEL in wasmCloud and the benefits and challenges we faced. In a live demo, you will learn how you can trace globally distributed applications written in different programming languages and connected to a variety of backend services.
avatar for Victor Adossi

Victor Adossi

Backend Engineer, Cosmonic
Talk to me about Rust, WebAssembly, and building microscalers.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

1:30pm MST

Where’s the Auto in Auto-Instrumentation? a Look at Current Automation Strategies with OTel - Joshua Lee, Altinity
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
“Automatic Instrumentation” can mean a lot of things depending on context. Whether we’re discussing the Instrumentation SDKs or full-kernel observability with eBPF, the promise is the same: end-to-end observability coverage with no custom code and minimal setup. First, I will review how the different mechanisms available for automatic instrumentation work within each of the 11 languages supported by OpenTelemetry. I’ll examine:
  • How code-path instrumentation works at the library level by diving into the Node.js OpenTelemetry Extension and the JavaScript libraries it supports 
  • Automatic instrumentation via attachment with Java and Python
  • Automatic instrumentation injection using the OTel Operator for DotNet, Java, and NodeJS
Finally, I’ll take a peek at the future of automatic instrumentation of compiled binaries with a look at the Go instrumentation library built using eBPF.
avatar for Josh Lee

Josh Lee

Open Source Developer Advocate, Altinity
Joshua is a seasoned software developer with over a decade of experience, specializing in a broad range of topics including operations, observability, agile methodologies, and accessibility. Currently, Joshua serves as a Developer Advocate for Altinity, where he creates educational... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

1:30pm MST

Elevance Health Migration to Multi-Cloud GitOps Platform - Carlos Santana, AWS
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Elevance Health has embarked on a multi-year, multi-cloud journey to streamline their Kubernetes operations by leveraging the power of GitOps, and various cutting-edge tools. In this session, we will explore why Elevance Health chose Crossplane as their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool for creating Kubernetes clusters. We will examine the implementation of a GitOps mechanism for EKS Fleet Management using ArgoCD ApplicationSets, known as the GitOps-Bridge for Addons. Learn how Elevance Health is onboarding application teams through GitOps, managing Tenant/Namespace ArgoCD Projects, and utilizing Helm Charts for application delivery and centralizing the management of spoke clusters. The talk will cover the integration of other operational tools such as Paralus for User Management and Vault for secrets management, and how teams are on-boarded with GitOps for secure secret management.
avatar for Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana

Sr. Kubernetes Specialist SA, AWS
Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS leading Container solutions in the Worldwide Application Modernization GTM team. He is experienced in distributed application architecture, emerging technologies, open source, serverless, gitops, devops. He is a contributor to CNCF projects... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

1:35pm MST

Fireside Chat with Kelsey Hightower - Start-Up Resilience in a Post-ZIRP World - Kelsey Hightower & Megan Reynolds, Vertex Ventures
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 1:50pm MST
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Kelsey Hightower

Vertex Ventures
Kelsey Hightower has worn every hat possible throughout his career in tech, and enjoys leadership roles focused on making things happen and shipping software. Kelsey is a strong open source advocate focused on building simple tools that make people smile. When he is not slinging Go... Read More →
avatar for Megan Reynolds

Megan Reynolds

Vertex Ventures
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 1:50pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

1:35pm MST

Vanishing Point: Reimagining the Meaning of a Mesh - Mitch Connors, Microsoft & Justin Pettit, Google
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 2:00pm MST
Ambient mesh introduces a new service mesh architecture without sidecars, but more than that, it gives us a way of thinking about the mesh as a set of API-driven network capabilities, distinct from the infrastructure used as an implementation. What if your mesh was truly ambient - if it was available and functional anywhere you have a network? This talk will show the state of the art of making Istio’s implementation details - the ztunnel L4 secure overlay and the L7 waypoint proxy - vanish into the cloud infrastructure. We’ll cover our efforts to standardize Istio’s Ambient Mesh interfaces to allow alternative implementations that can leverage existing infrastructure, requiring fewer components, and less management overhead. We’ll imagine alternative waypoint proxy implementations, such as managed load balancers, and non-Envoy proxies, and we’ll discuss how adjacent projects like Cilium CNI are vanishing into the infrastructure, and how these parallel efforts align with one another.
avatar for Mitch Connors

Mitch Connors

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Mitch Connors is a Sr. Principal Software Engineer at Aviatrix, and serves on the Istio Technical Oversight Committee. Over the past 17 years, Mitch has worked at Google, F5 Networks, Amazon, an Industrial IoT startup, and State Farm Insurance, giving him a broad perspective on the... Read More →
avatar for Justin Pettit

Justin Pettit

Senior Staff Engineer, Google
Justin works on Istio and service mesh at Google. Previously, he worked on Software Defined Networking, helping create the Open vSwitch and OVN projects, as well as the OpenFlow protocol. Prior to Google, Justin worked at four successful startups focused on network virtualization... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 2:00pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

1:35pm MST

Keyboards, Kiosks, and Kubernetes. Oh My! - Andrew Gracey, SUSE
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 2:00pm MST
Since containers are just fancy linux processes, we can shove anything in there, right?!? It turns out: Yeah, pretty much! The presenter has been exploring what you can do when you shove more interesting components (such as X11 and Pulse Audio) into containers. While it might feel like fitting a square peg in a round hole, it turns out this allows us to run kiosks and other HID workloads within Kubernetes! More importantly, it allows for maintaining host/workload decoupling and integrating into the CNCF ecosystem.

By containerizing your kiosk, you can:
  • Manage all of your devices with the same toolchain 
  • Share extra resources on HID computers 
  • Write GUI applications in any language or framework 
  • Mitigate security issues (e.g. no shelling out from a print dialog) 
  • Shrink update size All of this is open source using open source components at github.com/agracey/kiosk
Join the speaker for a deep dive into shenanigans required, lessons they learned, a demo, and how to get involved!
avatar for Andrew Gracey

Andrew Gracey

Field Product Manager for Edge, SUSE
Andrew is currently a product manager for all things cloud native edge at SUSE. He is interested in where technology, business, and people intersect to help improve all three!
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 2:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day, Project Highlights

1:35pm MST

Accelerating Application Delivery with OpenTofu Controller and GitOps - Lucas Duarte & Tiago Reichert, AWS
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 2:00pm MST
Developers often face challenges in reusing code and infrastructure across different projects, leading to duplication of effort and slower time-to-market. Platform engineering aims to solve this by providing a shared, standardized platform with reusable assets, automation, and governance, enabling faster development and delivery of applications.

Explore how OpenTofu Controller, in conjunction with Fluxv2 and GitOps principles, enables a seamless integration of infrastructure and application resources within a Kubernetes environment. We will dive into a real-world use case, showcasing the deployment of a multi-tenant SaaS platform on Kubernetes using OpenTofu Controller and Helm to consistently package reusable assets and deploy both application definitions and infrastructure components through a Git-centric workflow.
avatar for Lucas Duarte

Lucas Duarte

Sr. Specialist Containers SA, AWS
avatar for Tiago Reichert

Tiago Reichert

Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
Tiago is a Solutions Architect for AWS Brazil focused on helping ISV partners on their cloud journey. His passion lies in Containers, DevOps and SaaS. Additionally, Tiago is one of the organizer for the KCD Brazil.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:35pm - 2:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenTofu Day, Community Insights

1:40pm MST

GitOps Safety: Rendering Accurate ArgoCD Diffs Directly on Pull Requests - Dag Bjerre Andersen, Doubble & Regina Voloshin, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:40pm - 2:05pm MST
As organizations increasingly adopt GitOps and infrastructure-as-code, accurately visualizing manifest changes before they merge has become crucial. Mentally parsing Helm templates and Kustomize patches is too unreliable for catching configuration errors. Join us as we review the current landscape of tools and methods used for visualizing code changes in Argo CD, highlight their limitations, and introduce a new method that leverages ephemeral clusters and Argo CD to render accurate diffs of Helm Charts and Kustomize overlays directly on pull requests. The presentation showcases a tool illustrating this new approach and discusses its overall design. We will demonstrate how the approach can be seamlessly integrated into CI/CD pipelines to prevent deployment errors and streamline code reviews, all without access to live infrastructure. Finally, we'll conclude with an honest assessment of the method's capabilities and limitations and discuss potential areas for future development.
avatar for Regina Voloshin

Regina Voloshin

OSS Tech Lead, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Regina is a GitOps fan. She is also an ArgoCD contributor and a CNCF Ambassador.
avatar for Dag Bjerre Andersen

Dag Bjerre Andersen

Infrastructure Engineer, Doubble
Dag is an Infrastructure Engineer at Doubble. He is passionate about nearly everything related to Kubernetes and has worked extensively with Argo CD, Flux, and Kubernetes over the past few years
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:40pm - 2:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

1:40pm MST

Untangling the Threads: Understanding Argo Workflows with Workflow Tracing - Alan Clucas, Pipekit Inc. & Jason Meridth, GitHub
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:40pm - 2:05pm MST
Having strong observability is key to understanding the inner workings of your workflows.

This talk dives deep into how observability empowers you to efficiently understand your workflows. We'll explore how to answer critical questions about your running workflows, including:
- What's the current state of my workflow?
- Are there any bottlenecks or resource constraints?
- How long are specific steps taking to execute?

We'll demonstrate practical techniques, including:
- Adding custom traces for tailored insights
- Leveraging built-in default metrics for immediate visibility
- Converting traces to metrics for observability of critical paths

Get a sneak peek at the upcoming Workflow Traceability feature! We'll showcase its ability to provide a granular view of your workflow execution, allowing you to pinpoint issues with laser focus. Learn how you can add your own spans into the overall workflow trace.
avatar for Alan Clucas

Alan Clucas

Staff Software Engineer, Pipekit Inc
Alan Clucas is a Senior Software Engineer at Pipekit, who contributes to Argo Workflows. His background is in software development, and from this has come a love of open source. In his spare time he works on Crumbhole, a collection of Open Source GitOps tools using the Argo Project... Read More →
avatar for Jason Meridth

Jason Meridth

Senior Software Engineer, GitHub
Jason is a continually learning and accomplished software developer with experience in multiple software design life cycles, frameworks, languages, automation and orchestration technologies. He has experience in both start-up and enterprise environments. He believes in automation... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 1:40pm - 2:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Observability

2:05pm MST

Streamlining Cloud-Native Development: Simplifying Dependencies and Testing with Microcks - Laurent Broudoux, Microcks & Daniel Oh, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
You’re starting with business application development but soon realize that pulling and setting up dependencies is daunting. Because you have databases, cloud services but also a lot of 3rd party APIs! What’s the solution? “Remolocal” (remote + local) env are complex and costly to manage. CI/CD is there for automating testing and deployment, but the feedback loop is longer - not a substitute for local inner-loop processes. Luckily, modern cloud-native application stacks bring back Developer Joy! CNCF’s Microcks project integrates nicely with Testcontainers to provide mocking, simulation, and continuous contract testing to guarantee the conformance of your work, giving you a very high level of confidence! In this session, we’ll present how to ease your life when setting up your development environment and testing your APIs! We will also share end-user stories about how Microcks increases developer productivity for efficient cloud-native Java development inner-loop!
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Microcks co-founder, Microcks
Laurent is a Cloud-Native Architecture expert and Enterprise Integration problem lover. He is the founder and lead developer of the Microcks.io open source project: a Kubernetes-native tool for API mocking and testing. For this, he is using his 10+ years experience as an architect... Read More →
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Daniel Oh

Senior Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Daniel Oh is a Java Champion and Senior Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat to evangelize developers for building cloud-native apps and serverless ob Kubernetes ecosystems. He's also contributing to various cloud open-source projects and ecosystems as a CNCF ambassador for accelerating... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

2:05pm MST

Centralized Compliance: Automated Governance Inside of Backstage Developer Portals - Amber Beasley & Daniel Hagen, Liatrio
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
While Backstage already excels at displaying information about repositories registered as components, this talk will explore how to enhance Backstage by integrating Automated Governance results into the repository information. With these results readily accessible, you can easily determine which releases are passing or failing the Automated Governance policies and quickly identify the reasons for any failures at a glance. We will cover the development and use of reusable custom plugins and open-source libraries for Backstage to seamlessly display Automated Governance results. This integration not only improves visibility into the compliance status of your releases but also helps address future releases to ensure they meet the required policies.
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Amber Beasley

Senior DevOps Engineer, Liatrio
Amber is a Senior DevOps Engineer at Liatrio, specializing in DevOps workflow optimization, automation, and team dynamics to streamline software development processes. Amber excels in implementing solutions across diverse platforms and cloud environments, empowering teams to achieve... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Hagen

Daniel Hagen

Senior DevOps Engineer, Liatrio
Daniel works at Liatrio working with Fortune 100 clients to develop platforms and modernize applications. As an owner of numerous industry and project management certifications, Daniel contributes to more than 20 Open Source libraries, and systems images. In addition, he is highly... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

2:05pm MST

How to Use XDP and eBPF to Accelerate IPSec Throughput by 400% - Ryan Drew, Isovalent, now part of Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
The techniques used to increase IPSec network performance are often kept as secrets because they act as a competitive advantage and a lucrative product offering. This talk transparently presents a technique for massively boosting IPSec performance that is simple to implement (less than 200 lines of C), and based entirely on open-source work. An early Proof of Concept (POC) implementation showed an increase in p99 throughput by 412%! This talk will take a deep-dive into how it all works, covering: the implementation, the pros and cons of the design, and an analysis of benchmark results. As transparent encryption becomes more crucial for securing data in transit, we hope this talk will enable users required to use IPSec for compliance or infrastructure reasons to learn how to speed up their network without having to compromise their security.
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Ryan Drew

Software Developer, Isovalent, now part of Cisco
Ryan Drew is a Performance and Scale engineer at Isovalent, based out of the United States in Colorado. He has a passion for learning and building amazing technologies and collaborating with his colleagues to help make a positive impact.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Cilium Architecture

2:05pm MST

Boosting Training and Inference Performance via Topology-Aware Scheduling of Heterogeneous Resources - He Cao, ByteDance
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
As LLMs rapidly evolve, K8s’ topology management can not meet the performance demands in several aspects: 1. For new-generation high-density processors, NUMA affinity is insufficient to ensure inference performance. 2. The performance bottleneck has shifted from computation to networking. However, K8s does not consider the topology of heterogeneous resources like GPU and RDMA.

In this talk, He will introduce how ByteDance significantly improves LLM workload performance by enhancing topology-aware scheduling: 1. For nodes with high-density processors, achieve die-level affinity and implement anti-affinity between memory bandwidth-intensive pods. 2. For pods within a training job, achieve inter-RDMA affinity at the ToR level to avoid switch congestion. 3. For inference workloads, achieve GPU-RDMA affinity at PCIe switch level to enable GPUDirect RDMA for accelerated communication. 4. How we achieve job-level topology affinity based on K8s scheduler which operates at the pod level.
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He Cao

Senior Software Engineer, ByteDance
He Cao is a senior software engineer on the Cloud Native team at ByteDance, a maintainer of Katalyst and KubeZoo, and a member of Istio. He has 5+ years of experience in the cloud native area. Since joining ByteDance, he has designed and implemented several critical systems for VKE... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

2:05pm MST

Enhancing Asynchronous Communication Observability with OpenTelemetry - Liudmila Molkova, Microsoft & Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava, SigNoz
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
OTel community has been working on standardizing semantic conventions to correlate telemetry data from various systems. The Messaging SemConv aims to solve it for commonly used queues like Kafka, RabbitMQ, and others systems. OTel instrumentations are adopting these conventions, but the end users still face challenges with async messaging observability at scale. They struggle with questions like "how to trace message flow?", "how to correlate metrics with traces?", "how to do capacity planning and cost optimizations based on telemetry data?". The end-to-end visibility often remains a black box! In this session, through a demo, we'll delve deeper into async architecture to address these questions, demonstrate context propagation within queues, and show how to correlate traces and client or broker-side metrics. Participants will gain hands-on experience with messaging instrumentation, learning how to achieve observability in both simple and complex asynchronous messaging scenarios.
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Liudmila Molkova

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Liudmila Molkova is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft working on observability and Azure client libraries. She is a co-author of distributed tracing implementations across the .NET ecosystem including HTTP client instrumentation and Azure Functions. Liudmila is an active... Read More →
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Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Founding Engineer, SigNoz
Shivanshu is a Founding Engineer at SigNoz, working on building an OTeL native observability product. He has a keen interest in deep tech and OSS. He is a CNCF ambassador and a member of CNCF projects like OTeL, k8s, and Istio. He has got the opportunity to mentor contributors in... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

2:05pm MST

Measure What Matters - Jamie Danielson, Honeycomb
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Have you ever had an alert go off that you immediately ignore? It’s a nuisance alert, not actionable, but you keep it around just in case. Have you ever looked at your trace waterfall and wondered what exactly happened during that gap that just doesn’t drill down deep enough to surface meaningful details? Do you know the feeling where you have just enough information to sort of monitor what’s going on in your systems, but not quite enough to put your mind at ease or feel like you know where to look when things go wrong? These experiences are almost universally known, something that everyone can relate to at some point in their observability journey. This session will help tackle common pitfalls, offering strategic ways to improve your observability. Armed with a mix of tailored custom instrumentation and well-reasoned SLOs, you’ll walk away able to help yourself and your team sleep better at night knowing you are measuring what matters and reducing the noise of unhelpful alerts.
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Jamie Danielson

Senior Software Engineer, Honeycomb
Jamie is a Senior Software Engineer at Honeycomb where she works on instrumentation libraries. She is an active contributor to multiple OpenTelemetry projects, and is an approver for OpenTelemetry JavaScript. When she’s not working she’s playing dek hockey.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

2:05pm MST

Harnessing Crossplane and Dapr for DevOps: FICO’s Platform Engineering Journey to Increase Velocity - Hugo Smitter, FICO
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
FICO’s platform engineering team is constantly researching new tools to help accelerate delivery of solutions to our customers. We reviewed various tools enabling our teams to write sophisticated automation pipelines. Learn how we leverage Crossplane and Dapr to build Composition pipelines for increased deployment flexibility and velocity.

We’ll explore:
  • Overview of the FICO® Platform and strategic business objectives driving our tool selection. 
  • Explore Crossplane Functions for dynamic resource generation, database interactions, secret management and more.
  • Combine Dapr’s building blocks with Crossplane to streamline your DevOps workflows to increase deployment flexibility and velocity.
  •  Building Anything-as-Code (AaC) pipelines using Crossplane’s Composition Functions aided by Dapr to separate user logic from boilerplate code.
Gain technical insights and practical knowledge on new tools to increase velocity and flexibility of your team’s workflows and AaC deployments.
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Hugo Smitter

Platform Architect at FICO, FICO
Senior Enterprise and Solutions Architect with international experience in multiple industries. Track record performing leadership roles as: chief architect, solution architect, platform architect, systems integrator, information architect, delivery excellence auditor, consultant... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:05pm - 2:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

2:10pm MST

Argonauts of Data: Building Scalable and Effective Data Pipelines - Satabrata Paul & Nishchith Shetty, Atlan
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Atlan is a collaborative workspace for data teams that offers functionality like metadata cataloging and data lineage amongst others. Atlan provides connector integrations which ingest metadata from various data sources. As the data estate volume hit a massive scale, the platform encountered performance drags with ETL pipelines impacting resiliency, processing runtimes and efficiency. The existing architecture suffered pipeline failures encompassing computation and storage exhaustion, and parallel and concurrent processing pit-falls with troubling spikes in workflow failure rates. In this talk, Satabrata and Nishchith will share how they leveraged Argo’s parallelization techniques with robust re-try mechanisms and effective artifactory loading to ingest 100 Million assets achieving a 450% reduction in processing time. This improvisation also helped them process 3 Million SQL Queries in just 2 hours reducing overall pipeline runtime by 50% and having Argo-powered horizontal scale-out.
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Satabrata Paul

Software Engineer II, Atlan
Satabrata Paul is a seasoned Data Engineer specializing in Backend Systems and CI/CD methodologies to optimize connector integrations for robust data cataloging. At Atlan, he is a part of the Metadata Marketplace team crafting solutions for data asset discovery and lineage. Satabrata... Read More →
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Nishchith Shetty

Software Engineer, Platform Team, Atlan
Nishchith Shetty is a Software Engineer, part of the Platform Engineering Team at Atlan. He currently lives in San Jose, California. In the past, he has contributed to several open-source projects like Numaflow, CLTK, ScanCode, and Linux Foundation. Nishchith recently graduated from... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Data Processing

2:10pm MST

Managing Application Dependencies in Argo CD - Christian Hernandez, Akuity
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
In this talk, we will explore how to effectively manage inter Applications dependencies in Argo CD. Argo CD's Application Custom Resource Definition allows you to group Kubernetes Manifests logically, treating them as a single entity. While Applications are designed to be autonomous, this can pose challenges in a microservices architecture where components are isolated into separate Applications. This session will discuss patterns, best practices, and lessons learned to manage dependencies using the current capabilities of Argo CD. The session will begin with an overview of the Application CRD and its role as the atomic unit in Argo CD, highlighting how it enables the logical grouping of Kubernetes objects. We will then discuss Application characteristics and how it impacts microservices, using real-world examples. The we'll go over the current limitations in setting up Application dependencies in Argo CD, followed by strategies and patterns for managing inter-Application dependencies
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Christian Hernandez

Head of Community, Akuity, Inc
Christian is a well rounded technologist with experience in infrastructure engineering, systems administration, enterprise architecture, tech support, advocacy, and product management. Passionate about OpenSource and containerizing the world one application at a time. He is currently... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Scalability

2:10pm MST

Confluent’s Service Mesh Journey - Building Security and Reliability One Sidecar at a Time! - Neeraj Poddar, Solo.io & Cody Ray, Confluent
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Confluent Cloud leverages Istio service mesh in its control plane to secure, observe and route traffic between microservices at scale processing millions of requests per second. In this case study we will explore how Istio service mesh was incrementally adopted at Confluent providing a uniform identity model using SPIRE and advanced observability using OpenTelemetry. We will go over our Istio adoption journey - from securing traffic using mTLS to advanced multi cluster routing and share our experiences running Istio at scale in production along with learnings to operationalize Istio for Day 2 operations.
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Cody A. Ray

Staff Software Engineer, Confluent, Inc.
REST/GRPC APIs, OpenAPI, schemas, API versioning and evolution, golang, Kubernetes, Docker, and so on.
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Neeraj Poddar

VP of Engineering, Solo.io, Solo.io
Neeraj Poddar is the VP of Engineering at Solo.io. He has worked on various aspects of operating systems, networking and distributed systems over the span of his career. He is a long term contributor and maintainer of the Istio project, a former Steering Committee member and currently... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

2:10pm MST

The Perfect Storm: Production Kubernetes Running on Ocean Vessels - Raghushankar Vatte, ZEDEDA
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Edge computing is revolutionizing the shipping & logistics industry, enabling real-time insights & decision-making & providing a more seamless customer experience. This session shares the story of a Global F500 shipping company who turned to a Kubernetes-based packet core app to support their connected device strategy. Yet running K8s in the ocean, where you may have thousands of 3-node clusters vs a few 1,000-node clusters, requires a different approach. Distributed environments, with variables such as intermittent connectivity, security concerns & IT resources on the shore miles away, complicate these projects. Learn how they addressed these challenges with a scalable architecture across the entire fleet. This session will also provide an intro to EVE, developed within LF Edge from the Linux Foundation. EVE provides the ideal infrastructure for deploying K8s at the edge by addressing needs in areas like security, autonomy & scale for compute resources outside of secure data centers.
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Raghushankar Vatte

Field CTO and VP Strategy, ZEDEDA
Raghushankar Vatte is the Field CTO and VP Strategy at ZEDEDA, where he has built both the Customer Success and Product Management organizations, and today focuses on customer impacting technologies and engagement. Prior to ZEDEDA, Raghu has held multiple engineering, solution architect... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

2:10pm MST

Mutually Assured Development - Christian Mesh, OpenTofu/SpaceLift
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
An overview of the history of OpenTofu and how highly competitive actors can come together to build a strong ecosystem and community with the right push.

How do you channel the outrage after a rug pull on an Open Source project into a successful fork and community? A situation developers and companies are faced with all too often these days. How did a group of companies which are direct and fierce competitors kick off this project? This talk offers an inside perspective into the challenges faced by OpenTofu over the past year and what paths we are taking to overcome them.
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Christian Mesh

Core Engineer and Tech Lead, OpenTofu, sponsored by SpaceLift
With over a year of OpenTofu development under his belt, Christian is a Core Engineer and Tech Lead of OpenTofu. He is generously sponsored by SpaceLift.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenTofu Day, Community Insights

2:10pm MST

Panel: The $100B Opportunity for the Cloud-Native Ecosystem: A VC Perspective - Wei Lien Dang, Unusual Ventures; Astasia Myers, Felicis Ventures; Crystal Huang, GV (Google Ventures); Natalie Vais, Spark Capital
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:45pm MST
In the last 10 years since the first commit of Kubernetes, venture capital funding has supported thousands of cloud-native companies. These investments have enabled successful business models to emerge around open-source technologies and generated collective market value well over $10 billion. As we look ahead to the next 10 years, the opportunity to build companies in cloud-native AI (CNAI) presents an even larger opportunity. Join us for this session, which includes a group of Partners from GV (formerly Google Ventures), Felicis Ventures, Spark Capital, and Unusual Ventures, all who have spent years investing in cloud-native companies. They'll share lessons from the biggest cloud-native investment successes and failures over the last 10 years and the opportunities for new CNAI startups that they're most excited about.
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Wei Lien Dang

General Partner, Unusual Ventures
Wei Lien Dang is a General Partner and early-stage investor at Unusual Ventures. He focuses on open-source developer tools, data infrastructure, AI, and cybersecurity. Wei was a co-founder of StackRox, a cloud-native security company acquired by Red Hat in 2021. Before that, Wei held... Read More →
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Crystal Huang

https://www.gv.com/, GV (Google Ventures)
Crystal is a General Partner at GV (Google Ventures), where she invests in enterprise software, developer tools and AI. She currently works with Cacheflow, Omni, Pecan.ai, PostHog, Sardine, Speakeasy, Typeface and others. Prior to GV, she was an investor at NEA and Notable Capital... Read More →
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Astasia Myers

General Partner, Felicis Ventures
Astasia Myers is a General Partner at Felicis. Before joining Felicis, she was a partner at Quiet Capital and an investor at Redpoint Ventures. Astasia focuses on early-stage investing across AI, data, open source, developer tools, and security. She has invested in LaunchDarkly, Solo.io... Read More →
avatar for Natalie Vais

Natalie Vais

General Partner, Spark Capital
Natalie is a General Partner at Spark Capital where she invests in early-stage startups across cloud infrastructure, AI, and developer tools. She has invested in companies like Polar Signals, MotherDuck, TigerBeetle, and ElectricSQL. Before transitioning to venture capital, Natalie... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:10pm - 2:45pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

2:40pm MST

Sponsored Keynote: From “Edge-Compatible” to “Edge-Native” - Saad Malik, Spectro Cloud
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 2:45pm MST
Kubernetes just turned 10 and it’s already driving a paradigm shift for modern multi-environment infrastructure. With the vast majority of organizations putting it at the epicenter of their long-term strategy, more than one third are deploying at the edge, with the adoption steadily growing year on year. As use cases across various industries increase, so do the stakes in the form of challenges; security, day 2 ops, cost, that require a new breed of solutions that are born for Kubernetes at the edge. In this session, Saad Malik, Spectro Cloud's CTO and co-founder will walk us through the latest trends and data from our biggest ever research, combined with the lessons learned from working with customers in product projects.
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Saad Malik

Spectro Cloud
Saad is passionate about building products in the areas of cloud, virtualization, containers, and distributed systems. In his fifteen years of experience, Saad has shipped multiple new products in enterprise, service provider, and consumer technologies. He is a hardcore Trekkie and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 2:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day

2:40pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: A Tale of Three Configs: On Best Practices with OpenTofu Structuring - Ronny Orot, env0
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 2:50pm MST
Today, there are three primary methods to manage your OpenTofu configurations and state across different environments (dev, int, prod): using separate configurations for each environment, leveraging workspaces, and employing the backend-config flag. I

n this talk, we'll explore the pros and cons of each approach and how the new Static Evaluation feature impacts and enhances these methods.

Additionally, we'll discuss versioning of OpenTofu modules, highlighting how the Static Evaluation feature simplifies the process and brings greater flexibility to module management. Join us to gain insights into optimizing your OpenTofu workflows and maximizing the full potential of Static Evaluation.
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Ronny Orot

Software Engineer, env0
Ronny Orot is a Senior Software Engineer at env0 and an OpenTofu core developer team member. She has created various TACOS solutions for different companies over the past four years and is passionate about DevOps and IaC.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 2:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenTofu Day, OpenTofu Internals

2:40pm MST

Fake It to Make It! - TDD of gRPC Microservices - Ed Crewe, EnterpriseDB
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
For unit testing cloud native applications we mock a lot, dependencies are in the cloud, and unit tests should be isolated. For testing the full service delivered by k8s composed microservices, we can easily stand up ephemeral test deployments as part of CI/CD. K8s gives us replicable IaC out of the box. Add E2E tests to our pipeline and we are good, right? Unfortunately no, that means we not only have an hourglass of testing. But one whose bottom may barely test if your code actually works, whatever the coverage says. Leaving us relying on very slow and expensive E2E build and test feedback from our CI/CD requiring full k8s cluster deployments. This talk is about why developers need to turn that hourglass of testing back into a pyramid and how to do so. Enabling efficient test driven refactoring of your microservices by developing fast fake frameworks for functional testing. Driving up quality via rapid development and refactoring cycles.
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Ed Crewe

Developer Enterprise DB Postgres AI, EnterpriseDB
I have been a cloud engineer for the last 8 years. Working mainly on k8s Golang micro-services for the last 5. Before that I was a web developer and have spoken at Djangocon.Eu and EuroPython as well as many times at local techie groups, including my local Golang meetup. Currently... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

2:40pm MST

Scale the Adoption and Delivery of Backend Plugins Using the New Backstage Framework - Avantika Iyer & Emma Indal, Spotify
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
We’re over a year in since the new Backend system was rolled out, unlocking the extensibility and customisability of Backstage. Whether you’re a Backstage plugin developer or an adopter, tune in to discover the advantages of working within the new framework. For plugin authors, learn how to:
  • Extend and provide customisations for your backend plugin with extension points 
  • Break your plugin’s functionality into modules 
  • Connect these pieces back together into a fully functional plugin with plugin metadata
Designing your plugin with these features will make it easier for the community to adopt it and configure it to their own needs.

For adopters, discover how the new system drastically reduces the time to install new plugins and customise them with little to no code. With a few examples, we will illustrate how migrating to the new framework can make your backstage instance serve new functionality to your users quickly.
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Avantika Iyer

Senior Software Engineer, Spotify
Avantika Iyer is a Senior Software Engineer at Spotify, working across the stack on Backstage's open source and commercial products. She likes product engineering that is driven by customer needs and feedback and brings in a wide range of experience from small startups and multinational... Read More →
avatar for Emma Indal

Emma Indal

Software Engineer, Spotify
Emma Indal (she/her/hers) is a Software Engineer at Spotify, originally from Gothenburg, Sweden. She has been a member of the Backstage team at Spotify for the last 4.5 years.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

2:40pm MST

Brag Your RAG with the MLOPS Swag - Madhav Sathe, Google & Jitender Kumar, publicissapient
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Organizations are beginning to unlock significant value by integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) & Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) into their business-critical processes. However, enterprises often face challenges in meeting the high expectations of GenAI-driven business outcomes. Bridging this gap requires meticulous planning in governance, continuous evaluation, seamless scaling, operational costs, and time-to-market. In this session, attendees will witness a live demonstration of a RAG application stack built with LangChain, Canopy, and a PostgreSQL Vector database, all deployed on Kubernetes. Additionally, we will discuss leveraging GPU and TPU accelerators to enhance computational efficiency. The audience will also gain insights into MLOps strategies for data splitting, embeddings, retrieval, and prompt engineering. Join us to explore how to effectively leverage MLOps with Kubernetes to achieve scalable and impactful GenAI solutions.
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Jitender Kumar

Director Technology- Devops and Cloud, Publicis Sapient
20+ years of successful IT and Delivery management experience leading mission critical infrastructure, software development and implementation projects involving strategic business and technology change and providing measurable financial results for the organization. Worked with Financial... Read More →
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Madhav Sathe

Principal Architect, Google
Madhav helps major enterprises drive innovation using modern application architectures, containers and DevOps. Madhav has been a speaker at conferences such as SpringOne, Cloud Foundry Summit and Oracle OpenWorld. He has co-authored a white paper on container security. Madhav currently... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

2:40pm MST

Build-Time Auto-Instrumentation in Android - Jason Plumb, Splunk
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
This session provides an in-depth dissection and live demonstration of OpenTelemetry’s build-time auto-instrumentation for Android. Class-loading in the Android runtime poses significant challenges to instrumentation engineers looking for attach or injection points. Fortunately, developers can now use off-the-shelf OpenTelemetry tools to instrument their applications without the need to manually instrument or even alter their application code. We will cover the benefits of front-loading bytecode weaving to build time, the tools used by OpenTelemetry to accomplish this, and the types of rich client-side telemetry created through this approach.
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Jason Plumb

Software Engineer, Splunk
Jason Plumb (he/him) is a hacker, artist, experimenter, polyglot programmer, and dad from Portland, OR, USA. He is co-maintainer of OpenTelemetry Android and an approver in various OpenTelemetry java projects. When not at work, Jason volunteers with Futel to install and maintain a... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

2:40pm MST

Unlocking Advanced Processing Capabilities with OpenTelemetry - Aunsh Chaudhari, Splunk & Anthony Mirabella, AWS
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
OpenTelemetry stands at the forefront of modern observability, providing a robust framework for collecting, processing, and exporting telemetry data in complex distributed systems. In this session, we will go over how you can benefit from the processing capabilities of OpenTelemetry, presenting an exploration of different features and their potential impact on optimizing observability. We will talk through some real world examples and best practices allowing you to control costs, reduce data volume, balance overhead, and focus on critical telemetry data. By the end of this session, you will know how to transform, filter, sample and route data effectively at scale with OpenTelemetry.
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Anthony Mirabella

Senior Software Dev Engineer, AWS
Anthony is a Senior SDE at Amazon Web Services working on Open Source data collection tools and services. He has contributed to the OpenTelemetry project since 2019 in a variety of roles.
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Aunsh Chaudhari

Senior Product Manager, Splunk
Aunsh is a Product Manager at Splunk focused on helping users adopt Observability with OpenTelemetry. He has a keen interest in cloud native technologies and open source projects. Prior to Splunk, Aunsh worked closely with engineering and product at Shutterfly on the User Media Assets... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

2:40pm MST

Secure Your Systems the Better Way Using Policy-as-Code - Adriana Villela, ServiceNow Cloud Observability & Marino Wijay, Kong Inc.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
If you’re a developer, then security may be the last thing on your mind. Perhaps you’ve even had a very negative experience with your Platform Engineering team and Information Security (InfoSec) in your organization: telling you what you can and can’t do, waiting for access to tools and cloud services. All this can be a real damper on developer productivity. But what if we told you that there was a way in which security concerns could be met, while also allowing developers the ability to develop in peace, with minimal red tape?

In this session, Adriana and Marino will explore how policy-as-code improves Developer Experience (DevEx):
  • What is policy as code and its benefits 
  • Challenges of Policy as code
  • Silos between Developers and Security teams
  • How Policy as code can help bridge the silos
  • Best practices for securing a platform with Policy as code
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Adriana Villela

Sr. Staff Developer Advocate, ServiceNow Cloud Observability
Adriana Villela is a Sr. Developer Advocate, helping companies achieve reliability greatness through Observability, SRE, & DevOps practices. Before her current role, she managed a Platform Engineering team & an Observability Practices team at Tucows. Adriana has worked at various... Read More →
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Marino Wijay

Staff Solutions Architect, Kong Inc.
Marino Wijay is a Canadian, Traveller, International Speaker, and Open Source Advocate and Architect for Service Mesh, Kubernetes, and Networking. He is a CNCF Ambassador, Civo Cloud Ambassador, Lead Organizer for KubeHuddle Toronto, and Founder of EmpathyOps. He is passionate about... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:40pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

2:45pm MST

Secure ArgoCD Multi-Cluster Management Across Clouds Without Static Tokens - Marc Boorshtein, Tremolo Security, Inc.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
ArgoCD has the capability to manage more then one cluster, the question is how to securely connect to those remote clusters? This session will explore how to securely connect your remote clusters, regardless of if they're cloud managed or on-prem, using ArgoCD's own native Kubernetes identity through a token exchange to get an identity for that remote cluster. We'll start with the challenge of connecting to remote clusters securely, detail how token exchange works, then walk through updating the ArgoCD container with custom tools, creating Secrets to represent remote clusters, and ApplicationSets to generate the Application without any static tokens. The session will demo management of cloud hosted clusters, on-prem clusters, and clusters that support Kubernetes' beta of AuthenticationConfiguration in 1.30. By the end of this session you'll see where the configuration points are in ArgoCD to secure your GitOps infrastructure without relying on a single cloud provider's IAM.
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Marc Boorshtein

CTO, Tremolo Security, Inc.
Marc is the CTO of Tremolo Security, building open source identity and DevOps solutions in use by US civilian federal agencies, large financial services institutions, and local governments. Prior to starting Tremolo Security, Marc spent over a decade building identity infrastructure... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

2:45pm MST

Taming the Chaos: Fine-Grained RBAC in Argo CD for Incident Avoidance - Katie Lamkin-Fulsher & Alexandre Gaudreault, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
Incidents caused by accidental actions can have far-reaching consequences. At Intuit, developers encountered a series of such incidents due to unintended actions performed through the Argo CD UI, including deletion of Replica Sets and Argo Rollouts. To prevent these types of unintended actions, we extended the current RBAC system to implement fine-grained policies. With this policy model, developers can now make changes with confidence, free from the fear of inadvertently impacting production systems. In this talk, we will delve into the intricacies of our journey, the strategies we employed to accomplish our goals, the future of Argo CD RBAC and what is yet to come. Join us as we explore the transformative power of fine-grained permissioning in preventing incidents and cultivating a culture of secure development.
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Alexandre Gaudreault

Software Developer & Argo CD Maintainer, Intuit
Alexandre is a Senior Software Developer at Intuit working on the core Argo team. He is a maintainer of the CNCF-graduated project Argo CD. He thrives on building internal developer platforms using open-source technologies to increase development velocity. Outside of work, you may... Read More →
avatar for Katie Lamkin

Katie Lamkin

Sr Product Manager of Platform and Open Source, Intuit
Katie Lamkin is a Sr Product Manager of Platform and Open Source at Intuit, who works with application development teams to achieve operational excellence through CICD platforms and progressive delivery strategies. Katie has been a Cloud Architect and held Engineering Management positions... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

2:50pm MST

Sponsored Keynote: Accelerated Readiness with Global Compliance Patterns: The Winning Security Story - Keith Basil, SUSE
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:50pm - 2:55pm MST
Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is an essential business mandate in our increasingly complex and interconnected world. While Risk Management Frameworks specify security requirements and posture required for an authorization to operate, this is just the first step. The creation of security artifacts, a tedious and time-consuming process, could take anywhere from 9-12 months. By creating a library of Risk Management Frameworks, organizations get ahead of the curve. In this session we review how treating compliance and policy as code can securely prepare enterprises for the future.
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Keith Basil

GM, Edge Business Unit at SUSE, SUSE
With over twenty years of industry experience, Basil is a dynamic force in the cloud computing arena. As the General Manager of the SUSE Edge business unit, he is at the helm of product management, strategy, and marketing, with his sights set firmly on achieving global growth and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:50pm - 2:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day

2:50pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Sail-Operator: Making Seamless Istio Upgrades Easy - Francisco Herrera Lira & Daniel Grimm, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:50pm - 3:00pm MST
Istio provides critical capabilities for managing microservices in Kubernetes, making application upgrades safer and easier with its traffic management features. However, upgrading the Istio control plane, especially with the safer blue-green deployment model, requires substantial manual effort. We started the sail-operator project to close that gap. Building on our product operator experience, we aim to create a community-first Istio operator. While installation is the core feature, we want to explore new ways of providing value, in ways that are unique to the operator concept. And our first focus is on improving usability around control plane upgrades. The presentation will include a live demo showcasing the 2 upgrade strategies supported: InPlace and RevisionBased. Whether managing a small cluster or a large-scale deployment, attendees will learn how sail-operator helps maintain stability and continuity in their service mesh, making Istio upgrades more manageable and less risky
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Daniel Grimm

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Daniel is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and an Istio maintainer. After wrestling with the challenges of distributed and microservice architectures throughout his career, Daniel joined Red Hat's Istio team in 2019 to solve the same problem set in the infrastructure layer... Read More →
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Francisco Herrera Lira

Senior Quality Engineer, Red Hat
With 15+ years of experience, I embarked on my cloud journey 8 years ago, transitioning from a QE role at NEC Iberica to a DevOps Engineer. Recently, I joined Red Hat as a QE for OpenShift Service Mesh, where my Istio journey continues. I gained hands-on Istio experience at NEC Iberica... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:50pm - 3:00pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

2:55pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Migrating a Client onto OpenTofu for Cost + Speed - Matt Gowie, Masterpoint
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:55pm - 3:05pm MST
Come learn about an exciting OpenTofu migration that my team and I executed on for one of our client's. We migrated our client, Power Digital Marketing, off of Terraform and Terraform Cloud and onto OpenTofu and Spacelift. This successful migration has some wildly successful outcomes with a 10x reduction in upcoming costs and a 10x decrease in the time it took for creating new client infrastructure through Power Digital's TF based process.

This talk will help attendees understand the benefits of OpenTofu, how to think about migrating, showcase a real-life example of Tofu in the wild, and further solidify that OpenTofu can be used successfully in production for big, mission-critical workloads.
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Matt Gowie

CEO/CTO, Masterpoint
Matt Gowie is the CEO of Masterpoint, a consulting firm focused on helping engineering orgs get the most out of their IaC. Matt has over a dozen years of experience in the tech ecosystem, with a passion for all things Terraform and OpenTofu. He is an active member of the community... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:55pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

2:55pm MST

Docker's Journey from Open Source Darling to a Thriving Enterprise Business - Scott Johnston, Docker
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:55pm - 3:25pm MST
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Scott Johnston

CEO, Docker
Scott Johnston Deckhand, Docker, Inc.Twitter, LinkedInScott Johnston is the CEO of Docker, the company at the heart of the open-source Docker project and the global container ecosystem that's revolutionizing how modern apps are built, shared, tested, and run. Scott's journey at Docker began in 2014 as the first product manager, and he l... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 2:55pm - 3:25pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

3:00pm MST

Sponsored Keynote: Scaling Kubernetes Deployment at the Edge with Argo and More - Colin Bowern, Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:00pm - 3:05pm MST
When we think about scale we usually think about handling more traffic and throughput. But when it comes to the edge we’re talking about a horizontal scaling and minimizing footprint with clarity at scale. Octopus Deploy has been helping teams deploy Kubernetes at edge scale and we’ll share what separates successful teams from teams that struggle.
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Colin Bowern

SVP of Product, Octopus Deploy, Octopus
Colin is a passionate technical leader interested in product, delivery, and engineering of modern apps and services.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:00pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day

3:05pm MST

PM Break 1
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:05pm - 3:20pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:05pm - 3:20pm MST

3:10pm MST

PM Break 2
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:10pm - 3:20pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:10pm - 3:20pm MST

3:20pm MST

Why Does Continuous Profiling Matter to Developers? - Adrian Cole, Elastic & Mauricio Salatino, Diagrid
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
OpenTelemetry has gained momentum in the observability space, with a wide range of vendors supporting the specification. In this presentation, we will look into how developers can benefit from having a clear observability strategy by also adding continuous profiling to the mix. Setting up and understanding distributed application traces and profiling information used to be a complex task, usually left for critical situations where things go wrong. Join us on a journey to combine traces and profiling data to understand how our applications perform and where the bottlenecks are. In this presentation, you will learn about: How Otel and profiling can work together Advantages of continuous profiling How to set up an observability stack that works for your developers
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Adrian Cole

Principal engineer, Elastic
Adrian is a software engineer working at Elastic. He’s been a routine contributor to open source for over ten years. Lately, he spends most of his time on OpenTelemetry. His past notable project work includes wazero, Zipkin, OpenFeign, and Apache jclouds.
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Mauricio Salatino

OSS Software Engineer, Diagrid
Mauricio works as an Open Source Software Engineer at @Diagrid, contributing to and driving initiatives for the Dapr OSS project. Mauricio also serves as a Steering Committee member for the Knative Project and Co-Leading the Knative Functions initiative. He published a book titled... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

3:20pm MST

Tuning Argo Rollouts for Thousands of Workloads - Carlos Sanchez & Roxana Balasoiu, Adobe
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Argo Rollouts makes Progressive Delivery easy to adopt, but some times things do not work as expected. Are the steps correctly set? are the analysis metrics right for the workloads? At Adobe Experience Manager we deploy over 10k customer services to Kubernetes. Changes can occur multiple times per day both internal and from code. A new feature can work fine for 99% of customers but still affect the other 1%, and detecting this just from tests is costly. Enter Argo Rollouts, which allows deploying new versions to a subset of users before rolling them to the totality of the users, and rolling them back if not matching some key metrics, using techniques like canary deployments. We will show our learnings deploying Argo Rollouts to manage over 10k workloads using canaries, how do we balance speed and safety for our customers, and some of the issues that we have faced when adopting it.
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Roxana Balasoiu

Software Development Engineer, Adobe
Roxana Balasoiu is a Software Development Engineer at Adobe where she has been working for the last 5 years. She is currently working at Adobe Experience Manager and previously contributed to Adobe Analytics. Roxana focuses on enhancing cloud infrastructure and developing new features... Read More →
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Carlos Sanchez

Principal Scientist, Adobe
Carlos Sanchez is a Principal Scientist at Adobe Experience Manager, specializing in software automation, from build tools to Continuous Delivery and Progressive Delivery. Involved in Open Source for over 20 years, he is the author of the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin and a member of... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Progressive Delivery

3:20pm MST

Whoops! How Not to Accidentally Delete Everything. - Dan Garfield, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
With the right setup, you can bootstrap everything using Argo CD and good GitOps practices. With that power comes the ability to delete everything at once too! In this talk we’ll do a deep dive into how app deletion works in Argo CD and real scenarios on how teams have accidentally deleted a lot more than they planned. In the worst cases, items permanently stuck in deletion can prevent recovery. We’ll set finalizers, change deletion propagation and break the application set controller to create cascading failures and, better yet, show you how to avoid accidents. Every admin and Argo CD user should attend this talk.
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Dan Garfield

Chief Open Source Officer, Codefresh
Dan Garfield is the Co-founder and Chief Open Source Officer of Codefresh, a CI/CD platform powered by GitOps and Argo. As an Argo Maintainer, he works parmiarily on Argo CD and Argo Rollouts. He helped create the GitOps Working Group and Open GitOps Principles. He helped create the... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

3:20pm MST

DevEx and Productivity Metrics on Backstage - Do's and Don'ts - Yishai Beeri, LinearB
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
If you're already running a Backstage based IDP, it makes a lot of sense to use it for showing dev productivity metrics and developer experience signals as well. Before you start simply pushing DORA metrics to your IDP, you might want to look at some common gotchas. This talk with review some pitfalls around exposing dev productivity metrics in backstage, and how to avoid them. We will cover best practices for maximizing the value and actionability of what you're sending to the IDP. We'll talk about how to use benchmarks to anchor your data with context; leveraging a/b and control groups to make a point; and how to enable drilling down to learn more about a data point, and how to enable the various personas that will consume these metrics. Finally, we'll talk about where to get started and how to then take it to the next level.
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Yishai Beeri

CTO, LinearB
Yishai Beeri loves to solve problems, and that’s why he was so fascinated with programming when he first encountered Logo back in the 80s. The possibilities seemed endless. In 2014 he joined a fast-moving cloud security startup, later acquired by a networking giant. That's where... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

3:20pm MST

Hubble Beyond Cilium - Anubhab Majumdar & Mathew Merrick, Microsoft
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Hubble is a great solution for finding and fixing network problems in a Kubernetes cluster. However, we noticed that one of the main barriers for people to use Hubble is its dependency on Cilium as the dataplane. In this talk, we'll demonstrate how to decouple Hubble from Cilium, and use Hubble as a powerful Observability/metrics platform on top of any custom data plane. We will show you how to make Hubble work with any data source you want, without changing any code in Hubble. We'll show you an example of one such open source project called Retina and compare how key features work with both Cilium and custom CNI. In a live demo, we will show that you can get the same experience with Hubble regardless of what CNI you use.
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Anubhab Majumdar

Software Engineer II, Microsoft
Software engineer in the Azure Container Networking team; previously with VMware Tanzu team
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Mathew Merrick

Software Engineer II, Microsoft
Software Engineer on the Azure Container Networking team.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Benefits of eBPF

3:20pm MST

Reproducible AI with Kubeflow, Delta Lake and Langchain - Oz Katz, Treeverse
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Langchain has become one of the most popular frameworks for anyone building custom, generative AI-driven apps powered by LLMs, that leverage RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) for the most enhanced results.  But like all data products, these applications are really only as good as the organizational data fed into them––and we’ve all learned the hard way that the data is oftentimes far from perfect. In this hands-on tutorial you’ll learn how to build a reproducible AI application pipeline with Kubeflow, Langchain and Delta Lake, widely adopted OSS tools in the ML & GenAI stack.  By learning how to build a RAG chatbot, while iteratively tuning it for best results leveraging Delta Lake’s temporal versions, you’ll come away with improved methods for data reproducibility for your custom AI apps, that provide better data quality, alongside an improved user experience for your application users.
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Oz Katz

Co-Creator, lakeFS Open Source, CTO & Co-Founder, Treeverse
Oz Katz is the CTO and Co-Creator of the open source lakeFS Project, an open source platform that delivers resilience and manageability to object-storage based data lakes. Oz engineered and maintained petabyte-scale data infrastructure at analytics giant SmilarWeb, which he joined... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

3:20pm MST

Unlock the Full Potential of Generative AI via Microservices and Istio Service Mesh - Lin Sun, Solo.io & Iris Ding, Intel
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
This talk dives into how microservices architectures and Istio service mesh in Kubernetes empower developers to build scalable, resilient, and future-proof GenAI applications. We'll explore the challenges of running GenAI Application such as selecting the most suitable Large Language Model (LLM), leveraging effective embedding models, and deploying a robust vector database (DB), etc. We'll demonstrate how to overcome them using advanced Kubernetes strategies.

Key topics include:
• Discover how breaking down GenAI Application into microservices enhances flexibility, scalability, and maintainability.
• Learn how service mesh facilitates dynamic updates and changes to GenAI components without impacting user traffic.
• Showcase practical strategies for integrating these technologies in Kubernetes, supported by real-world examples like how to dynamically compose a GenAI application using different microservices, and how to change models or pipelines dynamically on Kubernetes.
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Iris Ding

Cloud software architect, Intel
Iris Ding is a cloud software architect at Intel and has a rich background in open source development, cloud computing, Generative AI(GenAI), middleware development and design. Her current focus is intersection of GenAI and cloud computing and is leading development for Open Platform... Read More →
avatar for Lin Sun

Lin Sun

Head of Open-Source; CNCF TOC member, Solo.io
Lin is the Head of Open Source at Solo.io, contributing to open source full time. She is a CNCF TOC member and ambassador, an Istio core maintainer and leader. She is an international speaker in various tech conferences and blogs frequently about her perspective of service mesh and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

3:20pm MST

Decentralized Federated Machine Learning: Empowering Edge Devices with Kubernetes - Haardik Dharma, Civo & Ekansh Gupta, Zeta
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Embracing machine learning on edge devices brings unprecedented challenges, particularly in enhancing models over time while safeguarding data privacy. Enter Federated Machine Learning, a paradigm enabling model training across multiple edge devices or servers without data exchange. This talk elucidates the fundamentals of ML on decentralized data and highlights the disparities in conventional approaches. Leveraging Kubernetes, we demonstrate how to orchestrate Federated Machine Learning at scale, facilitating ML model training and diverse computations. A live demo showcases image classification, showcasing lower latency, reduced power consumption, and enhanced privacy—all achievable at scale with Kubernetes. Join us to revolutionize model development with privacy-preserving, Kubernetes-powered Federated Machine Learning.
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Haardik Dharma

Developer, Civo
Haardik is currently working as a Software Developer at Civo. Before joining Civo, he worked with the Kubernetes Working Group Policy as part of the Linux Foundation Mentorship. Haardik is passionate about all things cloud-native and open-source software. When he is not working, he... Read More →
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Ekansh Gupta

SDE, Zeta
Ekansh is a Software Development Engineer with Zeta Suite, with active involvement in various open-source and cloud native communities for upwards two years now. He was previously an SDE Intern at SteamLabs. He is also a speaker for a couple of talks at PyCon, KubeCon and MozFests... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

3:20pm MST

The Road to Observability Everywhere at Monday.Com - David Gohberg, monday.com
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Our team at monday.com has experienced explosive growth over the past four years. We prioritized enabling tracing and observability across our distributed app. However, we did not have robust end-to-end tests. Building reliable end-to-end tests for distributed apps is hard! We decided to use OpenTelemetry tracing for end-to-end testing as well and adhering to our “Observability Everywhere” mantra! In this talk we’ll showcase how we implemented trace-driven testing with Tracetest and OpenTelemetry. This improved our feedback cycle by 50%, uncovered issues that traditional tests missed and decreased test creation time by 90%! Attendees will also learn how to apply this new approach to various use-cases, such as API tests, browser end-to-end testing and even testing in production. Trace-driven testing works by leveraging the work already invested in instrumenting our systems via distributed tracing. Sounds fun? Join me to learn how we did it at monday.com!
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David Gohberg

Senior Software Engineer, monday.com
David Gohberg is a Senior Software Engineer at monday.com where he works on distributed trace testing while building the best CRM on the planet. Before that, he worked at Dropbox where he improved tracing capabilities in high scale workloads. He has worked across the stack, from embedded... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

3:20pm MST

Turn the Volume Down on Noisy Neighbors! - Sándor Guba, Axoflow
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Using Kubernetes as a multi-tenant platform is becoming a general concept. However, the fact that different logs are mixed on the same nodes makes it difficult. Learn how the Telemetry Controller (an abstract layer on top of the OTel Collector) helps you tackle the first problem. Routing from the edges provides isolation for the tenants and simplifies filtering and routing on a tenant level. Sandor will present different scenarios to do intelligent routing and how to build a smart aggregator on top of the Telemetry Controller.
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Sándor Guba

CTO, Axoflow
Sandor is a software engineer, CTO, and founder at Axoflow. His main field has always been observability and logging. He is a former co-founder at Banzai Cloud. He was responsible for observability and founded open-source projects like the Logging Operator and Thanos Operator. He... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

3:20pm MST

Enabling OpenTofu for the Enterprise - Jordan Argueta and Douglas Flagg, Fidelity Investments
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
In this presentation, we will cover how we built an internal Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Platform to support a growing user base with over 2,070 applications managing 46,430 workspaces. It is our goal to explore what it means to enable an IaC tool like OpenTofu in a way that promotes security and compliance while also offering quick and easy self-service solutions. We will also discuss how we are enabling existing Terraform users to use OpenTofu, and the strategies implemented to facilitate a seamless transition. Finally, we will highlight what kind of applications, provider/module catalogs, and observability tools that platform teams should consider when creating a developer centric ecosystem for OpenTofu. Attendees will take away a concrete road map for enabling OpenTofu across many different teams within an enterprise.
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Douglas Flagg

Principal Cloud Engineer, Fidelity Investments
Doug is a Principal Cloud Engineer at Fidelity Investments who collaborates daily with multiple internal business partners to deliver customer value through development of IaC tools and practices and applying them practically in various public clouds.Because of the visibility this... Read More →
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Jordan Argueta

Senior Cloud Engineer, Fidelity Investments
Jordan is Senior Cloud Engineer who has had the opportunity to be apart of the Cloud Platform and Engineering department at Fidelity Investments. His day-to-day task include contributing toward self-service tools, applications, and modules for OpenTofu and Terraform.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

3:20pm MST

Innovating at Scale: Building and Managing Modern Developer Platform in U.S. Bank - Poonam Garg & Carrie Pommier, U.S. Bank
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
In the rapidly evolving financial services landscape, the ability to innovate at scale is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and meeting customer expectations. This talk delves into the strategic, product and technical aspects of creating and managing developer platforms aka shield platform in U.S. Bank that drives innovation, enhance efficiency, and support scalable growth to achieve business goals such as cloud migration , digital transformation etc. The Shield Platform (an internal development platform) is a set of curated services to mitigate common challenges involved with building software. It does this by providing a series of frameworks, integrations, and automations to deliver applications and infrastructure to the cloud. Each service provided within the platform supplies its own controls and guardrails in accordance to security and compliance best practices. We will walk through our journey to build secure & reliable internal developer platform.
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Poonam Garg

Vice President, U.S. Bank
Poonam Garg ,an engineering leader and women in technology advocate working as Vice President at U.S Bank.Poonam has spearheaded cultural transformation around DevOps at U.S Bank through an agile and collaborative approach ("change mindset") to software development. Poonam lead technical... Read More →
avatar for Carrie Pommier

Carrie Pommier

Product Group Manager, Vice President, U.S. Bank
Carrie Pommier is a Product Management executive at U.S. Bank, leading a Developer Experience & Tools team, targeting 10,000+ internal engineering team members. A key content collaborator, Carrie champions the Product Model being implemented within U.S. Bank's multi-year, $500MM modernization... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:20pm - 3:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

3:25pm MST

PM Break 3
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:25pm - 3:35pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:25pm - 3:35pm MST

3:35pm MST

3:55pm MST

Introducing Dagger Modules: Open Source CI/CD Building Blocks You Already Know How to Write - Jeremy Adams, Dagger
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
You need CI that can adapt as fast as the apps you’re writing. But often CI ends up being a bottleneck. For one CI PR you need to learn proprietary YAML syntax (every CI different) and how to work around its limitations conditionals, loops, functions, variables, ...which would be effortless if it was just a real programming language that you already know. You find yourself writing additional scripts and hacks to bring the logic to local dev. Enter the OSS Dagger project that brings CI as code (TypeScript, Go, Python). In this talk, I’ll use Dagger to show how to build and share reusable CI/CD modules that can be written in any language and "just work" together. This talk will be good for developers/platform engineers or anyone else that needs a lightweight, code-based CI platform that can run locally and in any CI. If you’re technically curious, you should be able to build and share a module right after the talk (or maybe during!).
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Jeremy Adams

Ecosystem, Dagger
Jeremy is a senior leader with both a technical and a strategic streak. Passionate about people and entrepreneurship, integration and automation. Through technical/business roles at Dagger, GitHub, Twistlock, and Puppet, Jeremy has both zoomed in and zoomed out a lot, acquiring an... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

3:55pm MST

Bridge the Gap Between Terraform and GitOps - Junze Bao & Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
In modern cloud-native environments, GitOps practitioners face a significant challenge: managing dynamically generated resource values across Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform and Kubernetes manifests. This disconnect often leads to manual interventions, hard-coded values, and cumbersome update processes that compromise the efficiency and security of GitOps workflows. This talk introduces the Terraform Bridge, an innovative solution to seamlessly integrate dynamically generated cloud resource attributes with Kubernetes resources. We present a novel controller that leverages Terraform's output feature to automatically update Kubernetes objects such as ConfigMaps and Deployments. This approach eliminates the need for manual updates and hard-coding of sensitive or randomly generated values, thereby enhancing both security and automation in GitOps pipelines.
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Junze Bao

Site Reliability Engineer, Akuity
Junze is a site reliability engineer at akuity.io.
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Alexander Matyushentsev

Co-founder and Chief Architect, Akuity
Argo Co-Creator, Argo CD Lead, and maintainer. Energetic and passionate software engineer with over a decade of software development experience. I'm an enthusiast of continuous integration, agile environments, and a huge open-source believer. Core contributor and maintainer of http://argoproj.io... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

3:55pm MST

Ephemeral Environment Practices - the Good, Bad, and Ugly - Luke Philips & David Grizzanti, The New York Times
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-native technologies, ephemeral environments have become critical for testing, development, and continuous integration. These temporary environments provide advantages like increased developer productivity, isolation, and scalability, but they also present challenges.

In this session, we’ll explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of ephemeral environment practices:
  • The Good: Enhancing CI/CD pipelines, improving productivity, and providing robust testing environments. 
  • The Bad: Managing state, ensuring consistency, and handling resource constraints.
  • The Ugly: Real-world failures and lessons learned, including using the Argo Pull Request generator and implementing ephemeral environments at scale.
We’ll demonstrate best practices for leveraging Argo CD to manage ephemeral environments, automate creation and teardown, use ApplicationSets and GitOps workflows for consistency, and integrate ephemeral environments into your deployment strategy.
avatar for David Grizzanti

David Grizzanti

Principal Engineer, The New York Times
David Grizzanti is a Principal Engineer at The New York Times focused on improving developer productivity by enabling engineering teams to more effectively build, test, and deploy software. Previously he was a Distinguished Engineer at Comcast, where he oversaw the development of... Read More →
avatar for Luke Philips

Luke Philips

Staff Software Engineer, The New York Times Company
Luke Philips is a Staff Engineer and Software A̶r̶c̶h̶i̶t̶e̶c̶t̶ Custodian with The New York Times Company. Trying to sweep together the best ideas from all sources. Previously a long career in Telecom, at Charter, CenturyLink, and Level 3 Communications. With a mixed focus... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

3:55pm MST

Backstage Adoption Deep Dive - Navigating the Pitfalls - Himanshu Mishra, Harness
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
As a Platform Engineer, your team just completed a technical review and decided that your organization needs to adopt Backstage. What do you do on the day one, in the first week and the first month? Do you start by moving all of your applications from your CMDB into the Catalog, or do you sync with your HRIS system to bring Users and Groups first? Even though no two Developer Portal in different organizations look the same, there are a lot of commonalities in the success stories. And the red flags leading up to a humble but unsuccessful adoption are also well known. In this session, we'll explore what does that paved path to Backstage adoption look like in 2024. What are some of the pitfalls to look out for, the challenges to expect for and the mitigation path. What are the different responsibles shared across different platform teams, engineering leaders and team leads. We'll explore both the cultural and the technical side of the adoption and some of the success stories out there.
avatar for Himanshu Mishra

Himanshu Mishra

Staff Product Manager, Harness
PM responsible for Harness IDP, based on Backstage. Previously Backstage Core Team at Spotify as an Engineer and DevRel for Backstage Open Source. Twitter/GitHub: @OrkoHunter
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

3:55pm MST

Lessons Learned Migrating to Modern Multi-Platform eBPF Programs - Dave Tucker, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Kepler needed to migrate its old eBPF probes developed with BCC to probes that were compiled ahead of time. Maybe you do too? While performing this migration we were able to use some modern features of eBPF, the cilium/ebpf Go library, and bpf2go to make our probes multi-platform. Kepler (Kubernetes-based Efficient Power Level Exporter) is a CNCF project focused on measuring the environmental impact of software. At its core, Kepler uses eBPF to gather metrics from the Linux Kernel, which feed into an ML model that estimates power consumption for processes, VMs, and Pods. By the end of this session, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of eBPF, practical insights into its application in power consumption monitoring, and strategies for modernizing existing eBPF programs. Join us to learn from our experience and take away actionable best practices for your own projects!
avatar for Dave Tucker

Dave Tucker

Sr. Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Dave is a long-time networking nerd, turned software engineer at the dawn of Software Defined Networking (SDN). A passionate Rustacean who currently helps to maintain Aya - a pure Rust eBPF library - alongside the Rust Compiler's BPF target, which allows users to program in Rust as... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Benefits of eBPF

3:55pm MST

Inference on Streaming Data at Scale at Intuit - Sri Harsha Yayi & Vigith Maurice, Intuit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
At Intuit, ML teams faced challenges with processing and running inference on high throughput streaming data. Connecting to various messaging systems like Kafka, Pulsar, and SQS proved to be a time-consuming and intricate process. Moreover, our ML teams required the ability to perform intermediate processing and execute inference as part of their workflows. To further complicate, scaling the processing and inference based on the volume of events introduced additional challenges. Based on challenges, we created Numaflow, a K8s native open-source platform for scalable event processing. It simplifies connecting to event sources, enables teams to do event processing and inference on streaming data without a learning curve, and integrates seamlessly with existing systems. This talk is for ML engineers, data scientists, and those interested in asynchronous inference on streaming data. We'll show how Numaflow overcomes obstacles and streamlines inference on streaming data
avatar for Vigith Maurice

Vigith Maurice

Principal Engineer, Intuit
Vigith is a co-creator of Numaproj and Principal Software Engineer for the Intuit Core Platform team in Mountain View, California. One of Vigith's current day-to-day focus areas is the various challenges in building scalable data and AIOps solutions for both batch and high-throughput... Read More →
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Sri Harsha Yayi

Product Manager, Intuit
Sri Harsha Yayi is a Product Manager at Intuit, where he primarily focuses on the company's Modern SaaS Kubernetes platform, specifically within the event-driven systems domain. He is the PM for Numaflow, an open-source, Kubernetes native platform designed for the development of event-driven... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

3:55pm MST

Migrating a Monolith to Kubernetes with Istio: Our Journey at Adobe - Edward Adasiak & Rahul Tripathi, Adobe
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Istio excels with microservices but implementing it as a service mesh for a newly containerized legacy monolith application comes with its own set of challenges. In this session, we will take you through our journey of migrating a monolithic application to Kubernetes, where Istio plays a crucial role as the service mesh. We'll delve into the intricacies of this migration, sharing the challenges we faced and the lessons we learned along the way. You'll gain insights into how we operate Istio service mesh in Adobe's Document Cloud and discover common yet critical pitfalls. Our discussion will cover issues ranging from scalability to upgrades, providing you with valuable knowledge to navigate similar migrations in your projects. By the end of this talk, you will have a clear understanding of the complexities involved and be better equipped to handle the transition of monolithic applications to Kubernetes using Istio.
avatar for Edward Adasiak

Edward Adasiak

Lead Cloud Engineer, Adobe
Edward is a Lead Cloud Engineer at Adobe in the Developer Platforms organization focusing on cloud infrastructure provisioning and service mesh implementations. His journey at Adobe started with the Macromedia acquisition, along the way contributing to multiple cloud-based services... Read More →
avatar for Rahul Tripathi

Rahul Tripathi

Senior Cloud Engineer, Adobe
Rahul is a Senior Cloud Engineer at Adobe in the Developer Platforms organization focusing on cloud infrastructure provisioning and service mesh implementations.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

3:55pm MST

Edge DC Energy Efficiency: A K8s Workload Allocation Optimizer with Generic Server Power Model - Ying-Feng Hsu & Morito Matsuoka, Osaka University
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Have you ever considered having over 50% power savings for edge data centers with inter-container orchestration? Our session introduces a K8s-compatible Workload Allocation Optimizer (WAO) that utilizes a generic power consumption model for optimal deployment and scalability across cloud, edge, and MEC orchestration. WAO is designed to continuously process thousands of operational telemetry and adapt to changing conditions, and its optimization process significantly reduces energy consumption at the edge. The presentation will highlight a proof-of-concept case study featuring a real-world deployment of over 200+ servers. It will show how WAO's scalable cloud/edge orchestration capabilities and its efficacy as an energy-saving solution for various edge computing environments. Explore our GitHub repository to implement sustainable data center operations and know that the K8s-WAO can boost your energy efficiency while maintaining optimal performance in green edge computing.
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Ying-Feng Hsu

Associate professor, Osaka University
Ying-Feng Hsu is an associate professor at the Cybermedia Center, Osaka University. His research interests include machine learning and cloud computing, with a special focus on data center power consumption optimization. He has been serving as a TPC member for various international... Read More →
avatar for Morito Matsuoka

Morito Matsuoka

Professor, Osaka University
He is consistently involved in the R&D and its standardization of power consumption reduction technologies for data center including MEC, Edge and cloud computing system. The scope includes not only hardware development such as optimization of data center structure, heat utilization... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day, Machine Learning

3:55pm MST

Distributed Tracing: All the Warning Signs Were Out There!!! - Vijay Samuel, eBay
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Distributed tracing is hard! That is a statement that most folks would agree too. At large organizations like eBay where there are 1000s of microservices and call chains that have 100s or even 1000s of spans, the complexity to adopt tracing is fairly high. Over the course of the last couple of years, we have traveled far in getting to a state where most applications are instrumented for tracing. However, the journey has numerous hurdles that we have had to cross. This talk discusses, a solid approach we took with the help of Open Telemetry, how it jump started our adoption but at the same time, how we had to do more to get much closer to the finish line.

Key points that we would discuss include:
  • Our strategy to deliver instrumentation to all applications 
  • Challenges in context propagation
  • Doing more than what open telemetry alone provides
  • Experiences required to make tracing useful
  • Focus for the future
avatar for Vijay Samuel

Vijay Samuel

Principal MTS, Architect, eBay
Vijay Samuel works with eBay's observability platform as its architect. During his time at eBay Vijay has transformed eBay's observability platform into a cloud native offering that is primarily built on top of open source technologies. He loves to code in Go and play video games... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

3:55pm MST

How We Streamlined Our SDLC with Observability - from GitHUB via Jenkins, Harbor, Argo to K8S - Michael Gläss & Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Like many enterprises, we at Dynatrace deal with multiple delivery streams and various tooling to be used to develop, build, test and deliver our product to our customers. To better scale and have a resilient delivery practice, we regularly need to streamline the processes. From a requirement till the running solution, it typically involves many steps, often various people and different systems. Distributed knowledge makes it hard to transparently identify issues and slows things down. Observability in SDLC (Software Delivery Lifecycle) is our key enabler that gives us insights into resources, tools, techniques, staging, quality, rollout, etc. In this session learn how we automatically trace every delivery value flow, identify bottlenecks, wait times, lead times and other characteristics with the help of cloud native observability. Observability tells us where to start with optimization(s) and how to apply a continuous improvement cycle to our delivery chain.
avatar for Michael Gläss

Michael Gläss

Chief Product Architect, Dynatrace
Michael is overseeing the Dynatrace Product Architecture with a strong focus on Cloud technologies, Platform Engineering, enablement and continuous delivery. He joined Dynatrace in March 2022 with more than 25 years hands on software engineering including the last 10+ years leading... Read More →
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Andi Grabner

CNCF Ambassador and DevRel, Dynatrace
Andreas Grabner (@grabnerandi) has 20+ years of experience as a software developer, tester and architect and is an advocate for high-performing cloud scale applications. He is a CNCF ambassador, contributor to the CNCF project keptn and a DevRel for Dynatrace. Andreas is also a regular... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

3:55pm MST

Panel: Ask the Devs! - Ronny Orot & Arel Rabinowitz, env0; Christian Mesh, OpenTofu/SpaceLift
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
The core developers in attendance will introduce themselves and briefly talk about their experience working on OpenTofu. We will then open the floor for questions related to all aspects of OpenTofu development.

Arel Rabinowitz

Principal Engineer, env0
Has been part of the industry for more than a decade, and has taken part in many different engineering roles.Currently working as a Principal Engineer in env0, and as a core team member of OpenTofu. 
avatar for Ronny Orot

Ronny Orot

Software Engineer, env0
Ronny Orot is a Senior Software Engineer at env0 and an OpenTofu core developer team member. She has created various TACOS solutions for different companies over the past four years and is passionate about DevOps and IaC.
avatar for Christian Mesh

Christian Mesh

Core Engineer and Tech Lead, OpenTofu, sponsored by SpaceLift
With over a year of OpenTofu development under his belt, Christian is a Core Engineer and Tech Lead of OpenTofu. He is generously sponsored by SpaceLift.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenTofu Day, OpenTofu Internals

3:55pm MST

If You Build It, They Will Come - a Platform Modernization Journey - Ken Heaslip & Chloe Clarke, Canada Life
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
The story of a shift from on an premise container orchestration platform to a cloud based, feature rich, platform that became the first of it's kind in the company. We will share the challenges we saw in the "current state" on-premise platform (infra scalability, observability gaps, inconsistent security design, usability for customers, etc). We will discuss the process used to design the new platform including inclusion of customer feedback, how tooling was selected, how each was used to addressed the gaps and significantly improve the platform, and strategies on ensuring success for consumers of all skill levels. A few tools used include Amazon EKS, Tetrate (observability, security, and access control patterns), Karpenter (automate node scaling, ensure 99.99% HA, control cost, and address infra DR needs), Velero (automate cluster configuration backups and restores), Cloudability (cost reporting), and integration with service now for automated CI creation and deletion of CI's.
avatar for Chloe Clarke

Chloe Clarke

Ms., Canada Life
A dedicated Devops Engineer specializing in containerization, kubernetes and cloud migrations. Passionate about transforming legacy systems into modern, scalable environments.
avatar for Ken Heaslip

Ken Heaslip

Mr, Canada Life
I've worked in the tech field for 18 years and had the opportunity to span many technologies in my time. My best work comes from researching and implementing new tech where the challenge to learn it well enough to build a great design is high. I enjoy mentoring others and helping... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 3:55pm - 4:20pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

4:15pm MST

ArgoCD: Lessons in Spinning Out OSS from Intuit to Independence - Jesse Suen & Hong Wang, Akuity
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm MST
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Jesse Suen

CTO, Akuity
Jesse Suen is the CTO and co-founder of Akuity. He is a co-creator and a project lead on the Argo project. Prior to founding Akuity, Jesse was a Principal Software Engineer and lead for the Argo team at Intuit, leading the design and architecture for Workflows, CD, and Rollouts. Jesse... Read More →
avatar for Hong Wang

Hong Wang

CEO, Akuity
A founding member of Argo Project. Prior to founding Akuity, Hong was the Argo team manager at Intuit and built the control-plane used to manage hundreds of Kubernetes clusters and thousands of namespaces. Hong has extensive experience in distributed system projects ranging from storage... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:15pm - 4:45pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

4:25pm MST

Developer Platform Consoles Should Be Dumb - Viktor Farcic, Upbound
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:25pm - 4:50pm MST
Most of the developer platform consoles I saw are getting it completely wrong, and I honestly cannot understand why. For decades now we know that a good UI is a dumb UI. A good UI does not contain much logic. UIs rely on APIs to discover what can be done and what information is needed to do whatever should be done. Yet, when I see developer portal UIs, more often than not, they do not try to rely on APIs. Instead, they are doing their best to ignore them, to bypass them, to use their internal APIs, and to do too much for no good reason.
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Viktor Farcic

Developer Advocate, Upbound
Viktor Farcic is a lead rapscallion at Upbound, a member of the CNCF Ambassadors, Google Developer Experts, CDF Ambassadors, and GitHub Stars groups, and a published author. He is a host of the YouTube channel DevOps Toolkit and a co-host of DevOps Paradox.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:25pm - 4:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

4:30pm MST

Demystifying Argo Events: An Architectural Deep Dive - JP Zivalich, Pipekit Inc. & Becky Pauley, Venafi Jetstack Consult
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Are you new to Argo Events and trying to get your head around how everything works? Join us for an in-depth exploration of the Argo Events architecture, designed to transform you from a novice to a seasoned Argo Events maestro. In this session, we'll embark on a journey through the workings of Argo Events, unraveling the mysteries of the event bus, event source and sensors. We'll delve into their roles and responsibilities, and understand how they go about wrangling events within your Kubernetes cluster. This is the talk that we wished we had heard when we started on our Argo Events journey. Whether you're a seasoned Kubernetes practitioner or a newcomer to the Argo Events realm, this session will provide you with invaluable insights that will elevate your understanding and mastery of this powerful eventing engine.
avatar for Becky Pauley

Becky Pauley

Solutions Engineer, Venafi Jetstack Consult
A self-taught engineer and career changer, I finally made the leap from teaching to tech three years ago. I’ve since worked in various Platform and Cloud Engineering roles, with a focus on Kubernetes best practices and Cost-Optimisation. As well as all things Cloud Native, I’m... Read More →
avatar for J.P. Zivalich

J.P. Zivalich

Cofounder, CTO, Pipekit Inc
Cofounder & CTO of Pipekit.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Data Processing

4:30pm MST

Stop Deploying Blind! Using Observability and Argo Rollouts to Light the Way - Anastasiia Gubska, BT Group & Kostis Kapelonis, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Are you tired of looking at metrics and logs after each deployment? Do you learn about failed deployments from unhappy customers? Did you always want to deploy on Friday afternoon and go straight to the pub? Many teams perform “blind” deployments without any real insight into what will be affected by the new application version. Consequently, they don’t have enough data to understand the blast radius of a release and whether to decide if it was successful or not. Even companies that have several metrics in place, don’t always use them in an automated manner. Wouldn’t it be great if you could see user behavior with new features in real time and identify performance bottlenecks before a full release?

In this talk, we will focus on common scenarios regarding Argo Rollouts and observability metrics, we will explain:
  • Minimum requirements in terms of tools and metrics/traces/logs 
  • Well-known observability use cases
  • Common automation pitfalls
  • RED/USE metrics tradeoffs
avatar for Anastasiia Gubska

Anastasiia Gubska

SRE/DevOps Engineer, BT Group
Anastasiia Gubska, a Deaf SRE/DevOps Engineer at BT Group, develops and implements best practices for software delivery at the UK-based multinational telecommunications company. Passionate about discovering new communities and embracing diverse cultures, Anastasiia is an active member... Read More →
avatar for Kostis Kapelonis

Kostis Kapelonis

Developer Advocate, Codefresh by Octopus Deploy
Kostis is a software engineer/technical-writer dual class character. He lives and breathes automation, good testing practices and stress-free deployments with GitOps.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Progressive Delivery

4:30pm MST

IDPs For The Rest of Us: Maximizing Impact When You Aren't a Tech Giant - Eric Irwin, Quantum Metric
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
In todays platform engineering landscape, conventional wisdom suggests that the justification for building and maintaining an internal developer platform (IDP) is closely tied to the size of the engineering team; However, this overlooks critical factors such as platform complexity, integration needs, and the efficiency gains that can be realized even within smaller teams. Smaller teams now have the ability to stand on the shoulder of giants and build on a strong foundation which reduces the overhead and cost for building and maintaining an IDP, regardless of the size of your organization. But how do you begin and what does the path to successful implementation look like? Drawing from our own experiences, we’ll discuss how adopting Backstage has streamlined our development processes, cultivated a self-service culture, and enabled us to manage the complexities inherent in platform development.
avatar for Eric Irwin

Eric Irwin

Senior Director of Engineering, Quantum Metric
As Director of Engineering at Quantum Metric, Eric has managed multiple Platform Engineering teams focused on Developer Experience, Site Reliability Engineering, and Platform Quality Engineering. He spearheaded the adoption of a self-serve platform, streamlined delivery processes... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

4:30pm MST

So You Want to Write Memory with eBPF? - Nikola Grcevski, Grafana Labs & Mike Dame, Google
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
A lot of eBPF programs fall into the category of observing the Linux system, i.e the kernel, system libraries or user-space programs. For the purpose of observing the system, we mostly rely on reading memory with eBPF, either kernel or user-space memory. However, sometimes various eBPF use cases require writing memory, for example propagating W3C context for various application protocols. This talk focuses on our journey to implement W3C trace context propagation with eBPF at various levels of the protocol stack. We explore what memory write eBPF APIs are available to us today, along with their implications to system security, stability, required permissions and implementation difficulty. We’ll present two working solutions with their pros and cons, a lot of dead ends, as well as explore what a new approach might look like by leveraging the “BPF arena” feature in kernel 6.9.
avatar for Mike Dame

Mike Dame

Software Engineer, Google
Software engineer working on OpenTelemetry and Kubernetes
avatar for Nikola Grcevski

Nikola Grcevski

Nikola Grcevski, Grafana Labs
Nikola Grcevski has worked as a software engineer for more than 20 years, mostly in the field of compilers, managed runtimes and performance optimization. Most recently he's working on low level application instrumentation with eBPF at Grafana Labs.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, eBPF Internals

4:30pm MST

Incremental GPU Slicing in Action - Abhishek Malvankar & Olivier Tardieu, IBM Research
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Large language models are often released as families of models with varying parameter counts and quantization. To reduce cost, inference services increasingly rely on dynamic model selection, preferring smaller models when possible. GPU vendors are on a journey to enable dynamic GPU slicing, making it possible for a workload to request a fraction of the compute and memory units in a GPU, and for the slices to be created and destroyed on demand without disrupting existing workloads. The onus is now on Kubernetes. The Device Management Working Group is hard at work to expose these capabilities. While vendor-agnostic slicing APIs do not exist yet, this talk demonstrates that incremental GPU slicing is possible today. We replace the Multi-Instance GPU manager, which only permits partitioning GPUs in bulk, with an open-source incremental-slicing controller without needing new APIs or changes to the device plugin. Come learn how to achieve incremental slicing in your GPU clusters.
avatar for Abhishek Malvankar

Abhishek Malvankar

Senior Software Engineer, IBM Research
Abhishek is Senior Software Engineer and Master Inventor at IBM Research. He works closely with Red Hat as Partner Engineer. He focuses on resource management, performance, and distributed computing for AI workloads in the cloud. He enjoys designing easy-to-use solutions for the cloud... Read More →
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Olivier Tardieu

Principal Research Scientist, Manager, IBM
Dr. Olivier Tardieu is a Principal Research Scientist and Manager at IBM T.J. Watson, NY, USA. He joined IBM Research in 2007. His current research focuses on cloud-related technologies, including Serverless Computing and Kubernetes, as well as their application to Machine Learning... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

4:30pm MST

From Sensors to Servers: Efficient Edge Computing with Akri and WebAssembly - Kate Goldenring, Fermyon & Yu Jin Kim, Microsoft
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
At the edge, thousands of sensors publish data. Servers on the edge must discover these devices and then continually process new data from them. Akri and SpinKube are open source projects that address these challenges, providing a seamless experience for connecting IoT devices to Kubernetes clusters at the edge. Akri discovers these devices and automatically deploys Pods to consume their data. SpinKube runs serverless WebAssembly (Wasm) applications as Pods on Kubernetes. Since Wasm has small binary sizes and sub-millisecond start up times, it's the ideal application type for resource constrained servers at the edge. This presentation will conclude with a demo of using Akri to discover MQTT-based devices and automatically deploy Wasm applications to the cluster. The deployed applications will be event-driven and triggered by new MQTT messages, ensuring precise resource usage. By the end of the talk, you'll have the tools to run efficient data processing applications at the edge.
avatar for Kate Goldenring

Kate Goldenring

Senior Software Engineer, Fermyon
Kate Goldenring is a senior software engineer at Fermyon and serves as co-chair of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation IoT Edge Working Group. She is an open-source developer who is drawn to building the best of what’s to come, maintaining projects focused on serverless WebAssembly... Read More →
avatar for Yu Jin Kim

Yu Jin Kim

Product Manager, Microsoft
Yu Jin is a product manager at Microsoft working on IoT and Kubernetes at the edge. She is currently a maintainer of the CNCF Sandbox project Akri.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

4:30pm MST

Designing for Observability - George Hantzaras, MongoDB
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Observability is a key aspect of modern software design, allowing teams to monitor and understand their systems in real-time. But designing for observability can be challenging, with a wide range of tools and best practices to consider. In this presentation, we'll cover strategies for designing systems that are observable, meaning that they can be monitored and understood in real-time. We'll explore the best practices and tools for designing systems that are observable, with a focus on practical tips and techniques that teams can implement in their own projects. We'll also dive into topics such as instrumentation, data collection, and analysis, as well as emerging trends in observability tools and approaches. Whether you're a software engineer, architect, or DevOps professional, this presentation will provide valuable insights and practical takeaways on how a systems design and architecture can play a role in the system's observability and how to implement best practices.
avatar for George Peter Hantzaras

George Peter Hantzaras

Director of Engineering, MongoDB
George is a hands-on engineering leader with a focus on delivering Enterprise cloud services at scale. He is a Director of Engineering at MongoDB, focusing on implementing cloud native technologies at enterprise scale. He is also and angel investor and has worked as a Venture Partner... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

4:30pm MST

Enabling Intelligent Observability Volume Management - Priyanka Naik, IBM & Vaishnavi Hire, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Ensuring observability is critical, especially as operations expand into edge cloud environments. Effective observability data volume management is crucial to benefit from observability while controlling costs (storage, network, processing). Naive data reduction (e.g.,changing all metrics freq from 30s to 5min, sampling traces) can harm SLAs. With Observability Volume Manager(OVM), IBM and RedHat have co-developed an open-source intelligent framework with dynamic, fine-grained control of observability data volume. It works across modalities and integrates with open-source tools like Prometheus and OTel. OVM performs dynamic transformations at edge like filtering/aggregating data to reduce volume as well as adjust metric frequency/log levels for risk based zoom in/out and issue triaging. OVM identifies highly correlated/computed metrics and performs intelligent pruning and given an observability budget, identifies the subset of metrics and frequencies to minimize downstream task impact.
avatar for Vaishnavi Hire

Vaishnavi Hire

Sr. Software Engineer, Red Hat OpenShift AI, Red Hat, Inc
Hi, I am a Senior Software engineer at Red Hat, contributing to OpenShift AI. My contributions include designing and developing the OpenShift AI Platform integrations. Additionally, I am also a co-maintainer of the open source project Open Data Hub.
avatar for Priyanka Naik

Priyanka Naik

Research Scientist, IBM
Priyanka Naik is a Ph.D. from IIT Bombay, India with experience in networked system. She is working on multi-cloud aspects around edge observability. She is a speaker at multiple tutorials and a co-author to a cloud networking book. 
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

4:30pm MST

Panel: Navigating the Trough of Disillusionment - Keith Mattix & Mitch Connors, Microsoft; John Howard, Louis Ryan & Lin Sun, Solo.io; Iris Ding, Intel
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
In the most recent Gartner hype cycle for API reports, service mesh has been placed in the "trough of disillusionment", signaling that that the hype for the technology is not where it once was. Come hear from members of the Istio Technical Oversight Committee discuss their perspective on this classification and why the best days of service mesh are still ahead of us.
avatar for Iris Ding

Iris Ding

Cloud software architect, Intel
Iris Ding is a cloud software architect at Intel and has a rich background in open source development, cloud computing, Generative AI(GenAI), middleware development and design. Her current focus is intersection of GenAI and cloud computing and is leading development for Open Platform... Read More →
avatar for Mitch Connors

Mitch Connors

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Mitch Connors is a Sr. Principal Software Engineer at Aviatrix, and serves on the Istio Technical Oversight Committee. Over the past 17 years, Mitch has worked at Google, F5 Networks, Amazon, an Industrial IoT startup, and State Farm Insurance, giving him a broad perspective on the... Read More →
avatar for John Howard

John Howard

John Howard, Solo.io
John Howard is a Senior Architect at Solo.io and Istio Technical Oversight Committee member.
avatar for Keith Mattix

Keith Mattix

Senior Software Engineering Lead, Microsoft
Keith Mattix is an Engineering Lead at Microsoft focused on Istio, Gateway API, and other networking projects.
avatar for Louis Ryan

Louis Ryan

CTO, Solo.io
Co-creator of Istio and gRPC
avatar for Lin Sun

Lin Sun

Head of Open-Source; CNCF TOC member, Solo.io
Lin is the Head of Open Source at Solo.io, contributing to open source full time. She is a CNCF TOC member and ambassador, an Istio core maintainer and leader. She is an international speaker in various tech conferences and blogs frequently about her perspective of service mesh and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

4:35pm MST

Policy-as-Code for Infrastructure-as-Code with OPA and OpenTofu - Colin Lacy, Cisco
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:35pm - 4:50pm MST
The problem: when managing OpenTofu configurations, a lot of manual work is involved. Will this update delete something it shouldn't? Was that cloud VM over-provisioned? Does this new resource follow the required naming convention?

The solution: set policies for OpenTofu state changes with policy-as-code, using Open Policy Agent (OPA).

In this session, attendees will:
- see how OPA's Rego policy language can prevent unwanted changes to their infrastructure
- learn how OpenTofu can inform OPA policy bundles to create dynamic policies
- watch a demo of an IaC deployment pipeline with policy enforcement and policy updates.
avatar for Colin Lacy

Colin Lacy

Lead Software Engineer, Cisco
Colin Lacy is a Lead Software Engineer in Cisco Meraki's Hardware Analytics team, and a life-long believer in leveraging automation to standardize and simplify everyday tasks. He is an active mentor to junior developers, regularly contributes to OPA, and has taught multiple software... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:35pm - 4:50pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

4:55pm MST

Panel: Startups With Open Source Projects: Can They Be Successful in the CNCF? And Should They Be? - Emily Omier, Omier Consulting; William Morgan, Buoyant; Tyler Jewell, Lightbend & Robert Slaughter, Defense Unicorns
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:55pm - 5:10pm MST
The CNCF hosts a wide variety of open source projects, not just in functionality but in the nature of the maintainers and funders behind the project. Some projects are backed by multiple large companies, including public companies with trillion-dollar market caps. Some are backed by single small startups with a small fraction of the resources. And some projects fall somewhere in between. But all share one fact: the vast majority of contributions are done by paid maintainers.
For startups in the CNCF ecosystem, is it possible to be successful delivering a CNCF open source project? Or is this strategy a fundamentally un-monetizable one? And from the perspective of the cloud native community, is it actually important for startups to be successful in this community? Or should the CNCF primarily focus on projects that are more like Kubernetes itself—backed by well-established companies with the resources and longevity to keep their projects afloat indefinitely?
Join this panel to hear from startup founders, project maintainers, and others in the thick of the struggle between commercialization and open source, between paying maintainers and appealing to the open source.
avatar for Emily Omier

Emily Omier

Positioning Consultant, Emily Omier Consulting
Emily Omier is a positioning consultant who helps open source startups accelerate revenue and community growth by clarifying the project and product's market category, unique value in the market and target user audience. She hosts The Business of Open Source podcast and writes a blog... Read More →
avatar for William Morgan

William Morgan

Linkerd Director, Buoyant CEO, Buoyant
William is a director on the Linkerd project and the co-founder and CEO of Buoyant, the creators of Linkerd. Prior to Buoyant, he was an infrastructure engineer at Twitter, a software engineer at Powerset, Microsoft, and Adap.tv, a research scientist at MITRE. He holds an MS in computer... Read More →
avatar for Robert Slaughter

Robert Slaughter

CEO, Defense Unicorns
Dr. Rob Slaughter is passionate about open source software for critical infrastructure. He is an Air Force veteran and the co-founder of the Air Force’s Platform One and Space CAMP software factories as well as a number of other innovative organizations now well-known across the... Read More →
avatar for Tyler Jewell

Tyler Jewell

CEO, Akka
Tyler is the CEO of Akka.He is a 3-time DevEx CEO previously leading:WSO2 (acq. by EQT)Codenvy (acq. by RedHat)You can subscribe to his Substack: The Developer-Led Landscape, a public database of 1600 DevOps companies... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 4:55pm - 5:10pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: LLM-Driven Applications: Intro to LLM Agents in Kubernetes - Calum Murray, University of Toronto
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Over the past year, there has been a lot of important work and discussions around how to run Large Language Models (LLMs) on top of Kubernetes. But what happens once you have your LLM running in your cluster? How can you build an application around your LLM, where the LLM can act as an agent and call out to various services you have deployed in your cluster to solve complex tasks that would otherwise cause the LLM to hallucinate? Is there a way to do this without making changes to the services and deployments already in your cluster? In this talk I will be exploring what an LLM agent is and how you build an agent that will call out to your services. I will show this with a demo of an LLM agent running in a kubernetes cluster that is able to automatically detect new tools and agents deployed to the cluster and coordinate them to complete complex tasks in a conversation with the user.
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Calum Murray

Engineering Science Student, University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
I'm a software engineer, and I love building cool things in open source. I like to seek out the most interesting and challenging problems which I think will have a large impact, and build creative solutions to them. I also like to share my passion for open source with others, and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Global Tenant Management Using Argo - Alex Van Boxel, Collibra
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
For the Collibra data intelligence platform, a tenant is a combination of applications provisioned on a mixture of virtual machines and single—and multi-tenant Kubernetes services. This combination makes tenant lifecycle management non-trivial. In this session, we’ll explore using Argo Events, Workflows, and CD to build a global tenant management system. The system supports tenant lifecycle events like create, update, suspend, backup, and restore across various application types and infrastructure without exposing Argo-specific constructs to the application teams. This abstraction, called bridged workflows, allows teams to hook into the lifecycles in a simple Kubernetes native way, providing operations and developers the same simple participation in the global tenant management lifecycle. The case study will give you ideas for building a global tenant management system using the Argo suite.
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Alex Van Boxel

Principal Systems Architect, Collibra
Alex Van Boxel is a Principal System Architect at Collibra. With an engineering background in R&D at Alcatel-Lucent, Progress Software, and Veepee, he loves to focus on the fundamental building blocks of the software industry. That means reading, understanding, and contributing to... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Ranking Argo CD Settings in a Tier List - Gerald Nunn, Red Hat
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Argo CD has a lot of settings and this has only proliferated in each new release of Argo CD. Some settings and values are universally useful and should always be enabled while others are only needed for very specific niche use cases. In this talk we will review many of these settings and values using the always fun and informative concept of the Tier List. Tiers for the settings/values include “Make this the default”, “Almost always useful”, “Good in places”, “Meh?” and finally “Nobody needs this”. Audience participation will be encouraged in this session with audience members helping to rank settings and values by show of hands.
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Gerald Nunn

GitOps Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat
Gerald Nunn is the GitOps Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat, in this role he evangilizes GitOps and assists Red Hat customers with their GitOps journey. Gerald lives in Victoria, BC with his wife, son and three slightly annoying cats.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: How the Radius Dashboard Leverages Backstage to Build Visualizations of Cloud-Native Applications - Will Tsai & Ryan Nowak, Microsoft
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
When we set out to build a developer dashboard to accompany the Radius application platform, we were very impressed with how much of an accelerator Backstage proved to be. Our goal was to build a UI so that users could interact with their deployed applications and environments. Since we're not frontend experts, we needed a framework that allows us to build a dashboard with minimal effort, is customizable, and offers an ecosystem of extensibility--all of which Backstage provides. Moreover, the Software Catalog and Software Templates core plugins in Backstage align well with the application-centric development model that Radius aims to provide, making it a natural choice for building the Radius Dashboard. This talk will explore how the team leveraged the Backstage platform to accelerate development of the Radius Dashboard, and how the plugin implementations of the Radius application graph visualizations paves the way for deeper integrations within the Backstage ecosystem.
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Ryan Nowak

Incubations Architect, Microsoft
Ryan is an architect working on open-source projects from the Azure CTO's office. He's passionate about designing software for humans, incubating risky ideas, releasing them in open-source so everyone can benefit. At Microsoft, he's had a 15+ year career building developer-centric... Read More →
avatar for Will Tsai

Will Tsai

Principal Product Manager, Microsoft
Will Tsai is a Principal Product Manager at Microsoft, where he works in the Azure Incubations team building open-source projects that address developer challenges in the cloud-native space. Before joining Microsoft, Will held various product and program management roles at Amazon... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Don't Get Blown up! Avoiding Configuration Gotchas for Tetragon Newbies - Pratik Lotia, Reddit
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
This talk will dive into five common configuration pitfalls that beginners encounter when using Tetragon for runtime observability on their workloads. We'll explore the implications of each gotcha and provide clear steps to avoid them. The talk will also cover best practices for configuring Tetragon in a Kubernetes environment.
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Pratik Lotia

Senior Cloud Security Engineer, Reddit
Pratik Lotia is an infrastructure security engineer at Reddit, where he is responsible for building tools and processes for implementing security best practices for cloud native environments. He has extensive experience working on security projects for public & private clouds and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Use Cases

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Transform Your Kubernetes Cluster Into a GenAI Platform: Get Ready-to-Use LLM APIs Today! - Kenji Kaneda, CloudNatix Inc.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Are you eager to fine-tune LLMs and run inference directly within your Kubernetes clusters? Do you want an API compatible with OpenAI to leverage the extensive GenAI ecosystem? If so, LLM Operator (https://llm-operator.readthedocs.io) is what you need. It instantly builds a software stack that provides an OpenAI-compatible API for inference, fine-tuning, and model management. In this talk, we'll provide an overview of the LLM Operator and showcase its capabilities through practical use cases. Join us to learn how you can leverage LLM Operator to enhance Kubernetes for your Generative AI workflows.
avatar for Kenji Kaneda

Kenji Kaneda

Chief Architect, CloudNatix Inc.
Kenji is a chief architect at CloudNatix and has been working on large-scale distributed systems - especially cluster management systems - for over ten years. Most recently, he was a Principal Engineer at Nvidia, responsible for developing their deep learning training platform and... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Making IoT Simple: Leveraging Akri & Nephio in a Hybrid Cloud Environment - Vitumbiko Mafeni, Internet Infra System Research Center - IISTRC
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
When it comes to IoT, many engineers encounter challenges in automating infrastructure provisioning, deploying IoT applications across multiple sites, and managing thousands of IoT devices spread across different geographic locations. The complexity and dynamic nature of IoT ecosystems, characterized by diverse protocols and ever-changing statuses, makes it overwhelming. Imagine an automated approach that seamlessly deploys and configures these devices in real-time. GitOps has emerged as a leading trend to facilitate collaboration, configuration, and deployment of intricate and dynamic applications. Join us for this session where we present our solution for deploying dynamic IoT applications over a Private 5G network in a hybrid cloud environment. This session will give details on how the integration of CNCF projects such as Nephio, and Akri can transform your IoT management through the adoption of GitOps principles.
avatar for Vitumbiko Mafeni

Vitumbiko Mafeni

Mr., Internet Infra System Research Center - IISTRC
I am a researcher at the Internet Infra System Research Center in Seoul, South Korea, focusing on Edge Computing and 5G. Recently, I have been actively participating, discussing and testing Nephio and Project-Flotta. My current emphasis is on the IoT sector, and I am eager to participate... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Is OpenTelemetry Too Complicated to Get Started? - Pranay Prateek, SigNoz
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
In this talk I will highlight some of the key issues end users face getting started with OpenTelemetry, and some possible ways to solve for this. Some common questions we see are: 1. What is the right way to deploy otel collectors for my scale? 2. I have instrumented my applications but I don't see my telemetry data data ( esp. around tracing) 3. Questions around manual instrumentation or any use cases which are not covered by auto instrumentation are tough to get help and guidance on This is more of an introspective talk on what we can do better as a community and derives from our experience of helping 1000s of users get started with OpenTelemetry.
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Pranay Prateek

Co-founder, SigNoz
Pranay is one of the maintainers at SigNoz, an open source APM. He loves working on open source and observability, and has deep interest in philosophy esp. around Existentialism He is one of the organisers of OpenTelemetry APAC discussion group meetings & has been speaker in events... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

5:00pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Vote on Your Favorite--Standardize This!--10 PromQL Queries That Measure CPU & Memory Usage - Sarah Hudspeth, Chronosphere
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
In the course of several SaaS migrations to Otel and Prom-based exporters, the search for the perfect PromQL CPU Usage (and Mem Usage) query ended up with several candidates. This quick talk will walk through these queries, explain their differences, and offer the crowd a way to rate the queries and vote on which ones they think should be used. A quick search on Stack Overflow will also produce quite a few queries to use and prove the need for some crowdsourcing on what queries should be the standard. Let's let the people decide! Or at least let's understand the appropriateness of various queries versus other options; how container and various prometheus exporter metrics work; and talk about the challenges of observability migrations with regards to translating queries from difference vendors to Open Source telemetry. Queries include cadvisor metrics, kubestate metrics, and node exporter metrics -- which also probably adds to the chaos of why there are so many cpu/mem queries.
avatar for Sarah Hudspeth

Sarah Hudspeth

Solutions Architect, Chronosphere
Sarah is a datanerd who dabbled in data science and full-stack engineering before entering the Observability space as a Sales Engineer. She is now a Solutions Architect at Chronosphere and enjoys talking PromQL and how best to use telemetry data to scale and optimize your cloudnative... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:10pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

5:00pm MST

Panel: Platform Adoption Strategies: Critical Roles When Investing in Platforms - Danielle Cook, appCD; Valentina Rodriguez Sosa, Red Hat; Simon Forster, CNCF Ambassador
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm MST
Adopting a cloud-native platform is a significant step that goes beyond just financial investment. It includes investing in the right people, refining processes, and setting supportive policies. This panel, featuring panelists’ perspectives from startups, end-users, and vendors, will discuss the types of investment beyond budget that’s required. It will then focus on how to communicate this investment strategy to the C-suite to gain buy-in. It will showcase real-world examples on how platforms can help with faster product launches, cost savings, and increased customer satisfaction and discuss how to track and demonstrate key performance metrics that the C-suite cares about. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of what the C-suite cares about and how a cloud-native platform aligns with overall business goals and delivers lasting value.
avatar for Danielle Cook

Danielle Cook

VP, appCD
Danielle Cook has worked in the cloud native industry since 2016 helping organizations adopt the technologies that make cloud native enterprise ready. She co-authored and launched the CNCF Cloud Native Maturity Model in 2021, is a co-chair of the CNCF Cartografos Working Group and... Read More →
avatar for Simon Forster

Simon Forster

Technical Architect and CNCF Ambassador, Independent
Simon Forster is a CNCF Ambassador and cloud native technology architect and engineer based in London. Simon has extensive experience working in heavily regulated financial institutions on the design, delivery and security of critical cloud native applications. He has a specific focus... Read More →
avatar for Valentina Rodriguez Sosa

Valentina Rodriguez Sosa

Principal, Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat
Valentina Rodriguez is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat, focusing on the developer journeys in Kubernetes and emerging technologies. She loves contributing to the community, such as co-organizing KCD NY, and the industry and has spoken at conferences such as O'Reilly... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI

5:10pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Optimizing Multi-Cluster Communication and Cost Efficiency with Admiral and Istio - Punakshi Chaand, Intuit Inc.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:10pm - 5:20pm MST
Running a multicluster Service Mesh with 1000s of microservices has several challenges. One is to keep the Istio sidecar configuration minimal and thereby improve pod density.Istio has several knobs to fine-tune this and& many of those are unexplored & underutilized. Another challenge,sharded apps,where every shard needs tuning or it gets a bloated superset of configurations.In this talk,we will share the insights & technical breakthroughs from Intuit’s Service Mesh journey.We'll dive into how the `exportTo` configuration, in conjunction with Admiral's advanced identity management,enabled us to efficiently manage Istio resources across 300 clusters with remarkable cost savings. We will discuss strategic use of identity sharding & discovery selectors in multi-tenant API GW,highlighting resource management & optimized sidecar configuration.If you want to run a resource & cost-effective multicluster multitenant Istio deployment, this session provides practical guidance & valuable lessons.
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Punakshi Chaand

Software Engineer II, Intuit Inc.
Punakshi specializes in Service Mesh at Intuit. She has developed deep expertise in Identity and Access Management through her roles at Red Hat and HSBC. At Intuit, she enhances service mesh capabilities by customizing various Golang-based control and data plane components to ensure... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:10pm - 5:20pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Searching for Serverless Candidates in the Jungle of Microservices - Yash Bhatnagar, Google
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Everyone wants a judicial use of resources - and serverless computing makes it happen by limiting the idle resources. While services with clear functional use cases are developed as one, more often than not such benefits are not clear - such as unclear or changing application usage patterns. Similarly several historical services could now be suited for serverless functions based on they way they are actually used. However they are rarely investigated because their impact remains opaque - a lack of cost/performance benefits and whether re-architecture effort is justified. In this talk, the Yash will showcase a case study about how they went researching for serverless candidates in their real world systems and how surprising the results were. He will also showcase the impact and key learnings - how turning even lightweight microservices into serverless functions helped saved significantly on infra costs AND, also improving the peak load performance of several unrelated services!
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Yash Bhatnagar

Software Engineer, Google
Yash is working with Google as Software Engineer, and has 8 years of industrial experience with cloud architectures and micro-service development across Google and VMware. He is been a speaker at multiple international conferences such as Kubernetes Forums and Serverless Practitioners... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: How GitOps Changes Identity and RBAC Management - Alice Jones, Liatrio
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
ArgoCD pulls and applies resources from Git repositories, CI/CD pipelines act based on events emitted by repositories, and developers interact with and debug the resources managed by both. Unfortunately, GitOps controllers, CI/CD pipelines, and developers all have different identities and different RBAC models. How can we find harmony in these approaches and effectively manage permissions across them? We’ll show how we’re using OAuth2-Token Exchange (RFC 8693) with Dex and GitHub Teams with ArgoCD AppProjects to provide consistent permissions to repositories, people, and CI pipelines with just OIDC. We also show how we designed a just-in-time RBAC approach by programmatically managing the ArgoCD AppProjects based on the repository manifests.
avatar for Alice Jones

Alice Jones

Lead DevOps Engineer, Liatrio
Alice Jones is a Lead DevOps Engineer at Liatrio, where she leads the company's internal Kubernetes platform team.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  ArgoCon, Software Delivery

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Orchestrating Scalable DAGs on Argo Workflows Using Fabric8s - Ekansh Gupta, Zeta & Shivay Lamba, Couchbase
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Argo Workflows, a K-native DAG-style workflow engine for Kubernetes, is a powerful tool for orchestrating complex workflows. Additionally Java is the most popular language for developers in complex organisations. However, using Argo with the Argo Java SDK can be challenging due to limited examples and unclear documentation. This session aims to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on interacting with Argo Workflows using Fabric8’s Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) in Java. Argo Workflows are implemented as 'Custom Resources' in Kubernetes. By leveraging the Fabric8 library’s Custom Resource Definitions, developers can seamlessly interact with Argo Workflows through the Kubernetes API. Join us to learn how to harness the power of Argo Workflows in Java, simplifying your workflow management on Kubernetes.
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Shivay Lamba

Developer Relations Engineer, Couchbase
Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development. He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and is currently a MLH Fellow. He has also worked... Read More →
avatar for Ekansh Gupta

Ekansh Gupta

SDE, Zeta
Ekansh is a Software Development Engineer with Zeta Suite, with active involvement in various open-source and cloud native communities for upwards two years now. He was previously an SDE Intern at SteamLabs. He is also a speaker for a couple of talks at PyCon, KubeCon and MozFests... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 A-C
  ArgoCon, Scalability
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Countercultural: Backstage for Consultants - Lizzie Salita, Booz Allen Hamilton
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
In 1914, Booz Allen Hamilton pioneered the field of management consulting. Today, we are trusted as the largest provider of AI to the federal government. Our goal is to provide technically differentiated solutions that solve complex client problems at scale, and to do that, we are championing a culture of internal reuse. This includes applying InnerSource principles, through a Backstage developer portal, to improve velocity, quality, and DevEx for a technical workforce of 14,000. InnerSource principles of transparency and self-service can be at odds with corporate hierarchy, program silos due to varied client contracts, and the “need to know” mindset required when handling classified information. To get the best of both worlds, our Backstage team has learned to lean into that tension and deploy change management techniques to build community and rally support for new ways of working. This session will explore corporate barriers to Backstage adoption and lessons learned along the way.
avatar for Lizzie Salita

Lizzie Salita

Chief Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton
Lizzie Salita is a Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton’s Chief Technology Office where she currently serves as Product Owner for the company’s Backstage developer portal and as a strategist for developer experience and technical reuse. Her background in software engineering... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Applying Cilium at Edge with KubeEdge - Tomoya Fujita, Sony Corporation of America
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Applications at edge environment can be platform dependent, complicated and distributed in regions, and the number of devices significantly increases. Our final goal is to create the infrastructure that can be applied to the entire environment crossing over the cloud and edge in common. Working with KubeEdge and Cilium, we are now successfully able to use Cilium with KubeEdge hosted nodes at edge environment. This means, enabling wireguard VPN with Cilium can provide the transparent network connectivity with the nodes running in the cloud infrastructure, so that edge nodes running at edge environment just appear to be a member of cluster system but with edge autonomy feature provided by KubeEdge. We would like to share our technical insights and experience with using Cilium at edge with KubeEdge, and what are the future development and contribution with Cilium community.
avatar for Tomoya Fujita

Tomoya Fujita

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Sony Corporation of America
Software Engineer, Sony Corporation of America System software architect and developer in Sony Corporation R&D Center. A member of ROS(Robot Operating System) TSC(Technical Steering Committee): https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Governance/ Github: https://github.com/fujitatomoya
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day, Use Cases

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Cost Saving Strategies for Interactive AI Development - Shravan Achar, Apple
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
The interactive nature of Jupyter notebooks has made them indispensable tools for data scientists and AI researchers, facilitating exploratory data analysis, prototyping, and model development. However, managing the cost of resource-intensive computations at different stages of AI/ML lifecycle presents significant challenges. We leveraged Apache YuniKorn to design a resource management system tailored for notebook workloads, which incorporates fair sharing, user-specific policies and budget constraints to allocate computational resources efficiently while adapting for both data preparation and model training stages. And thanks to the extensibility of JupyterLab, we offer rich displays next to the Notebook enabling data scientists to introspect resource usage in real time. This session presents cost saving strategies for interactive development on Jupyter using Kubeflow for model training and Spark for data preparation with YuniKorn scheduler.
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Shravan Achar

Shravan Achar, Sr. Software Engineer, Apple, Apple
Shravan is a senior software engineer at Apple with a passion for open source technologies. With a background in Mathematics and Computer Science, their current interests include MLOps, Scheduling in AI and Jupyter Notebooks.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: No-Code Migration of Workloads to Retail Edge for Lowest Costs and Best Performance - Olyvia Rakshit, Avesha
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
This presentation will introduces a solution for "gradually" migrating retail web front ends and other retail workloads from centralized clouds to the K8s platform on the edge using KubeSlice, a migration tool specifically tailored for "seamless and gradual migrations." This innovative approach addresses key retail enterprise concerns:
  • How to keep the connectivity with managed services in hyperscaler clouds and move retail workloads to he edge that need the highest performance 
  • Seamless multicloud migration framework requiring no code changes, minimizing downtime 
  • Immediate start of the migration process 
  • Leveraging edge compute alongside CDN for faster page loads and reduced latency and the best performance
Join us at KubeCon to explore how the future of retail edge is being defined with K8s on the edge, compute , a CDN network and a multicloud connectivity tool.
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VP Product and Marketing, Avesha
Olyvia Rakshit, VP of Product Marketing and Product(UX) in Avesha has a track record in building innovative products as an entrepreneur and a product lead in large organizations. (EMC/RSA, ComicFlix). Currently Olyvia is passionate about go-to-market and building simplified user journeys... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Deep Dive: How Fluent Bit Collects File Logs - Braydon Kains, Google Cloud
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Reading logs from a file is a very simple concept to understand, but implementing it is a whole other story. This lightning talk will dive into the full process of how Fluent Bit file logging works: detecting file changes, reading new lines from files, tracking state, handling file rotations, and more. This talk will be a brief glimpse into just one of the many deep challenges of implementing efficient observability data collection.
avatar for Braydon Kains

Braydon Kains

Software Developer, Google Cloud
Braydon is a software developer at Google Cloud working on the Ops Agent. Under the GitHub username @braydonk you can find his contributions in Fluent Bit, OpenTelemetry repos, and various auxiliary repos. He is also the creator and maintainer of the yamlfmt tool.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 BC

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Observability Migration Worst Case Scenarios - Paige Cruz, Chronosphere
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Do you remember the first observability migration you shepherded? I do…and not because it went smoothly. Now that I have some distance from this disaster I can share the mistakes I made from hazy requirements to evaluate platforms to issues interpreting vendor pricing plans and underestimating the importance of developer enablement. The challenges were endless and while the migration did eventually finish I would do almost everything differently if I could go back in time. Let my mistakes guide you away from a messy migration by learning what NOT to do when migrating observability platforms.
avatar for Paige Cruz

Paige Cruz

Principal Developer Advocate, Chronosphere
Paige Cruz is a Principal Developer Advocate at Chronosphere passionate about cultivating sustainable on-call practices and bringing folks their aha moment with observability. She started as a software engineer at New Relic before switching to Site Reliability Engineering holding... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF

5:15pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: The Merge Conflict - Conflict: Apply-Before-Merge vs. Traditional Continuous Deployment - Roni Frantchi, env0
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
In modern infrastructure management, Terraform and now it's open source fork, OpenTofu, has emerged as a leading tool for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), enabling efficient and reproducible infrastructure deployments.

This talk explores two distinct approaches to integrating OpenTofu into your deployment pipeline: the approve-before-merge approach using Atlantis and the traditional continuous deployment (CD) strategy where changes are applied post-merge.

We’ll delve into the workflows, benefits, and challenges of each method, examining how they handle collaboration, ensure compliance, and manage deployment risks. Attendees will gain insights into choosing the right strategy for their teams, balancing speed and safety in their Terraform deployments.
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Roni Frantchi

Director of Engineering, OpenTofu Maintainer, env0
Roni Frantchi is Director of Engineering, and a founding engineer at env0. He comes with years of experience in software engineering, as well as DevOps and infrastructure expertise. He is also a core maintainer of the OpenTofu project.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:15pm - 5:25pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F

5:25pm MST

AppDeveloperCon | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | 151 A-G

5:25pm MST

ArgoCon | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 A-F
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Event + Breaks ArgoCon

5:25pm MST

BackstageCon | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom FHJ

5:25pm MST

Cilium + eBPF Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom BD
  Cilium + eBPF Day

5:25pm MST

Cloud Native + Kubernetes AI Day - Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom AC

5:25pm MST

Kubernetes on Edge Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A-C
  Kubernetes on Edge Day

5:25pm MST

Observability Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 EF
  Observability Day

5:25pm MST

OpenTofu Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 D-F
  OpenTofu Day

5:25pm MST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Enhancing Security with Istio: Realtime JWT Access Revocation - Josh Oberdick, Rocket Companies
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:35pm MST
Do you use JSON Web Tokens in your Istio system? Do you like how you can't revoke any of the JWTs that you use? Wish you could make a more secure system that allows you revoke a token across all your clusters within seconds without compromising all that you love about JWTs? Join my talk to learn about how to build an event based system that uses native Istio functionality to build a zero trust layer on top of Istio that enables token revocation when: - a user account is disabled - a user account logs off - (insert your use case) We will walk through all the pieces needed accomplish this, and of course a live demo.
avatar for Josh Oberdick

Josh Oberdick

Platform Architect, Rocket Companies
Josh Oberdick is a Platform Architect at Rocket Companies, the nation’s largest online mortgage lender. In his 14 years’ experience of infrastructure engineering, he has developed solutions for mission critical storage and processing systems. Most recently, he has been focused... Read More →
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:25pm - 5:35pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A

5:30pm MST

Cloud Native StartupFest | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:30pm - 5:35pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:30pm - 5:35pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom B
  Cloud Native StartupFest

5:30pm MST

Platform Engineering Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:30pm - 5:35pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:30pm - 5:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom EGI
  Platform Engineering Day

5:30pm MST

Evening Reception
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm MST
Join us onsite for drinks and appetizers with fellow co-located attendees from Tuesday's CNCF-hosted Co-located Events.

Attendees from all CNCF Co-located Events are welcome.
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm MST

5:35pm MST

Istio Day | Closing Remarks
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:35pm - 5:40pm MST
Tuesday November 12, 2024 5:35pm - 5:40pm MST
Hyatt | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom A
  Istio Day

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