Learning how to use a new tool, and using it well enough to get value out of it quickly is really important. Configuring OpenTelemetry SDKs and instrumentation is essential, but programmatic configuration is cumbersome and environment variables are limited. OpenTelemetry file configuration is the community’s next generation config tool. Building on the original flattened environment variable based scheme, file configuration introduces tooling for configuring SDKs and instrumentation which accommodates the complexities of how people use OpenTelemetry in practice.
Come learn about:
What the OpenTelemetry Configuration Schema is and why it exists.
How language agnostic file configuration provides OpenTelemetry adopters the tools needed to support complex scenarios.
How various components in OpenTelemetry have adopted the configuration schema.
Using a single configuration to configure OpenTelemetry SDKs in multiple languages and the Collector.
I'm a member of OpenTelemetry Technical Committee and maintainer of OpenTelemetry Java. I've worked on a lot of components in OpenTelemetry, with an emphasis in metrics, logging, and configuration.
Alex Boten is a staff software engineer that has spent the last ten years helping organizations adapt to a cloud-native landscape by mashing keyboards. From building core network infrastructure to mobile client applications and everything in between, Alex has first-hand knowledge... Read More →