9:00am MST
9:10am MST
9:45am MST
10:15am MST
10:40am MST
Building a Cutting-Edge Kubernetes Internal Developer Platform at NVIDIA - Carlos Santana, AWS & Feng Zhou, NVIDIA Salt Palace | Level 2 | 251 AD
Dog Food Delight: How Argo Workflows Eats Its Own CI - Denise Schannon, Loft Labs & Tim Collins, Pipekit Salt Palace | Level 2 | 254 B
Multitenancy and Fairness at Scale with Kueue: A Case Study - Aldo Culquicondor, Google & Rajat Phull, Apple Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom A
Cloud Native PostgreSQL - Running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes - Peter Zaitsev, Coroot, FerretDB, Percona Salt Palace | Level 2 | 250 A
When Things Go Sideways: Troubleshooting the OTel Operator - Adriana Villela, ServiceNow Cloud Observability & Reese Lee, New Relic Salt Palace | Level 2 | 255 B
Portals and Platforms, Two Ps in a Pod? How Good Interfaces Make for Good Operability - Jorge Lainfiesta, Rootly & Abby Bangser, Syntasso Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom G
11:15am MST
11:45am MST
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12:25pm MST
12:40pm MST
12:55pm MST
1:10pm MST
1:40pm MST
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2:10pm MST
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